Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump is becoming more unhinged by the day especially with the Russia investigation still gathering steam.
I think Trump is as corrupted as pretty much every other president. He just wears it on his sleeve. I don't like him, not at all. I didn't vote for him. I didn't vote for Obama either - disingenuous is putting it lightly. I hope Trump can act to improve the economy and not get us into a world war. That's about all we can hope. And then he will be gone, and the pendulum will just keep swinging. And we can just keep being distracted by being binary and sporting about it all.

As much as masteron fails and self flagellates up in here, the point about confirmation bias is an important one. Its how people get in power and stay in power. They understand this and appeal to it.

this thread is an echo chamber

I guess we all have to express our id somehow

Maybe my e2 needs checked

(exits thread and falls off soapbox)

WASHINGTON—Lawyers for Donald Trump have met several times with special counsel Robert Mueller in recent months and submitted memos arguing that the president didn’t obstruct justice by firing former FBI chief James Comey and calling into question Mr. Comey’s reliability as a potential witness, people familiar with the matter said.

One memo submitted to Mr. Mueller by the president’s legal team in June laid out the case that Mr. Trump has the inherent authority under the constitution to hire and fire as he sees fit and therefore didn’t obstruct justice when he fired Mr. Comey as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in May, these people said.

Another memo submitted the same month outlined why Mr. Comey would make an unsuitable witness, calling him prone to exaggeration, unreliable in congressional testimony and the source of leaks to the news media, these people said.

The legal arguments and meetings offer a first detailed look at the interplay between the high-profile, wide-ranging investigation and the team that is representing the president since the special counsel was appointed by the Justice Department in May.