Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Most of us who dont align ourselves with the left are called "Trump supporters." Im a supporter of a government who doesn't waste taxpayer time and money trying to impeach an official We elected-just because they have no integrity, honor, or respect for anyone with different values . There are Democrats, republicans, independents and then there are regular Americans who are just plain tired of these games. Our government is playing a dangerous game using all these resources against Trump that should be used to try to balance our defecit or keep social security from going no no, that would be way to rational
Me too. I want hillary and bill in prison as we know they have broken many serious laws. I want the obama administration investigated properly and i want trump in prison if he broke any laws. Let's do this investigation non partisan like and start from the last 5 years or so. Obama, the clintons and the trumps are all in this ring of fire and they all need to be investigated. Not sure about having comeys best friend and a bunch of hillary supporters investigate trump. Not sure that is whats called bipartisan.
Hope springs eternal, but unfortunately Bill, Hillary, and Obama aren't the focus of the current political furor. Trump on the other hand is. And he will continue to be for the foreseeable future.

For what it's worth Mueller was hearalded as an excellent neutral pick by both sides initially. Calling him Comeys best friend is a stretch. I don't think anyone questions his integrity. This thing is far from over. To quote Winston Churchill "this is the end of the beginning".
Hope springs eternal, but unfortunately Bill, Hillary, and Obama aren't the focus of the current political furor. Trump on the other hand is. And he will continue to be for the foreseeable future.

For what it's worth Mueller was hearalded as an excellent neutral pick by both sides initially. Calling him Comeys best friend is a stretch. I don't think anyone questions his integrity. This thing is far from over. To quote Winston Churchill "this is the end of the beginning".
He and comey said they were best of friends. And you can follow the money. Half of muelers picks worked for the clintons or donated monies to thier campaign. Fact is if the shoe was on the other foot thier would be conspiracy and rightfully so.
You're right. It's illegal to attend a meeting for the purpose of hearing damaging information about a political opponent from a foreign national though isn't it? I think they even have a word for it... Collusion.

I don't think this is true.
This was really the only info I think I was looking for.

He went to that meeting with every intention of colluding with Russia. Whether you believe he received any information doesn't matter, although it is probably naive to think he didn't, it's not relevant. He knowingly went to a meeting to collude with Russia.
So taking a meeting where information is promised and not given is collusion? Trump Jr was planning on colluding...where is that information? You now are making assumptions as fact. You don't know what his intentions were. You don't know anything. He went to the meeting to listen to dirt which anyone would honestly do. If the meeting was with an attorney from France would this even be an issue?
He and comey said they were best of friends. And you can follow the money. Half of muelers picks worked for the clintons or donated monies to thier campaign. Fact is if the shoe was on the other foot thier would be conspiracy and rightfully so.
The same logic can be applied to trumps cabinet picks. Trump donated money to the clintons at one point back when he was a democrat. Lol.

At the end of the day Mueller is widely accepted By both parties to be a capable and honorable man.
This was really the only info I think I was looking for.

He went to that meeting with every intention of colluding with Russia. Whether you believe he received any information doesn't matter, although it is probably naive to think he didn't, it's not relevant. He knowingly went to a meeting to collude with Russia.
So you just ignored the rest of the reply like where you falsely claimed I never call out anyone on the right? Ignored the fact that nobody, including yourself, has ever called out someone left leaning?

Even supporters of Trump Jr. who believe he faces no legal repercussions privately acknowledged Tuesday that the story is a public relations disaster — for him as well as for the White House. One outside ally called it a “Category 5 hurricane,” while an outside adviser said a CNN graphic charting connections between the Trump team and Russians resembled the plot of the fictional Netflix series “House of Cards.”

Even Vice President Pence sought to distance himself from the controversy, with his spokesman noting that Trump Jr.’s meeting occurred before Pence joined the ticket.

Inside a White House in which infighting often seems like a core cultural value, three straight days of revelations in the New York Times about Trump Jr. have inspired a new round of accusations and recriminations, with advisers privately speculating about who inside the Trump orbit may be leaking damaging information about the president’s son.


A handful of Republican operatives close to the White House are scrambling to Trump Jr.’s defense and have begun what could be an extensive campaign to try to discredit some of the journalists who have been reporting on the matter.

Their plan, as one member of the team described it, is to research the reporters’ previous work, in some cases going back years, and to exploit any mistakes or perceived biases. They intend to demand corrections, trumpet errors on social media and feed them to conservative outlets, such as Fox News.

But one outside adviser said a campaign against the press when it comes to Trump Jr.’s meeting could be futile: “The meeting happened. It’s tough to go to war with the facts.”
11 CFR 110.20
Just read an article from nbc that went on about this statute and a law professor stated this "Such prosecutions have proven difficult under the best of circumstances, and in 2010 the Supreme Court limited the statute to cases involving bribes and kickbacks". So doesn't sound like collusion in it's self is illegal. Also, doesn't sound like the meeting would be illegal in the worst case scenario.

As Air Force One jetted back from Europe on Saturday, a small cadre of Mr. Trump’s advisers huddled in a cabin helping to craft a statement for the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., to give to The New York Times explaining why he met last summer with a lawyer connected to the Russian government. Participants on the plane and back in the United States debated about how transparent to be in the statement, according to people familiar with the discussions.

Ultimately, the people said, the president signed off on a statement from Donald Trump Jr. for The Times that was so incomplete that it required day after day of follow-up statements, each more revealing than the last. It culminated on Tuesday with a release of emails making clear that Mr. Trump’s son believed the Russian lawyer was seeking to meet with him to provide incriminating information about Hillary Clinton as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”


Even before the latest reports, Mr. Trump’s head-spinning willingness on creating a joint cybersecurity team with Russia fueled criticism. Now people close to the president and to his legal effort are engaged in a circular firing squad, anonymously blaming one another for the decisions of the last few days.

The Times had obtained copies and was about to publish them, undercut the president’s line of defense in the Russia inquiry. For months, Mr. Trump has dismissed suspicions of collusion between Russia and his team as “fake news” and a “total hoax.” His eldest son, likewise, had previously asserted that talk of collusion was “disgusting” and “so phony.” Donald Trump Jr. said in a Fox News interview that he would have done things differently in retrospect, but he maintained he had done nothing improper.

At a minimum, however, the emails show that the younger Mr. Trump was not only willing, but also eager, to accept help advertised as coming from the Russian government. “I love it,” he wrote.

Americans have seen through the smoke surrounding Russian interference in the 2016 election and there is fire, leaping flames that President Trump and his minions can no longer extinguish with their denials.


But this much is evident: The Trump campaign, at the highest levels, was willing to let a hostile foreign power interfere in a U.S. election to help Trump win. That is a exactly the betrayal of American independence the Founders feared.


Now we know part of the sad truth. The chain of emails Trump Jr. revealed Tuesday provides evidence that the Russian government wanted to sway the election to Trump and that some in Trump’s inner circle were willing to accept that help. We do not yet know what the president knew about their efforts and whether the Trump campaign effort to collude with America's enemies continued during the remainder of the campaign.

We do, however, have a perfectly clear picture of Trump family priorities: Winning — at business and politics — beats patriotism every time.
Just read an article from nbc that went on about this statute and a law professor stated this "Such prosecutions have proven difficult under the best of circumstances, and in 2010 the Supreme Court limited the statute to cases involving bribes and kickbacks". So doesn't sound like collusion in it's self is illegal. Also, doesn't sound like the meeting would be illegal in the worst case scenario.
Difficult to prosecute? Sure. No argument there. "Thing of value" is what would be open to interpretation. Would they consider intelligence on the Clinton campaign a thing of value to Trump and company? Mute point since Don Jr self reported he didn't get the info he was after. But the intent was there.
So we are to believe trump jr, Trump's son in law and campaign manager met to discuss adoption of Russian children? This keeps getting better.

White House aides feel blindsided by the bombshell revelations around Donald Trump Jr.’s campaign meeting with a Russian lawyer, while the president is using his relatively light schedule to watch TV and fume about the latest scandal, according to interviews with half a dozen White House officials and advisers.

Unlike prior Russia-related controversies, the White House is not minimizing the political ramifications of Trump’s eldest son’s decision to meet with the Kremlin-linked lawyer after being offered information that he was told would “incriminate” Hillary Clinton as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

But top West Wing aides are exasperated by their limited ability to steer the damage control and the risk that more damaging news has yet to emerge.

One Trump adviser said the White House was "essentially helpless" because the conduct happened in an "anything goes" campaign that had few rules. This person said he had spoken to several people in the White House on Tuesday, and that "none of them knew anything about Donald Trump Jr.'s meetings,” despite the fact that top adviser Jared Kushner was also present for the controversial Trump Tower sit-down.

Many of the White House aides had previously dismissed the Russia stories as "conspiracy bullshit," this person said, but that this scandal was not being dismissed as that.
So taking a meeting where information is promised and not given is collusion? Trump Jr was planning on colluding...where is that information? You now are making assumptions as fact. You don't know what his intentions were. You don't know anything. He went to the meeting to listen to dirt which anyone would honestly do. If the meeting was with an attorney from France would this even be an issue?

I guess if you don't like the semantics it's more like conspiracy to collude with Russia... I really am getting tired of that word though, it's becoming synonymous with Trump.

You said it yourself though, it as a dumb thing for him to do... Which I agree, so what exactly are you arguing with me about?

So you just ignored the rest of the reply like where you falsely claimed I never call out anyone on the right? Ignored the fact that nobody, including yourself, has ever called out someone left leaning?

Settle down... If you had any clue what has gone on in the last hour of my life I'm sure you'd understand why I didn't reply to every sentence of your last post.

I've got more than enough issues with the shit the left has got going on, they are just as bad and sometimes worse than the right. Have I called anyone out on the left? I don't know..? The left is not where I feel the countries problems are at the moment... But maybe they are, they did there part to create Trump. Egg and the chicken.
Difficult to prosecute? Sure. No argument there. "Thing of value" is what would be open to interpretation. Would they consider intelligence on the Clinton campaign a thing of value to Trump and company? Mute point since Don Jr self reported he didn't get the info he was after. But the intent was there.
I'll keep an open mind to when the hearings begin and actual facts come out, but until then this is just another grasping at straws issue. Does it sound crappy? Sure, but this is politics and both sides did it as well as the last election and I'm sure the election before that. Not illegal, but sleezy, sure.