Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Donald Trump Jr. is in a legal danger zone following his acknowledgment that he met during the heat of the 2016 presidential campaign with a Russian lawyer with Kremlin ties who offered to deliver damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

Democratic and Republican lawyers and political operatives alike say explanations about the June 2016 meeting from President Donald Trump’s oldest son are way out of step with common campaign practices when dealing with offers for opposition research.

But perhaps far more important, his statements put him potentially in legal cross hairs for violating federal criminal statutes prohibiting solicitation or acceptance of anything of value from a foreign national, as well as a conspiracy to defraud the United States.

Politically, by discussing such a sensitive topic that could prove embarrassing if revealed, Trump Jr. and the other Trump campaign officials in the room for the meeting with Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya, including Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort, may have also exposed themselves to future blackmail threats, the legal experts said.

Those potential troubles deepened Monday night with a fresh New York Times report alleging that Trump Jr. was sent an email before his meeting with Veselnitskaya indicating the information she had was part of a Russian plan to boost his father in the race against Clinton.

Who didn't know trump was dirty? We are just getting started.
I prefer concerned citizen or Patriot thank you.:)
The only peoples that even care are the tin foil hat libs. At worst a russian said they have dirt on hillary i want a meeting to give you said dirt. Well.... thats never happened in politics, lol. Fact is the hillary camp colluded with the ukranian govt to get dirt on trump. Anyone would lend an ear to get dirt on thier opponent.
The only peoples that even care are the tin foil hat libs. At worst a russian said they have dirt on hillary i want a meeting to give you said dirt. Well.... thats never happened in politics, lol. Fact is the hillary camp colluded with the ukranian govt to get dirt on trump. Anyone would lend an ear to get dirt on thier opponent.

If I were a Trump supporter, and I listened to Trump preach to me for months on end about how he had nothing to do with Russia, nothing at all, no collusion... No. Nothing. Only to find out that he was lying the entire time, knowingly... It would give me considerable pause.

It's obvious that there is nothing he could do to lose your support. It's not noble, it's stupidity.

I wasn't aware that the US Congress was wearing tinfoil hats either... They seem to care. Yet here you are, still harping about Hillary fucking Clinton... That talking point was worn out months ago. Do you have any objectivity?
If I were a Trump supporter, and I listened to Trump preach to me for months on end about how he had nothing to do with Russia, nothing at all, no collusion... No. Nothing. Only to find out that he was lying the entire time, knowingly... It would give me considerable pause.

It's obvious that there is nothing he could do to lose your support. It's not noble, it's stupidity.

I wasn't aware that the US Congress was wearing tinfoil hats either... They seem to care. Yet here you are, still harping about Hillary fucking Clinton... That talking point was worn out months ago. Do you have any objectivity?
So correct me if I'm wrong but are you calling him stupid because he doesn't yet see proof of collusion? As of right now there is no proof of any collusion. Perhaps instead of name calling, like most people here like to do in order to project some sort of fake superiority, you could debate the facts that are currently present.
So correct me if I'm wrong but are you calling him stupid because he doesn't yet see proof of collusion? As of right now there is no proof of any collusion. Perhaps instead of name calling, like most people here like to do in order to project some sort of fake superiority, you could debate the facts that are currently present.

Rob, I often picture you on a tall horse when you roll into a thread to post. Am I far off?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you ignoring the fact that he is referring to anyone that cares about collusion as a tin foil hat wearing liberal? Yet jumping to my post calling him stupid for having zero objectivity? Judging from every single post he's ever contributed to this thread, Trump could take a shit in his mouth right now, tell him it was ice cream and he wouldn't question it for a second. It's not hard to tell when a nerve has been struck with you at least.

Explain to me how you don't see collusion.
Rob, I often picture you on a tall horse when you roll into a thread to post. Am I far off?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you ignoring the fact that he is referring to anyone that cares about collusion as a tin foil hat wearing liberal? Yet jumping to my post calling him stupid for having zero objectivity? Judging from every single post he's ever contributed to this thread, Trump could take a shit in his mouth right now, tell him it was ice cream and he wouldn't question it for a second. It's not hard to tell when a nerve has been struck with you at least.

Explain to me how you don't see collusion.
Where is the collusion? No information was given. No discussion of hacking or podesta emails. No talk of the dnc. Was a crime committed? For what is known right now no. Collusion...where exactly is the collusion aspect of this? Was the meeting stupid? Yes. Was Trump Jr dumb for not immediately disclosing it? Yes.

To answer your question no I don't see any evidence of "collusion". It's not illegal to hear damaging information on a political opponent. Also, Manafort and Kushner voluntarily gave the FBI the information of the meeting so it's not like this meeting wasn't known about. You and others here like to make assumptions without all the facts. Perhaps later it may turn out Trump was colluding but right now that's not even remotely proven.

You are correct that many people here have no objectivity. I don't see you ever saying one thing to like minded individuals who share no objectivity in the other direction. Lastly, I had a bad experience with a horse during my 6th grade summer camp. I refuse to go near one again.

Lastly, I had a bad experience with a horse during my 6th grade summer camp. I refuse to go near one again.
fuck a whole barn full of horses.

There's no outright evidence of collusion yet. But we've got almost a dozen contacts with members of his campaign and members of the Russian government. They have denied these meetings and outright lied about them but the game is catching up to them. As a tax paying American I want to know what the hell is going on.
Where is the collusion?

Let me ask you then, what was the basis for the meeting?

Why did he go to that meeting?

What information was he having that meeting to receive?

It's not illegal to hear damaging information on a political opponent.

You're right. It's illegal to attend a meeting for the purpose of hearing damaging information about a political opponent from a foreign national though isn't it? I think they even have a word for it... Collusion.

I don't see you ever saying one thing to like minded individuals who share no objectivity in the other direction.

Nor do I see you doing this... We've covered this before though, haven't we?
The Trump phenomenon lends itself to having a lack of objectivity, on both sides perhaps, but the greatest lack of objectivity you'll ever see is from a hard right Trump supporter.

I had a bad experience with a horse during my 6th grade summer camp. I refuse to go near one again.

:( I'm starting to wonder if you're really even a gigalo...
If I were a Trump supporter, and I listened to Trump preach to me for months on end about how he had nothing to do with Russia, nothing at all, no collusion... No. Nothing. Only to find out that he was lying the entire time, knowingly... It would give me considerable pause.

It's obvious that there is nothing he could do to lose your support. It's not noble, it's stupidity.

I wasn't aware that the US Congress was wearing tinfoil hats either... They seem to care. Yet here you are, still harping about Hillary fucking Clinton... That talking point was worn out months ago. Do you have any objectivity?
I'm not even a huge trump guy. I would just appreciate it if folks would tone down the rhetoric that the tin foil hat guys are clinging to so we can get to trying to fix the country. I agree with some of trumps proposals, but I've also said from day one that i think trump is an idiot. My guy lost so i move on and hope the person that won can do some good. I don't start burning cars and marching in the street calling for a revolution. You and your kind look for every little something you can to try and tear him down even if it damages the country. If you wanna talk collusion then let's talk the democrat party. They want to rally the entire world against america because a republican won. They did it when bush jr won and they're doing it now. How's that for treason. Who cares if trump jr met with some russian lawyer that told him she had dirt on hillary. I'll tell ya, most sane people don't care. You and your kind have been preaching impeachment long before trump took office. And we're supposed to take your word as objective? The news that pushes this garbage has been wrong a vast majority of the time. Is one to believe that I'm such a trump fanboy for questioning a news organization that has lied to it's viewers over and over again before i jump on the tinfoil hat train? Show me some real proof and I'll consider it, but let's keep in mind where your proof is coming from. It's coming from known liars with an agenda.
Never ends, never will. They're just gonna keep this game going until we all just throw up our arms and say fuck it. Gee, real sorry i have a hard time believing yet another story shaped like "news" against Trump. It was pathetic the first 4 months, now it's just embarrassing
As a tax paying American I want to know what the hell is going on.

Me too. I want hillary and bill in prison as we know they have broken many serious laws. I want the obama administration investigated properly and i want trump in prison if he broke any laws. Let's do this investigation non partisan like and start from the last 5 years or so. Obama, the clintons and the trumps are all in this ring of fire and they all need to be investigated. Not sure about having comeys best friend and a bunch of hillary supporters investigate trump. Not sure that is whats called bipartisan.
Let me ask you then, what was the basis for the meeting?

Why did he go to that meeting?

What information was he having that meeting to receive?
Obviously he was promised dirt on Hillary. That information was not given and she had none. Nothing was given according to what we know now.

You're right. It's illegal to attend a meeting for the purpose of hearing damaging information about a political opponent from a foreign national though isn't it? I think they even have a word for it... Collusion.
It is not collusion to hear damaging information on a political opponent. As previously stated no information was even given. How is there collusion with anyone when nothing was given? If we are to believe what is currently known it was a meeting that was nothing. I don't deal in assumptions and what if.

Nor do I see you doing this... We've covered this before though, haven't we?
The Trump phenomenon lends itself to having a lack of objectivity, on both sides perhaps, but the greatest lack of objectivity you'll ever see is from a hard right Trump supporter.
Then you have not been paying attention. Here is an example of what I'm getting at. When people have posted things that I found slightly or completely racist, especially when it's clear they are right leaning or a Trump supporter I called them out. When people on the left call someone a racist over and over without reason or evidence not one person has called them on it. So basically it's bad to be a rapist but falsely accusing someone is not worthy of a correction. It's bad to make racist comments but it's ok to falsely accuse people of being racist. A simple read of my posting history will show I have ridiculed a few right wingers for their extreme views and racist posts. Not one left leaning person has said a single thing to leftists calling people racists and worse on here unjustifiably.

Also are you trying to convince me that Scally, a far left as they come progressive, has more objectivity than a far right Trump supporter? Come on man, they are both bad on either side and one is not any worse than the other as evidenced by what we have here at Meso.

:( I'm starting to wonder if you're really even a gigalo...
I'm going to blow your mind. I'm not a gigalo. I have been married almost 27 years. My name is not rob either :(
Most of the problem here is that people here make the assumption that just because you are not as quick them to jump to conclusions then you are ignorant. They believe a vote for Trump means you blindly agree with everything he says or does. It doesn't. I like to wait until we know everything before I convict someone. We certainly don't know everything and that goes both ways. I don't blame people for being skeptical since all this stuff that's been peddled by the media has been wrong. I also don't blame people for being concerned about Trump's team not being honest and forthcoming. I don't blame people for wanting things investigated because I don't see anything wrong with wanting to know answers. I just ask that just because I don't agree with someone else's quick judgements and assessments, before all the facts are out, I must be a moron or a far right Trump guzzler.
Anonymous my ass
it comes from a credible source: a doctor
these days of welfare queen libs, a doctor suddenly becomes an authority on ANY field.

The only peoples that even care are the tin foil hat libs. At worst a russian said they have dirt on hillary i want a meeting to give you said dirt. Well.... thats never happened in politics, lol. Fact is the hillary camp colluded with the ukranian govt to get dirt on trump. Anyone would lend an ear to get dirt on thier opponent.
Libs have too much time to spare.
They have 7.5 more years to go
Collecting welfare checks doesn't waste them much time.