Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

More leftist Antifa assaulting people last night. Months and months of rioting, assaults, burning property, vandalism, and blocking any conservative or person they don't agree with from speaking. I'm sure the media will cover this any day now and demand Democrats denounce this group by name :rolleyes:.
This from a Soros funded publication. You may or may not agree with them on which sides were starting and provoking violence, but their view on the police is supported by every video I've seen of the event. Others I've read claim the police actively funneled the "white supremacists" through a corridor of antifada and BLM crowds.

Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville

We actually watched a few hours of it while we were making and eating breakfast. The coverage was on CNN. I have since seen people post about how the white supremacists started it or how the "liberal media" ignored the provocation of the "left". I'm not sure where these people get their information.

Not what we saw at all.We saw both sides actively engaging in the stupidity and the police were no where to be seen as usual.
We actually watched a few hours of it while we were making and eating breakfast. The coverage was on CNN. I have since seen people post about how the white supremacists started it or how the "liberal media" ignored the provocation of the "left". I'm not sure where these people get their information.

Not what we saw at all.We saw both sides actively engaging in the stupidity and the police were no where to be seen as usual.
Of course the worst of both sides were there and I have no doubt the violence was mutual. Both groups came armed with weapons and the like. The difference would be every single media outlet minus one or two has pushed all of this on the white supremacists. Shit they don't even call Antifa by name. They call them "counter protestors". We would all be better off if they lured all these clowns on both sides to one spot and then dropped a bomb on it.
This from a Soros funded publication. You may or may not agree with them on which sides were starting and provoking violence, but their view on the police is supported by every video I've seen of the event. Others I've read claim the police actively funneled the "white supremacists" through a corridor of antifada and BLM crowds.

Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville

Democratic mayor and governor, what a shock. Police told to stand down until ordered to do otherwise.

The paradox of tolerance, first described by Karl Popper in 1945, is a decision theory paradox. The paradox states that if a society is tolerant without limit, their ability to be tolerant will eventually be seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Popper came to the seemingly paradoxical conclusion that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.

Certainly CNN and the other liberal media outlets will cover Antifa as they did one white supremacist march right? They will certainly call on Democrats to denounce right? They will ask they be called "domestic terrorists" right? I mean it's been over a year so perhaps they are just building their breaking stories still on this group...

The paradox of tolerance, first described by Karl Popper in 1945, is a decision theory paradox. The paradox states that if a society is tolerant without limit, their ability to be tolerant will eventually be seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Popper came to the seemingly paradoxical conclusion that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.

LOL, are you really that blind to not see how this also applies to people on the left too (including you)?? Unbelievable.
LOL, are you really that blind to not see how this also applies to people on the left too (including you)?? Unbelievable.
How dare you ask him to defend his postings and views on a forum built on discussion. How dare you attempt to make him accountable for his postings. The nerve of you to even think he is here for discussion and not just propaganda. You sir are a nazi!!!!

When it comes to protecting the speech of people who are most vulnerable to being intimidated into silence — like people of color and gay people — conservatives either are suspiciously quiet or drive further intimidation with wildly negative news coverage.

It’s not just the right. Most schools — including Princeton, where I teach — support their besieged professors. But in recent months, other progressive academics have been investigated, disciplined and even fired for comments they made outside of the classroom. This is an ominous turn. The trend has become so visible that earlier this year, the American Association of University Professors implored institutions to take a stand “by resisting calls for the dismissal of faculty members and by condemning their targeted harassment and intimidation.”


What is shocking is that while the right-wing media is wringing its hands about suppressive leftists, openly racist and fascist-sympathizing organizations are recruiting young white people on campuses. That conservative pundits have precious little to say when campuses are defiled with swastikas, nooses and racist fliers but cry foul when people like Richard Spencer, Mr. Yiannopoulos and Ms. Coulter are met with protest has become a sick paradox of our time.

In the coming school years, those who are quick to defend the rights of white nationalists and neo-Nazis to speak on campuses must be just as vigilant about protecting the rights of faculty and students to speak out against them — or risk revealing their hypocrisy.
How dare you ask him to defend his postings and views on a forum built on discussion. How dare you attempt to make him accountable for his postings. The nerve of you to even think he is here for discussion and not just propaganda. You sir are a nazi!!!!

Don't forget racist! I'm surely a racist as well for having a different opinion.