Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

President Donald Trump repeatedly talks tough about reining in the pharmaceutical industry, but his administration’s efforts to lower drug prices are shrouded in secrecy.

Senior administrative officials met Friday to discuss an executive order on the cost of pharmaceuticals, a roundtable informed by Trump’s “Drug Pricing and Innovation Working Group.” Kaiser Health News examined documents that shed light on the workings of this working group.

The documents reveal behind-the-scenes discussions influenced by the pharmaceutical industry. Joe Grogan, associate director of health programs for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), has led the group. Until March, Grogan served as a lobbyist for Gilead Sciences, the pharmaceutical company that priced its hepatitis C drugs at $1,000 per pill.

To solve the crisis of high drug prices, the group discussed strengthening the monopoly rights of pharmaceuticals overseas, ending discounts for low-income hospitals and accelerating drug approvals by the Food and Drug Administration. The White House declined to comment on the working group.


Most of these policies would not ease patient costs, and at least one would increase prices, say experts who reviewed the documents at the request of Kaiser Health News.

“This six-page document contains the kind of solutions to the cost-of-drugs problem that you would get if you gathered together all the executives of pharma and asked them ‘What sort of token gestures can we do?’ ” said Vinay Prasad, a professor of medicine at Oregon Health and Sciences University who studies the costs of cancer drugs.

The largest private coal mining company in America is suing HBO over the most recent episode of John Oliver’s show Last Week Tonight.

“The false and defamatory statements in this broadcast severely and destructively impact Mr. Murray… as well as coal mining itself,” said a press release from Murray Energy Corporation, which is suing.

Oliver knew this was coming; the company sent him a cease-and-desist letter before his most recent episode, which ripped into Bob Murray, who runs the company and who Oliver compared to “a geriatric Dr. Evil.”

Oliver said, “Hey, Bob. Just wanted to say, if you plan on suing, I do not have a billion dollars… But I do have a check for three acorns and 18 cents... it’s made out to ‘Eat Shit, Bob.’”
Hahaha...... Paul, you go around with your political panties, pulled so tight up your crack. Everything you write makes more sense, if I read it with a high-pitched voice.

But don't stop. It makes reading your post a lot more enjoyable... Thanks for the entertainment.

Hat stand I'd be shocked if you ever had anything intelligent to say.

I still waiting for you and the other girls in the hood to let us know why you want to wrapp your lips around donald"s dick. You are either proud bigots of fools. Which is it?
Lmao. Newt is old news. No one takes the guy serious other than trump and company.
Hat stand I'd be shocked if you ever had anything intelligent to say.

I still waiting for you and the other girls in the hood to let us know why you want to wrapp your lips around donald"s dick. You are either proud bigots of fools. Which is it?
Paul, tell me the truth, what did the Russians do to help Trump win the election?
I don't see anything, except that they tweeted. That's not illegal, that is if they had a valid Twitter account.
Everything else, has been like looking for the boogie man.

Oh I wouldn't put anything pass the Russians or the Chinese. But they just weren't in the position to change the election. If they would have broke into the voter registrations and change votes ,then bingo! You would has a valid point against the Russians. But that still wouldn't tie Trump to them.

What was Trumps involvement with the Russians that helped him politically?

Paul, tell me the truth, what did the Russians do to help Trump win the election?
First they hacked private email accouts and systems. Then they desiminated that info throughout the campaign. Intel, agencies, all 17, also claim Russian operatives, as many as 1000 patriotic rusdinas as putin describes them, where used to to plant fake news. This was given the green light by putin. When you consider that the 3 states that gave the buffoon the election, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania were decided by 80000 votes in total that is significant.

God only knows what they have on Trump, but imagine a senerio where a Democratic president fires anyone connected to an investigation where possible collusion between his campaign and russians, most likely to ease sanctions, then has a photo op with Russians in the Whitehouse oval office. He then removes the American press and allows Russian state operated press to stay. He then openly admits he fired the head of the fbi because he was investigating him and then spills state secrets that where given to him by an allied intel agency. Oh and one of the Russians was a known spy. Republicans would have already began impeachment proceedings.

The worst part of all of it is trump is actively hindering the investigation. It will not work though, he will be impeached sooner rather than latter.
First they hacked private email accouts and systems. Then they desiminated that info throughout the campaign. Intel, agencies, all 17, also claim Russian operatives, as many as 1000 patriotic rusdinas as putin describes them, where used to to plant fake news. This was given the green light by putin. When you consider that the 3 states that gave the buffoon the election, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania were decided by 80000 votes in total that is significant.

God only knows what they have on Trump, but imagine a senerio where a Democratic president fires anyone connected to an investigation where possible collusion between his campaign and russians, most likely to ease sanctions, then has a photo op with Russians in the Whitehouse oval office. He then removes the American press and allows Russian state operated press to stay. He then openly admits he fired the head of the fbi because he was investigating him and then spills state secrets that where given to him by an allied intel agency. Oh and one of the Russians was a known spy. Republicans would have already began impeachment proceedings.

The worst part of all of it is trump is actively hindering the investigation. It will not work though, he will be impeached sooner rather than latter.
Very little of this is post is true. First off, 17 intelligence agencies? C'mon, lol. That includes the coast guard and a bunch of other agencies that have no idea what's going on with russian hacking. Fake news? You mean like the media that has been making all this stuff up about trump? Did cnn and wapo and new york times hack the election as well? According to the intelligence community russia has been doing this for many years. Why is it this election that is now somehow an inside job? Why is trump responsible for what russia does. This whole russia/trump thing was made up to take the focus off of the emails. There was some pretty damning stuff in those emails and the left needed to throw something shiny out there to take peoples attention off of hillary gate.

The second half of your post is just fiction so not much to discuss there.