Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The bare-knuckle campaign to remove National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster from the White House is about to get much uglier.

Outside forces opposed to McMaster are going to allege he has a drinking problem, according to sources outside the Trump administration familiar with the anti-McMaster campaign. The controversial nationalist Mike Cernovich, who has an inside track on the anti-McMaster campaign, teased the alcohol attack in an Internet video with Alex Jones of the website Infowars. Anti-McMaster forces believe this attack will harm his standing with the president, who is a teetotaler.

To be clear: I have never heard anything to support the allegation from anyone inside the Trump administration or from anyone who's socialized with McMaster. We are covering it to highlight the extremes to which McMaster's opponents are prepared to take their war against the National Security Adviser.

Now we move to Seattle. Leftist Antifa and followers once again. Nothing to see here as usual unless of course it's associated with the right. Been going on for months with little to no coverage from the liberal media.

Leftist Antifa and others once again causing problems. Let's blame the alt right nazi's again.....wait, they are not there.

They were there in Chinatown today. Well two of them, not a large group. They didn't take too kindly to a gay black man blowing a kiss at them so they started beating him up. No Antifa, no BLM in sight. I'll report back if I hear there were sightings.
They were there in Chinatown today. Well two of them, not a large group. They didn't take too kindly to a gay black man blowing a kiss at them so they started beating him up. No Antifa, no BLM in sight. I'll report back if I hear there were sightings.
I'm confused at what you are getting it. Maybe I'm missing something...
Trumptards, Trumpidiots, Trumplings, ... Silly String ... Oh, No! ... Murder ...

Revealing is those that do NOT denounce the Nazis [White Nationalists] ... Hey, Meso!

There is NO other side to Nazis ... WTFU ...

Let’s discard the fiction that President Trump wasn’t placating white supremacists by responding so weakly to the neo-Nazi violence that killed Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old counterdemonstrator in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday. The neo-Nazis heard his message loud and clear.

“He didn’t attack us,” crowed The Daily Stormer, a white supremacist website, about Mr. Trump’s statement after the two days of racist demonstrations. “Refused to answer a question about White Nationalists supporting him. No condemnation at all. When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.”

The police said a 20-year-old man, who participated in the long-planned protest against the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee, plowed his car into peaceful counterdemonstrators on Saturday, killing Ms. Heyer and injuring 19 others. He was charged with second-degree murder. Two Virginia state troopers responding to the protests died in a helicopter crash.

After the attack, and before he spoke, Mr. Trump reportedly consulted advisers. They told him to condemn the white nationalists who fomented the violence.

He did not. Instead, he spoke of an “egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence that’s on many sides.”

Mr. Trump is alone in modern presidential history in his willingness to summon demons of bigotry and intolerance in service to himself. He began his political career on a lie about President Barack Obama’s citizenship and has failed to firmly condemn the words and deeds of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan leaders and other bigots who rallied behind him. A number of these people, including David Duke, the former Klan imperial wizard, and Richard Spencer, self-styled theorist of the alt-right, were part of the amen chorus of bigots in Charlottesville.


Meanwhile a handful of congressional Republicans have condemned the hate on display in Charlottesville, and in our politics. Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado said of white supremacists, “We don’t want them in our base, they shouldn’t be in a base, we shouldn’t call them part of a base.”

But Mr. Trump does, and in his desperation to rescue his failing presidency, he again clung to them. [Meso!]
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Take Them All Down ...

On Saturday in Charlottesville, a rally in defense of a statue of Robert E. Lee turned into a reenactment of the cause he led—white supremacists marching behind the Confederate battle flag, their opponents left injured or dead on the ground.

But like Lee’s soldiers, today’s defenders of white supremacy are fighting for a losing cause, a defeat that their violence will only serve to make deeper and more lasting than it otherwise would have been. Across the United States, the statues are starting to topple, the streets renamed, the memorials removed. These visible inscriptions of white supremacy into the American landscape are being erased.

Donald Trump, the hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons once told me, is "the official bling-bling white man."

Simmons, a frequent guest at Mar-a-Lago, was explaining to me more than a decade ago why Trump had gained widespread acclaim among rappers. In short, Simmons said, Trump was extravagant, obsessed with public displays of his wealth and loving every minute of it. Rappers saw Trump as a role model, and as someone who was inclusive. "A lot of rich white guys want to thumb their noses at you and have their cake," Simmons said. "That's not Donald."

Simmons and Trump aren't pals anymore.

Simmons now describes the president as the "epitome" of "white supremacy." Shortly after Trump was elected last year, Simmons published a letter asking him to reconsider some of his campaign themes. "The far right wing and the alt-right were your most staunch supporters, but those people are not your friends and you know that," Simmons wrote. "You must stop with the hateful and harmful language towards women and people of color."

Trump hasn't taken Simmons's advice. He has never really distanced himself from the white nationalists who have been among his most visible backers since he announced his presidential bid two years ago. And this past weekend, he reached a new low when he failed to clearly condemn the avowed racists who gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia, to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel, has issued a strong condemnation of white supremacist groups for their role in a violent rally at which three people died and called their actions "evil."

In comments released via her spokesman on Monday, Merkel expressed shock at the "naked racism" seen during clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.

"The scenes at the right-wing extremist march were absolutely repulsive – naked racism, anti-Semitism and hate in their most evil form were on display," Steffan Seibert told reporters, (AFP) reported.

"Such images and chants are disgusting wherever they may be and they are diametrically opposed to the political goals of the chancellor and the entire German government."

Seibert added that Merkel stood with "those who peacefully oppose such aggressive, far-right views."