Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Bullshit. Obama and the left endorsed black lives matter and antifa. Obama made so many stupid comments like saying if he had a son he would look like treyvon the druggy, racist loser who was caught sneaking around looking in houses. Look... here's the comment i would like to hear out of my president. I wanna hear "we've got 3 hate groups protesting eachother. Blm, white supremacist and antifa. I say pull the police out and let them take care of themselves".
That was your good ol USA boys in a Challenger that did this . Bo and Luke Duke are now your latest terrorist ...:confused::confused:
Yes sir, i assumed as much. My point was that blm and antifa, hate groups, keep pushing hate and racist limits. What did they think was gonna happen. I say let the antifa, blm and white supremacist take care of themselves. Also, trump has never endorsed any white supremacist group. To tue contrary, he actually condemned them. The left has endorsed and promote groups like antifa and blm.
That was your good ol USA boys in a Challenger that did this . Bo and Luke Duke are now your latest terrorist ...:confused::confused:

A 20 year old, active duty US Army. You want to bet we (eventually) learn he is or was on antidepressants or diagnosed with PTSD? Also, the charges are second deg murder. The police who witnessed it reportedly told The Hill they thought he was panicked by all the anti-protestors banging on his precious Charger.
That was your good ol USA boys in a Challenger that did this . Bo and Luke Duke are now your latest terrorist ...:confused::confused:

James Fields Jr., the maniac driver who police say steered his beloved Dodge Challenger into a crowd of peaceful protesters, had been brandishing a shield emblazoned with a white supremacist emblem just hours before the deadly rampage.

The Daily News photographed Fields on the front lines of a volatile rally about 10:30 a.m. Saturday in Charlottesville — flanked by other white men in polo shirts and tan slacks clutching the racially charged black-and-white insignia of the Vanguard America hate group.

Southern Poverty Law Center spokeswoman Rebecca Sturtevant told The News the logo — two white axes — is a variation of imagery used by the white supremacists and Fields’ outfit is standard among the hate group’s ranks.

The Anti-Defamation League depicted Vanguard American as one focused on white identity, but noted that its members have “increasingly demonstrated a neo-Nazi ideology.”

Indeed, Fields’ Facebook page was peppered with similar alt-right and Nazi imagery — such as Hitler’s baby photo; a tourist shot of the Reichstag in Berlin; and cartoon of Pepe the Frog, the anthropomorphic frog hijacked by right-wing groups — before it was deactivated around 11:30 p.m. Saturday.


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