Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Hey Paul, what do you think about Trump on North Korea? What do you agree or disagree. No trick question, I know you hate Trump, but you seem to be like minded on NK.

There are not many options there and non of them are good. One way or another the problem has to be fixed before North Korea can threaten the USA.

How did Andrew Anglin go from being an antiracist vegan to the alt-right’s most vicious troll and propagandist—and how might he be stopped?
Agreed they can definitely do that BUT last I checked Mexico isn't a Nuclear threat atm ;) And since your gov't just passed a 700 billion dollar Defense Bill. Pretty sure that "Wall" money could be better spent elsewhere now. :)

"...nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

"They" don't even need a good reason. Someone could buy the land and build his own wall. Then the next time an open borders government takes control they could pay him $5, take his property, knock down the wall and turn the whole place into a welcome center for Isis immigrants.
There are not many options there and non of them are good. One way or another the problem has to be fixed before North Korea can threaten the USA.
I understand the situation, but I'm curious what you think about how Trump is handling it. And what you would do differently. I think he is playing it smarter than any other president has. His tough talk has been for China and Russia more than North Korea in my opinion. He's been the first one to get those two on board against North Korea, and couldn't have done it any other way than making them think a nuclear war was is going to be on their doorstep or in a place they don't want it. Even if that's not going to work, bring it to a head before he gets any more advanced in his missile systems, instead of Kicking It Down the Road, like everybody else has.

Haven't you seen how Trump was treated on his foreign trip. He is treated with more respect than anyone we have ever sent out. And it's because he is unpredictable. They want to be on his good side. That was evident. Someone in power, I mean power to put you in a position you don't want to be in, that is unpredictable, is more unnerving then someone with strength. At least you can predict strength. But he keeps them on their toes, and that's good for us.

I know you don't like his, domestic policies, from the things I've heard you say in the past, but I don't know how you can be against his America first, foreign policy. If so explain it to me. I'm hard to persuade but I am open.

Trumpropaganda, Kleptocracy, ...

Republicans put in a rule in the House to make it extra hard to raise taxes. But because their bill raises taxes on 47 million households, they have to waive that rule.

I understand the situation, but I'm curious what you think about how Trump is handling it. And what you would do differently. I think he is playing it smarter than any other president has. His tough talk has been for China and Russia more than North Korea in my opinion. He's been the first one to get those two on board against North Korea, and couldn't have done it any other way than making them think a nuclear war was is going to be on their doorstep or in a place they don't want it. Even if that's not going to work, bring it to a head before he gets any more advanced in his missile systems, instead of Kicking It Down the Road, like everybody else has.

Haven't you seen how Trump was treated on his foreign trip. He is treated with more respect than anyone we have ever sent out. And it's because he is unpredictable. They want to be on his good side. That was evident. Someone in power, I mean power to put you in a position you don't want to be in, that is unpredictable, is more unnerving then someone with strength. At least you can predict strength. But he keeps them on their toes, and that's good for us.

I know you don't like his, domestic policies, from the things I've heard you say in the past, but I don't know how you can be against his America first, foreign policy. If so explain it to me. I'm hard to persuade but I am open.


I agree with Mrhat

The majority of votes were cast for Hillary Clinton, but Donald Trump is president. Gerrymandering gives Republicans more House seats than people vote for. Don’t even ask about the U.S. Senate giving the same number of senators to Wyoming as it does to California. Rules are rules, and we’re supposed to just shut up about it and accept the result. Okay, fine. We have little choice at the moment. Now let’s look at the consequences.

The beauty of a democracy is that the people get to vote for what they want, and then the government, more or less, tries to deliver that. Except when it doesn’t. And it doesn’t when the rules, or the abuse of them, end up skewing the results so far out of whack that a distinct minority is running the table. Like we have right now. And what are members of the minority working for, round the clock? To take away your health-care overage so that they can give tax cuts to the rich. They simply never cease beavering away at this fanatical, and undemocratic, project. Just when you think they have heard what the people actually want, and appear resigned to people actually keeping their health-care coverage, no, they’re back at it again, now using their insane tax-cuts-for-the-rich tax bill to destroy health care, too.

Why do they do this? Because they can. Because the maps and money and arcane rules are so far out of alignment with actual voter wishes that the current government is not representing the .. you know … people. At least for the time being. And the time being is all they need. They are working nonstop for the time being to get as much as they can as fast as they can. The time being is their frame of reference. They’ll take their tax cuts today, thank you. They’ll take away your health care today, thank you. They’ll take their fossil fuel profits today, thank you, and let you see whether or how much of the damage you are able to clean up afterward.

There is no public demand for a tax cut for the rich. There is no public demand to destroy Obamacare, and there is no public demand for destroying the climate either. And yet. Look. Just look. There is no “tacking toward the center.” There is only hard tacking to the yacht harbor at the private estate. Jolly good fun, and the flag on the yacht is the Jolly Roger, because the yacht turns out to be a pirate ship, stealing your health care because it already has your representative democracy.

So does the distorted outcome of U.S. elections matter? Does the rule by a self-interested minority elite matter? Just a matter of life and death, is all.
Brilliant idea my friend :D We have already done it in Canada. :oops::rolleyes:

I figure the plan in Canada is to make the place so dangerous the Canucks will all dig up their hidden firearms. Then the Canadian government will get another crack at confiscating them : )
Last I remember it was "obstruction of justice" ? Isn't that why he fired James Comey ?

no it’s not a crime to fire the fbi director. the president of United States has the authority to fire the FBI director at any time he pleases. Trump is the president of the executive branch which the FBI and Department of Justice falls under. he has the authority to do what he’s done