Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

When it comes to protecting the speech of people who are most vulnerable to being intimidated into silence — like people of color and gay people — conservatives either are suspiciously quiet or drive further intimidation with wildly negative news coverage.

It’s not just the right. Most schools — including Princeton, where I teach — support their besieged professors. But in recent months, other progressive academics have been investigated, disciplined and even fired for comments they made outside of the classroom. This is an ominous turn. The trend has become so visible that earlier this year, the American Association of University Professors implored institutions to take a stand “by resisting calls for the dismissal of faculty members and by condemning their targeted harassment and intimidation.”


What is shocking is that while the right-wing media is wringing its hands about suppressive leftists, openly racist and fascist-sympathizing organizations are recruiting young white people on campuses. That conservative pundits have precious little to say when campuses are defiled with swastikas, nooses and racist fliers but cry foul when people like Richard Spencer, Mr. Yiannopoulos and Ms. Coulter are met with protest has become a sick paradox of our time.

In the coming school years, those who are quick to defend the rights of white nationalists and neo-Nazis to speak on campuses must be just as vigilant about protecting the rights of faculty and students to speak out against them — or risk revealing their hypocrisy.

So in the mean time, being a fascist is the only counter measure to perceived future fascism. The ends justify the means. Got it.

That twitter comment is hilarious, "...but only speech they agree with." Still can't see the double standard?

At least you admit conservative speakers are being suppressed. Maybe there's hope for you yet.

Oh and BTW, just encase you missed it, many of those incidents of racial threats on campus (swastikas, graffiti, etc) were proven to be lies or the work of far left liberals doing their best to justify the means to their end.

Pre-planned, as all their actions are, to shutdown a free speech event. I'm sure they are not going to once again attack people, riot, and the media will look away and place blame elsewhere when it happens. We can revisit this post to remind you when it happens.

Even If he gets his policies enacted, which the democrats and the traitor republicans are fighting tooth and nail, then he still has to fight the liberal jihadist media. Tell me the medias biased lies and constant attacks have nothing to do with his approval rating?

It was not this nucleus that showed up in Charlottesville. These were, instead, subatomic elements inside what we might call the nucleolus of Trump’s support, the tiny machine inside the atomic machine that forms the core of the Trump base. And that nucleolus is governed by rage, hatred, a sense of being wronged, and the loathing of others due to race and national origin. They are numerically insignificant to a man who secured 63 million votes in November 2016. But he—he, not I—seems to feel they are necessary to the constitution of his core. And he basically let them off with a mild warning.

The past seven days have been, arguably, the worst week for the worst president in modern history.

Within the span of seven days, President Trump thanked a foreign adversary for expelling U.S. diplomats from their country, stoked tensions with North Korea to the point that Kim Jong-un threatened to attack Guam, and waited two days to grudgingly condemn a neo-nazi rally even after an anti-racist activist was run over by a white supremacist–and only issued that repudiation after a raft of bipartisan outcry over his weak initial response. Our commander-in-chief achieved all this even as a federal investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia heated up.

These recent events are symptomatic of an America out of control and in decline, its demise hastened by the executive body tasked to strengthen it. This week, the call came from inside the house–the White House, to be precise–and its message was: “We’re f***ed.”

As more members of the GOP finally issue the condemnation of Trump’s bigotry that they should have made the day he launched his campaign by denigrating Mexican immigrants, it is possible the U.S. has finally reached a turning point–a pivot, if you will. This is not the presidential pivot longed for by political and media pundits, the ones who proclaim it occurs whenever Trump achieves a miraculous feat, like reading off a teleprompterwithout being egregiously racist.

Instead, it is the pivot of our citizenry from a naive maybe-he-won’t-be-so-bad optimism to a cold-eyed assessment of our grim reality. Our executive branch not only coddles white supremacists, but employs them; our president praises dictators and sends “best regards” to maimed patriotic protesters. Even Trump’s lackeys–Huckabee, Ryan, Sessions— felt compelled to condemn the nazis Trump was so slow to explicitly refute.

It may be possible–albeit tremendously difficult–for the U.S. to rebuild from the destruction of not only Trump’s presidency, but the shift in political culture his campaign catalyzed, if we are willing to acknowledge its severity. But there is one exception to this plausibility: nuclear war. The deployment of nuclear weapons would mark the point of no return. It is an option that Trump embraces with his trademark bravado.

The past seven days have been, arguably, the worst week for the worst president in modern history.

Within the span of seven days, President Trump thanked a foreign adversary for expelling U.S. diplomats from their country, stoked tensions with North Korea to the point that Kim Jong-un threatened to attack Guam, and waited two days to grudgingly condemn a neo-nazi rally even after an anti-racist activist was run over by a white supremacist–and only issued that repudiation after a raft of bipartisan outcry over his weak initial response. Our commander-in-chief achieved all this even as a federal investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia heated up.

These recent events are symptomatic of an America out of control and in decline, its demise hastened by the executive body tasked to strengthen it. This week, the call came from inside the house–the White House, to be precise–and its message was: “We’re f***ed.”

As more members of the GOP finally issue the condemnation of Trump’s bigotry that they should have made the day he launched his campaign by denigrating Mexican immigrants, it is possible the U.S. has finally reached a turning point–a pivot, if you will. This is not the presidential pivot longed for by political and media pundits, the ones who proclaim it occurs whenever Trump achieves a miraculous feat, like reading off a teleprompterwithout being egregiously racist.

Instead, it is the pivot of our citizenry from a naive maybe-he-won’t-be-so-bad optimism to a cold-eyed assessment of our grim reality. Our executive branch not only coddles white supremacists, but employs them; our president praises dictators and sends “best regards” to maimed patriotic protesters. Even Trump’s lackeys–Huckabee, Ryan, Sessions— felt compelled to condemn the nazis Trump was so slow to explicitly refute.

It may be possible–albeit tremendously difficult–for the U.S. to rebuild from the destruction of not only Trump’s presidency, but the shift in political culture his campaign catalyzed, if we are willing to acknowledge its severity. But there is one exception to this plausibility: nuclear war. The deployment of nuclear weapons would mark the point of no return. It is an option that Trump embraces with his trademark bravado.

Yes a very good reason to urgently find a legal way to promptly remove Trump from the WH. We as Americans should be appalled at the actions of Trump and demand change.
Trump denounces KKK, neo-Nazis as ‘repugnant’ as he seeks to quell criticism of his response to Charlottesville violence

Forced his hand link won't work damit

More Trumpshit ... Dogwhistle ...

As I Said, Trumpshit ... Dogwhistle ...

(CNN) Two days apart, President Trump issued two different statements about the violence that engulfed Charlottesville, Virginia, during a white supremacist rally over the weekend.

After facing criticism for the vague wording of his original statement on the clashes, which ended with three dead and dozens other wounded, Trump upped his rhetoric for a second statement that divided his alt-right and racist supporters. Some heard the diluted words of a man forced to bow to media pressure, while others found winking encouragement in between the lines.
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WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—A disturbing hostage video surfaced on Monday showing an American man woodenly reciting words that were not his own.

The video, which was broadcast on all the major news networks, raised concerns for the man, whose robotic performance indicated that he was reading a prepared statement under duress.

While the man appeared well fed and, to a certain extent, healthy, his facial expressions and body language convinced experts that the act of reciting the prepared text was an extraordinary ordeal for him.

Harland Dorrinson, a forensic psychologist, compared the man’s performance with hours of earlier footage of him and said that the man had “never expressed these sentiments before.”

“He did not seem to understand what he was saying,” the psychologist said. “At times, he appeared to be reading these words phonetically.”

Additionally, Dorrinson said, the man’s speech patterns in the hostage video were strikingly different from those in earlier videos of him. “From the moment he began speaking, the subjects in his sentences agreed with the verbs,” he said. “That set off alarm bells.”
Let's hope they investigate VA GOVERNOR blatantly taking sides
selectively endorsing one protesters group and clashing the other.

Gov't backed counter-protesters?
This is so Venezuela, and so Duterte' Philippines.
Random Man at Protests Interviewed By MSNBC, NY Times Is Deep State Shill Linked to George Soros

Brennan Gilmore tweeted out a video of the horrific car attack on Saturday by white supremacist James Alex Fields.

Gilmore’s tweet went viral and he was interviewed by MSNBC and other liberal outlets.

The New York Times included Gilmore’s comments in their report on the attack.

The New York Times later removed the quote.

The State Department is very familiar with Brennan Gilmore. He was involved in the Kony 2012 operation.

The State Department later removed any reference of Brennan.

full article