Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I can't believe you guys are so naive as not to notice the whole Russian-lawyer story was intentionally leaked by the Trumps themselves, to make way for actual Hillary leaks.
Sorry to spoil the surprise, I know you need something to believe in

Dis-information is a weapon of mass destruction

With a long range weapon or suicide bomber
Wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether your stowaway's son or BBC 1
Dis-information is a weapon of mass destruction

You could a Caucasian or a poor Asian
Racism is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether inflation or globalization
Fear is a weapon of mass destruction

My dad came into my room holdin' his hat
I knew he was leavin', he sat on my bed told me some facts son

I have a duty, callin' on me
You and your sister be brave my little soldier, and don't forget all i told ya
Your the mister of the house now remember this
And when you wake up in the morning give ya momma a kiss, then I had to say goodbye

In the morning i woke momma with a kiss on each eyelid,
Even though I'm only a kid, certain things can't be hid
Momma grabbed me, held me like i was made of gold, but left her in the story untold
I said, momma it will be alright, when daddy comes home, tonight

With a long range weapon or suicide bomber
Wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether your stowaway's son or BBC 1
Dis-information is a weapon of mass destruction

You could a Caucasian or a poor Asian
Racism is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether inflation or globalization
Fear is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether Haliburton, Enron or anyone
Greed is a weapon of mass destruction

We need to find courage, overcome
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction

My story stops here, lets be clear
this scenario is happenin' everywhere
and you ain't goi'n to nirvana or favana
You comin' right back here to live out your karma
with even more drama than previously, seriously
Just how many centuries have we been waiting for someone else to make us free
And we refuse to sleep, the people overseas are just like we
Mad leadership, amigos, unfettered and free
They feed one the people they're supposed to lead, i don't need it
We need to pray away, for the lord to make it all straight
Its only now we do it right, 'cause I don't want my daddy, leavin home tonight

With a long range weapon or suicide bomber
Wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether your stowaway's son or BBC 1
Dis-information is a weapon of mass destruction

You could a Caucasian or a poor Asian
Racism is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether inflation or globalization
Fear is a weapon of mass destruction

Whether Haliburton, Enron or anyone
Greed is a weapon of mass destruction

We need to find courage, overcome
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction [Repeat: x2]
shia labeouf protests the trump election claiming he won because of racism and then shia labeouf get arrested, makes all kinds of racist comments including telling a black officer he's gonna go to hell because he's black, etc. Typical democrat.


[W]e are about to enter a new phase of escalation in Trump’s “fake news” wars, in which he will counter reports about investigations into whether his campaign coordinated with Russia to spread actually fake news by calling those reports “fake news.”

In a sense, the Trump team will be chasing his own tail — and if recent history is a guide, team Trump does not perform well when it gets tangled in its own deceptions about what is true and what is false, or what is real and what is fake. But this will amount to more than an escalation in absurdity: It may threaten to do still more damage to our democracy and a free press.

All of this is coming amid the intensification of the Russia probe, particularly the exposure of Donald Trump, Jr.’s (and now we know Trump’s own) ever-evolving explanations for Trump Jr.’s meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. Several news outlets, including The Post, have published deeply sourced stories about the chaos that is rapidly engulfing the White House, painting a portrait of an administration spinning out of control as the Russia scandal tightens around Trump’s inner circle.

The goal is obvious: To produce an army of viewers and readers who are essentially programmed to dismiss any coverage of the Russia investigation that does not immediately exonerate Trump and all members of his campaign team. In a sense, the Trump team is attempting to pull off something similar to what the Russians did during the campaign: Inundate receptive audiences with disinformation that simultaneously cements a pro-Trump narrative and wreaks havoc on the audience’s trust in real media sources.