Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

White House aides feel blindsided by the bombshell revelations around Donald Trump Jr.’s campaign meeting with a Russian lawyer, while the president is using his relatively light schedule to watch TV and fume about the latest scandal, according to interviews with half a dozen White House officials and advisers.

Unlike prior Russia-related controversies, the White House is not minimizing the political ramifications of Trump’s eldest son’s decision to meet with the Kremlin-linked lawyer after being offered information that he was told would “incriminate” Hillary Clinton as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

But top West Wing aides are exasperated by their limited ability to steer the damage control and the risk that more damaging news has yet to emerge.

One Trump adviser said the White House was "essentially helpless" because the conduct happened in an "anything goes" campaign that had few rules. This person said he had spoken to several people in the White House on Tuesday, and that "none of them knew anything about Donald Trump Jr.'s meetings,” despite the fact that top adviser Jared Kushner was also present for the controversial Trump Tower sit-down.

Many of the White House aides had previously dismissed the Russia stories as "conspiracy bullshit," this person said, but that this scandal was not being dismissed as that.

You trying to give @Big_paul a woody?
I guess if you don't like the semantics it's more like conspiracy to collude with Russia... I really am getting tired of that word though, it's becoming synonymous with Trump.

You said it yourself though, it as a dumb thing for him to do... Which I agree, so what exactly are you arguing with me about?

Settle down... If you had any clue what has gone on in the last hour of my life I'm sure you'd understand why I didn't reply to every sentence of your last post.

I've got more than enough issues with the shit the left has got going on, they are just as bad and sometimes worse than the right. Have I called anyone out on the left? I don't know..? The left is not where I feel the countries problems are at the moment... But maybe they are, they did there part to create Trump. Egg and the chicken.
I don't know what's going on with you as I in no way could. I simply just wanted you to correct the statement you made that was false. I don't think we are arguing really. If I come across that way it's not intentional. Sometimes I can get a little abrasive. Nothing personal as I enjoy debate or discussion even if it gets a little heated. I don't place you in the category of most of the others here in terms of being unreasonable or irrational.
[WTFU ... ]

Americans once had a shared commitment to the traditional liberal democratic values: individual liberties, human rights, tolerance of dissent, free and fair elections, a free press, due process and separation of powers.

Or more concisely: liberty and justice for all.

Slowly but surely, we have been abandoning these shared values and drifting toward authoritarianism and mob rule.
This was really the only info I think I was looking for.

He went to that meeting with every intention of colluding with Russia. Whether you believe he received any information doesn't matter, although it is probably naive to think he didn't, it's not relevant. He knowingly went to a meeting to collude with Russia.

With a Russian lawyer promising evidence of Hillary colluding with the Russian government. But the Lawyer, Veselnitskaya, wasn't working for the Russian government, and assuming she wasn't doing this for Prevezon was almost certainly working for Never Trump via Fusion GPS, her previous employer. It's such a ridiculous and obvious frame up, I wonder what they will do for an encore. Trump will shrug this off like everything else, and the war machine will roll on with the media focused on any and every distraction.
But the Lawyer, Veselnitskaya, wasn't working for the Russian government

Whether that's true or not is yet to be determined I suppose... Doesn't make it legal whether it was a government agent or not though.

Trump and his campaign preached and preached that they had nothing to do with Russia and Russia had nothing to do with them... Over and over and over again. How many more times do those statements need to be proven to be lies before Trump supporters will acknowledge he's a liar?
Whether that's true or not is yet to be determined I suppose... Doesn't make it legal whether it was a government agent or not though.

Trump and his campaign preached and preached that they had nothing to do with Russia and Russia had nothing to do with them... Over and over and over again. How many more times do those statements need to be proven to be lies before Trump supporters will acknowledge he's a liar?

[Trumpidiots ... It's A Conspiracy ...]
