Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

CHARLOTTESVILLE — A man accused of plowing a car into a crowd of protesters here — killing one person and leaving 19 injured — long sympathized with Nazi views and had stood with a group of white supremacists hours before Saturday’s bloody crash.

The accused driver, James Alex Fields Jr., 20, of Ohio, had espoused extremist ideals at least since high school, according to Derek Weimer, a history teacher.

Weimer said that he taught Fields during his junior and senior years at Randall K. Cooper High School in Kentucky. In a class called “America’s Modern Wars,” Weimer said that Fields wrote a deeply researched paper about the Nazi military during World War II.

“It was obvious that he had this fascination with Nazism and a big idolatry of Adolf Hitler,” Weimer said. “He had white supremacist views. He really believed in that stuff.”

Weimer said that Fields’s research project into the Nazi military was well written but appeared to be a “big lovefest for the German military and the Waffen-SS.”
Whatever political group one associates with becomes irrelevant when the nation (and possibly the entire world) as a whole is faced with annihilation. What we focus on becomes reality. Thoughts become things is another way to put it. The real danger exists when so many people focus their energies on negative events or consequences. This only makes the possibility of such catastrophic events more likely. We are doomed if we don't change the way we look at each other and the planet that sustains us.

Of course she will leave out Black lives matter and Antifa. All those groups were committing violence and are responsible. Once again your narrative derived from the left and the media is in full display. Why do you think Antifa was there? They have been comitting crimes and violence for months without a peep from the left. Trump places blame on all involved but that's not good enough right? He must single out one group and ignore the others. Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the morons who call themselves white supremacists are all equally garbage.
Night is Elie Wiesel's masterpiece, a candid, horrific, and deeply poignant autobiographical account of his survival as a teenager in the Nazi death camps. This new translation by Marion Wiesel, Elie's wife and frequent translator, presents this seminal memoir in the language and spirit truest to the author's original intent. And in a substantive new preface, Elie reflects on the enduring importance of Night and his lifelong, passionate dedication to ensuring that the world never forgets man's capacity for inhumanity to man.

Night offers much more than a litany of the daily terrors, everyday perversions, and rampant sadism at Auschwitz and Buchenwald; it also eloquently addresses many of the philosophical as well as personal questions implicit in any serious consideration of what the Holocaust was, what it meant, and what its legacy is and will be. (Night: Elie Wiesel, Marion Wiesel: 9780374399979: Books)
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The Trump administration appears poised to roll back ObamaCare’s anti-discrimination protections for transgender patients, a move that has activist groups girding for a fight.

A proposed rule from the Department of Health and Human Services is expected to be released in the coming weeks or months that opponents say would make it easier for doctors and hospitals to deny treatment to transgender patients and women who have had abortions.

The proposed rule is expected to roll back a controversial anti-discrimination provision buried within ObamaCare.

Religious providers say they expect the Trump administration’s rule would merely reinforce their right not to provide treatment that's against their beliefs.

Advocacy groups like the ACLU and Lambda Legal acknowledge they haven’t seen the proposed rule, but say administration officials have made their plans clear.

