Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

This healthcare bill the Senate is trying to ram through is so sad on so many levels. All this just to satisfy rich conservatives. :rolleyes:
880 billion in tax cuts for the most wealthy and 800 billion in cuts to Medicaid?
You are killing me here. Do you not remember the obstructionist in the republican house and Senate.

In order for healthcare to work the cost of prescription drugs and everything else involved in giving us the highest healthcare costs on the planet has to change.

We need single payer and just say fuck you this is what you get bitches.

What fools you are. You don't even educate yourselves enough to know who is fucking you.

No worries the dems will be the shot callers soon, and all the sniveling cunts like cruz and paul will be relegated to the past.
O for 4 so far buddy! Dems can't seem to win an election to save their lives.
Wow. Very insightful Mindless. Republicans. Democrats...makes no difference. These are just labels that post one side against another. This "Us vs Them" mentality is what's ruining this country and causing gridlock. Both sides are supposed to be representing us and are paid handsomely to do so but would rather fight like children instead. I'm with OGH. It's pretty disgusting to watch our representatives behave like this
What a fucking cunt.Trump says he has no tapes? What a pos.
2018 see ya bitch.
He said he was worth $10 billion last year. Now its 1.4 billion. There are 62 million suckers born every generation.
Wow. Very insightful Mindless. Republicans. Democrats...makes no difference. These are just labels that post one side against another. This "Us vs Them" mentality is what's ruining this country and causing gridlock. Both sides are supposed to be representing us and are paid handsomely to do so but would rather fight like children instead. I'm with OGH. It's pretty disgusting to watch our representatives behave like this
The Us vs Them mentality is what is tearing this country apart. Our representatives failed us as they actually serve only those who have paid for their campaigns and not the common people. Putting party before country...sad.
The republican dog and pony show is over. They suspect the jig is up, but they don't want to think about it.

Many of them will be beneficiaries of the USA shift to a more enlightened government that looks after the masses rather than protect the wealthy only.

These guys are just uninformed and naive. They are nothing but water boys for the top 1%.

Take it easy on them. We will have to welcome them back into the republic that matters some day, and if we humiliate them too much it will make the transition from ignorance to enlightenment more difficult.
All of this is post is true.

You have to give up fox news bro.

President Donald Trump looked into the faces of coal miners and His promise to stop the opioid crisis has turned into proposed cuts to funding for rehab and methadone clinics. Instead of giving an extra bit of help to rural America, Trump’s budget proposes massive cuts to the Department of Agriculture and guts programs for rural families. Trump’s promise to help working families has turned into a tax cut for Yet, somehow, Trump’s supports remain steadfast in their belief that he will fight for them.

Reporter Amanda Marcotte sat down with psychoanalyst Dr. Justin Frank to better understand why Trump supporters continue to support the president, even as he’s promoting policies that hurt them.

“The people who were Trump supporters were hungry,” Frank began. “When they started out they were hungry for something different, they were hungry for change, they were hungry and they needed something. And Trump seemed to provide them with that. And once you provide that for someone they are going to stay loyal to you regardless of what you do after that, unless you really turn your back on them.”

The “Obama on the Couch” author described it as being similar to children of an abused parent or a child who defends a parent because Trump was able to connect with them in a very deep and personal way. Many have had parents that are more focused on themselves, their lives, their work “and there are a lot of ways in which a child can feel injured,” he said. “They’ve focused their injury on the Washington elite, on Hillary [Clinton], on the people inside the Beltway, who have really not paid attention to them in the last 30 to 40 years.”

Frank explained that as a result of Trump’s own injuries as a child he was able to connect to them. “Once that connection is made, it’s very hard to break,” Frank said.


[Trumpidiots ...]

It’s not clear whether President Trump, on the day the Senate health-care bill was released, (fessed up) that he has no tapes of conversations of then-FBI Director James B. Comey (“I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings”) because he wanted to avoid intense media coverage of his embarrassing bluff or because the health-care bill is so bad that any distraction is welcome. Either way, no communications strategy can hide a bad health-care bill and another legal misstep that special prosecutor Robert S. Mueller III can use to ensnare him.

To make matters worse, his confidant and media attention hog (Newt Gingrich conceded), “I think he was, in his way, instinctively trying to rattle Comey. He’s not a professional politician. He doesn’t come back and think about Nixon and Watergate. His instinct is: ‘I’ll outbluff you.’ ” Aside from the fact that he is now president (how long will his supporters trot out the incompetence excuse?), being a professional politician has nothing to do with it. Knowingly making a false statement to affect the testimony under oath of a witness can be a crime.

The federal criminal code states that a person who “knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding” has committed a federal offense punishable by up to 20 years in prison. (Constitutional lawyer Larry Tribe also points me to the federal statute that prohibits sending a “threatening letter or communication” that “endeavors to influence … the due administration of justice.”)
[Trumpidiots ...]

It’s not clear whether President Trump, on the day the Senate health-care bill was released, (fessed up) that he has no tapes of conversations of then-FBI Director James B. Comey (“I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings”) because he wanted to avoid intense media coverage of his embarrassing bluff or because the health-care bill is so bad that any distraction is welcome. Either way, no communications strategy can hide a bad health-care bill and another legal misstep that special prosecutor Robert S. Mueller III can use to ensnare him.

To make matters worse, his confidant and media attention hog (Newt Gingrich conceded), “I think he was, in his way, instinctively trying to rattle Comey. He’s not a professional politician. He doesn’t come back and think about Nixon and Watergate. His instinct is: ‘I’ll outbluff you.’ ” Aside from the fact that he is now president (how long will his supporters trot out the incompetence excuse?), being a professional politician has nothing to do with it. Knowingly making a false statement to affect the testimony under oath of a witness can be a crime.

The federal criminal code states that a person who “knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding” has committed a federal offense punishable by up to 20 years in prison. (Constitutional lawyer Larry Tribe also points me to the federal statute that prohibits sending a “threatening letter or communication” that “endeavors to influence … the due administration of justice.”)

More total bullshit. No crime here at all. They will never charge Trump with a crime for saying Comey better hope there's not a tape. It'd be laughed out of court and no prosecutor on earth would risk such an embarrassment.