Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

This healthcare bill the Senate is trying to ram through is so sad on so many levels. All this just to satisfy rich conservatives. :rolleyes:
First off, i don't think any of you liberals have any idea what is in the bill. Secondly, you had your chance to fix healthcare and failed miserably. Nows time to sit back and let the grown ups take over.
First off, i don't think any of you liberals have any idea what is in the bill. Secondly, you had your chance to fix healthcare and failed miserably. Nows time to sit back and let the grown ups take over.
They won't do that. They'll whine and cry like little babies. One will repost endless fake news while America moves on without him.
First off, i don't think any of you liberals have any idea what is in the bill. Secondly, you had your chance to fix healthcare and failed miserably. Nows time to sit back and let the grown ups take over.

From what I've read, the Republican's health care bill isn't that much different from what was already there. The changes are mostly knob twirling to penalize some and reward others. It's still socialized health care with a mix of crony capitalism, same as the Democrat's version. Just two vultures fighting over the dying carcass of the US consumer.
[Trumpidiot Tapes ... Self-Inflicted Wound ...]

This is a first for the Trump presidency: the first formal presidential retraction of a presidential untruth.

President Trump tweeted a warning to James Comey: The fired FBI director had better hope that no “tapes” existed that could contradict his account of what happened between the two men. Trump has now confessed that he had no basis for this warning. There were no such tapes, and the president knew it all along.

The tweet was intended to intimidate. It failed, spectacularly: Instead of silencing Comey, it set in motion the special counsel investigation that now haunts Donald Trump’s waking imagination.

But the failed intimidation does have important real world consequences.

This is a first for the Trump presidency: the first formal presidential retraction of a presidential untruth.

President Trump tweeted a warning to James Comey: The fired FBI director had better hope that no “tapes” existed that could contradict his account of what happened between the two men. Trump has now confessed that he had no basis for this warning. There were no such tapes, and the president knew it all along.

The tweet was intended to intimidate. It failed, spectacularly: Instead of silencing Comey, it set in motion the special counsel investigation that now haunts Donald Trump’s waking imagination.

But the failed intimidation does have important real world consequences.

Hahaha this is funny. I'm sure he's quaking in his Italian loafers. scally is to funny lol
Secondly, you had your chance to fix healthcare and failed miserably.
You are killing me here. Do you not remember the obstructionist in the republican house and Senate.

In order for healthcare to work the cost of prescription drugs and everything else involved in giving us the highest healthcare costs on the planet has to change.

We need single payer and just say fuck you this is what you get bitches.

What fools you are. You don't even educate yourselves enough to know who is fucking you.

No worries the dems will be the shot callers soon, and all the sniveling cunts like cruz and paul will be relegated to the past.