Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Time for a review although there's no deadline for the above

1 Build the wall
Trump is Army's commander in chief and he can (should) militarize the border without Congress approval.
IMO he will. Just needs a border incident to justify it. #2 will also help get Dems to cooperate.

2 Drain the swamp
already underway
by firing scared yes-man Comey he unblocked Clinton investigation. By the way Comey said Clinton was under investigation indeed, unlike Trump
New FBI director just needs some time to gather evidence and get Clinton in jail.
Then Clinton will snitch effectively help draining the swamp.

3 Lock her up
read #2 above

4 Destroy ISIS
Isis is pretty weak already.
Even if Isis itself is destroyed, idiot fools will continue with low-budget, no-overhead-support terror attacks, giving the impression Isis is still alive and kicking.

5 Release tax returns
He never promised to do that.
More liberal BS to try to impeach Trump after "Russia collusion", "obstructing justice" and "foreign-gifts to Trump Inc" attempts fail. Said failure already underway.

6 Prove voter fraud
Such investigation takes time as they have to manually compare/review voter names.
Don't worry, some evidence will be available by 2018 election.

7 Prove wiretap
Work in progress
He'll fool Congress to force him to release Comey tapes, if available
Guess what? He'll redirect order to NSA and boom! lots of tapes/wiretaps appear, thus proving Trump was illegally surveilled by previous admin.

8 Golf
Trump never promised to golf. Yet more liberal BS.

Time to review Dem anti-Trump strategies so far:

1 Vote recount
In fact Trump got a few more votes from it.

2 Cross-votes at electoral college
Only one GOP elector voted Dem, while 5 or 7 I believe Dem electors voted Bernie.
Sure Trump lost 1 electoral-vote but GOP-Dem electoral votes difference actually widened from it.

3 Calls for Obama to stop transition of power
Obama didn't even bother to read the (stupid) proposal

4 Calls for Congress/Senate/House to stop transition of power
Dems didn't have a majority to do that.

5 Impeachment because of "Russia collusion"
Doomed to fail. Even Comey confirmed Trump ain't under investigation because there's no preliminary evidence for it.

6 Impeachment because of "obstruction of justice"
Doomed to fail
Even if Senate investigation team votes to have Congress to vote on impeaching Trump because of "obstruction of justice"
such vote will be repealed and Dems will need approval for a new team for it, as the former team was created to investigate possible Russia collusion, not obstruction of justice.
Law simply doesn't allow an open-ended Senate team.

7 Impeaching Trump because of "foreign gifts to companies owned by Trump"
they'll need approval for a new Senate-group for that
Again law doesn't allow open-ended Senate investigation teams.
This may well get to Supreme Court as a businessman should have an equal chance of being a president.

Forward this message to "President" Bannon
scally-mengele is awful quiet today lol I'd be despondent too.
Time for a review although there's no deadline for the above

1 Build the wall
Trump is Army's commander in chief and he can (should) militarize the border without Congress approval.
IMO he will. Just needs a border incident to justify it. #2 will also help get Dems to cooperate.

2 Drain the swamp
already underway
by firing scared yes-man Comey he unblocked Clinton investigation. By the way Comey said Clinton was under investigation indeed, unlike Trump
New FBI director just needs some time to gather evidence and get Clinton in jail.
Then Clinton will snitch effectively help draining the swamp.

3 Lock her up
read #2 above

4 Destroy ISIS
Isis is pretty weak already.
Even if Isis itself is destroyed, idiot fools will continue with low-budget, no-overhead-support terror attacks, giving the impression Isis is still alive and kicking.

5 Release tax returns
He never promised to do that.
More liberal BS to try to impeach Trump after "Russia collusion", "obstructing justice" and "foreign-gifts to Trump Inc" attempts fail. Said failure already underway.

6 Prove voter fraud
Such investigation takes time as they have to manually compare/review voter names.
Don't worry, some evidence will be available by 2018 election.

7 Prove wiretap
Work in progress
He'll fool Congress to force him to release Comey tapes, if available
Guess what? He'll redirect order to NSA and boom! lots of tapes/wiretaps appear, thus proving Trump was illegally surveilled by previous admin.

8 Golf
Trump never promised to golf. Yet more liberal BS.

Time to review Dem anti-Trump strategies so far:

1 Vote recount
In fact Trump got a few more votes from it.

2 Cross-votes at electoral college
Only one GOP elector voted Dem, while 5 or 7 I believe Dem electors voted Bernie.
Sure Trump lost 1 electoral-vote but GOP-Dem electoral votes difference actually widened from it.

3 Calls for Obama to stop transition of power
Obama didn't even bother to read the (stupid) proposal

4 Calls for Congress/Senate/House to stop transition of power
Dems didn't have a majority to do that.

5 Impeachment because of "Russia collusion"
Doomed to fail. Even Comey confirmed Trump ain't under investigation because there's no preliminary evidence for it.

6 Impeachment because of "obstruction of justice"
Doomed to fail
Even if Senate investigation team votes to have Congress to vote on impeaching Trump because of "obstruction of justice"
such vote will be repealed and Dems will need approval for a new team for it, as the former team was created to investigate possible Russia collusion, not obstruction of justice.
Law simply doesn't allow an open-ended Senate team.

7 Impeaching Trump because of "foreign gifts to companies owned by Trump"
they'll need approval for a new Senate-group for that
Again law doesn't allow open-ended Senate investigation teams.
This may well get to Supreme Court as a businessman should have an equal chance of being a president.

Forward this message to "President" Bannon
This is what happens when you get your news from storm front. Even fox isn't this ill informed.
scally-mengele is awful quiet today lol I'd be despondent too.
The libs are not winning hearts and minds. Maybe hemorrhoids and morons, but the Democrat Party already had most of those.

Back to the drawing board, for you left-wing wacko losers.........
It's fun watching you flop around in your own self made wind storm.

Maybe Scally can donate colonoscopies to help the Democrat Party out financially.
Big_paul can vouch for those. Hahaha..


Republicans have the douche bag over a barrel. He needs them to avoid impeachment. Unfortunately for some here he can do nothing to avoid 2018.

I understand he claims to be worth 1.4 billion dollars now. Last year was 10 billion. What happened?
The libs are not winning hearts and minds. Maybe hemorrhoids and morons, but the Democrat Party already had most of those.

Back to the drawing board, for you left-wing wacko losers.........
It's fun watching you flop around in your own self made wind storm.

Maybe Scally can donate colonoscopies to help the Democrat Party out financially.
Big_paul can vouch for those. Hahaha..

Hat stand strikes agian with his searing logic.
The libs are not winning hearts and minds.
There are neither to win in the camp of the opposition. We may need to start a go fund me for a meso suicide hotline for meso republicans in anticipation of the 2018 midterms. I'm volunteering to man the phones all by myself.
There are neither to win in the camp of the opposition. We may need to start a go fund me for a meso suicide hotline for meso republicans in anticipation of the 2018 midterms. I'm volunteering to man the phones all by myself.
0 for 4 doesn't bode well for your covenanted midterms bp. But don't worry, I'll talk you off the ledge. [emoji6]
There are neither to win in the camp of the opposition. We may need to start a go fund me for a meso suicide hotline for meso republicans in anticipation of the 2018 midterms. I'm volunteering to man the phones all by myself.
Hahaha...... Paul, you go around with your political panties, pulled so tight up your crack. Everything you write makes more sense, if I read it with a high-pitched voice.

But don't stop. It makes reading your post a lot more enjoyable... Thanks for the entertainment.

And she still got her ass kicked by Trump