Sworder all ugl's come to
Meso come here because they can't effort to pay sponsorship. Just starting out with no q/c to speak off. If they fail they change names And comeback. I have seen it over and over in the last couple years I have been here.
You have a past shows you have no integrity. This is not a personal stack this is a fact. I commend you for how long you stayed civil and thru to the point you want to make. Very smooth with your approach and almost polite. But That's not who you are.
Like I have said countless times, it doesn't matter who I am.

Gary came here because he couldn't afford sponsorship? This is Gary's second time here? Oh yeah, he was GETM before right?

It's funny you say that in this thread because those very words DO NOT apply to Gary from what I have seen so far correct me if I am wrong.

Using the words "all" and "always" is always bad ;) You are now stating that all of them fall under one category and no exceptions are to be made.
You have to admit, with your past here and such strong sideways support for gentech, gives credence to be wary of you and the lab. That's not personal. Anyone fitting that description, the same would apply.
I tread where and how I want to, bitch.

I would bet my right arm that YOU approached Astro with the possibility of doing a review. Just like you approached SteroidsFax.

I remember when you asked for your "salary" from SteroidsFax. You lost it, when I told you we didn't want you to "work" for us anymore.

You were supposed to given free gear to review. You weren't posting ANY type of a say this is because you were busy...that's fine. So, we decided to go in another direction, and we informed you of this.

You were pissed, you made statements such as: "ALL of SF's business is because of me". Even though business did much better in the few months after you left, than it was before. You then lashed out attacking steroidsfax on the open forum within 72 hours of us telling you that we didn't want you to work for us anymore.

Mind you, you had JUST ASKED for your free gear and been denied, so you didn't have any problem with SF, until they told you NO. To anymore free gear.

Your word is/should be shit here. Your reputation is nothing. Tread on that.

It's obvious to anyone with a brain why you review every new lab that shows up here.

Astro, did you approach Sworder? Or did sworder approach you, the same way he approached SF? He's written reviews for many of the new labs that have popped up here over the last 6 months.

This is who you really are. I commend you though, very convincing
You know what I think is so funny ?

I've been here for 11yrs and I have
No fuckin clue what was even going on with all the trolls scammers reverse scammers etc ...
I just not too long ago found
Out what and who shills were ...

I have been spending a lot
of time getting laid though so
That is probably a big reason ..

I had Chinese for dinner
Lol great minds think alike, I'll take bets on his next post being the typical brain dead reply about a mum or sister.
I've been here for 11yrs and I have
No fuckin clue what was even going on with all the trolls scammers reverse scammers etc ...
I just not too long ago found
Out what and who shills were ...

You've been here for 11 years yet you forget to mention you were cracked out for the first 8 of them. Not something one is usually proud of..

The past year YOU'VE scammed members, that's a fact with irrefutable evidence to back it up. "Reverse scammers", haha.. Get a grip..

You're not just gonna pop in here whenever you need gas money for your Scion, "brah"..
Only you guys would think about a hand when thinking about getting laid ...
You guys are funny ..
Sad but funny
You have to admit, with your past here and such strong sideways support for gentech, gives credence to be wary of you and the lab. That's not personal. Anyone fitting that description, the same would apply.
My support isn't for Gentech, it's about these "ALL labs are bad statements." I am questioning it, how has this been proven?

If you want to look past the written words and their meaning, go ahead. Who cares about the points being made anyway? Seems like that's what has been done here all along.

ALSO! Keep in mind Voltrader threw in his 2 cents and his "stats" and then left. Can't respond to a very reasonable response, if he didn't want to converse, he didn't have to. But why come into a thread:
- Create a post asking to refute "his evidence"
- He gets questioned to explain his evidence.

This is who you really are. I commend you though, very convincing
Lol now I am Stretch.... Search "threads created by Sworder" and then do the same for Stretch if you want to see if we write similarly.
If you want to think I am Stretch, that's fine.

Let's create a "Who is Sworder?" thread?
In the end, does it matter?

No it doesn't but your posts don't make sense and you can't back the statements up. So you resort to:
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??? Strech is talking about you numb nuts
Oh, okay. I overlooked that you quoted stretch talking about me. I thought you meant I was stretch. :)

The subject that is trying to get discussed is just getting brushed away and PERSONAL ATTACKS is the only resort.
My support isn't for Gentech, it's about these "ALL labs are bad statements." I am questioning it, how has this been proven?

If you want to look past the written words and their meaning, go ahead. Who cares about the points being made anyway? Seems like that's what has been done here all along.

Lol now I am Stretch.... Search "threads created by Sworder" and then do the same for Stretch if you want to see if we write similarly.
If you want to think I am Stretch, that's fine.

Let's create a "Who is Sworder?" thread?
In the end, does it matter?

No it doesn't but your posts don't make sense and you can't back the statements up. So you resort to:
Wow sworder - I see the light. All the labs must be good that start up here. Top notch raws (just like you im sure) and a dream of helping the muscle bound masses. We are just being irrational and mean. Thank you for your valuable insight.

Truth? There are a very few members I actually give a fuck about here. I talk to them often and they would not make any of the choices the few of us hope to prevent others from making. So why do we waste the time and energy? I cannot come up with a single reason lately. Not one. You are a truly nauseating person, but you don't actually affect the life I live. If I heard you died I would get a laugh... chuckle really. Thats it. My point? Carry on with your bad self. Your pseudo intelligence is in the perfect place where people will not find out how simple you are- a bodybuilding board. Bravo.

I enjoy running the log (actually running one fuckface- and for FREE at that! Imagine!) But this shit is beyond a ridiculous waste of time. Scam away. You can help by tearing down the rudimentary methods we have of trying to not get fucked. I am sure the pop up labs truly appreciate your efforts. I, for one, am done wasting my fucking breath like a great many intelligent people who have come and gone in the short time I have been here. It is mind numbing to argue with people who lack the intellectual capacity to even string together enough thoughts to provide an argument.

It's like a woman I can't even tolerate enough to let her suck my dick after a year of celibacy. This same conversation reiterated over eternity with an endless parade of people satisfied with underdosed or bunk gear as long as they get it quick is played the fuck out.

Truly enjoy yourself.
Wow sworder - I see the light. All the labs must be good that start up here. Top notch raws (just like you im sure) and a dream of helping the muscle bound masses. We are just being irrational and mean. Thank you for your valuable insight.

No, you are completely missing the point.
All labs are not good, are labs are not bad. Have an open mind for a lab that comes in to the underground. ALL labs are not bad, ALL labs are not good.
I am questioning why certain statements are being made and if there is any EVIDENCE at all behind them and most of the time. The answer is the same, there is no reasoning behind these presumptions are made.

I am telling you to keep an open mind. THAT IS THE POINT!

Also, if you have sources you know are good. Why aren't you sharing them to "help meso?"

You can help by tearing down the rudimentary methods we have of trying to not get fucked. I am sure the pop up labs truly appreciate your efforts.

Honestly seems like you have done more harm than good. Labmax is a piece of shit and the "rudimentary method" includes using Labmax. How much money has been wasted by Meso members on LABMAX? It's complete fucking garbage.

And you can't take the criticism if it is presented to any of your "rudimentary methods" and look at it objectively to see if it is a good way to do things. You care about BEING RIGHT, not what is best for Meso. End of the day you want everybody to like your posts, it's not about being helpful to Meso so stop saying that.
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I never used a labmax in my life. I have, however, sold drugs the majority of my life and routinely scammed people- I can spot it a mile away. I call out these fly by night bullshit operations all the time because that is my expertise- just like they hire ex cheaters in Vegas to catch the cheaters back in the day. Im not a scientist. I am not a lab technician. I am not a doctor. I am an ex scammer and criminal

This is from your SCOC:
2. The approach taken with new sources is wrong in my opinion. All this chest thumping, ego driven attack puts the "source" on the defensive. .. but I feel it undermines our credibility not only "on the street", but also among other members old and new. If we are confrontational to the extreme in the beginning and at the end, plus eveey time we sense an issue we simply become a parody of ourselves...
3. Stop harassing newbies who buy- and that means don't smash the thread with "DO NOT BUY SCAMMER" shit when we actually have no proof of scamming...

4. More bloods. More labmax. We are doing great- I think the strength for the future lies in a larger, well informed membership of empowered individuals. When someone posts asking for a source someone should be VERY NICE- AND NOBODY SHOULD BE A FUCKING ASSHOLE IN THE THREAD. This drives them right to the scammer sources with their flashing neon lights for the ignorant.
Re-read your SCOC and how far you have fallen from this. I am underlining some of the comments, ask yourself, "why did I provide this elaborate post" and then end up being and doing the EXACT THING YOU DIDN'T want people to do.

And I do care to say that if you were wanting to help Meso you would have followed your SCOC, improved it, or at least ask for advice on how to test things. ASK people, create a thread, "what does labmax test." This is a community and there are tons of people not posting that have very good insight on things. You are deterring people from posting and keeping those people from sharing their thoughts.

As you claim, you are not a scientist or a doctor, you are a ex scammer and criminal. We have knowledgeable people here that can provide information if you ask and you have information you can share as well whether it relates to one thing or another.

Also Voltrader, all those stats you were proclaiming, do you care to share or you just gonna read the thread and like posts. Going back to your buddy Brutus' SCOC don't smash threads when you actually have no proof of scamming.
Only you guys would think about a hand when thinking about getting laid ...
You guys are funny ..
Sad but funny
Not as sad or funny as having to point out that you got laid on an internet forum, I'm guessing because no one in real life would actually believe it