5 of you go to the same gym.
talk about the board on the way to the gym
in the gym
on the way home from the gym.. don't you think that's sad :(

And every time you and your Troll friends
talk bad about me, you get me more customers..

Brutus, if I knew that was the plan,
we could have went over it in PM first.. I feel bad now leaving you out..

Booted from one board already, and the
only reason you guys are still here, is because Millard allows it..

A bunch of trolls
2 shills
and 1 mentally challenged individual .. The Soured Cream Team .. Nice

M signing out..
Off to the flea market for some Nunchuks

Nah, dawg.

You gotta get a Katana it's much better suited for your fight against Jersey Shore Trannies.

Nunchuks will just arouse them while they're taking you to Pound Town.
So who knows each other in real life then?

Just curious...
Oooo brutus, CBS, and mands have spoken about meeting up IRL. Don't mean to provide false information but that's what I have gotten from it. Correct me if wrong, for sure CBS and Brutus know each other IRL really well, no homo... Or maybe some ;)

Kinda helps put things in perspective huh? But then again, a lot goes on behind the curtains of meso. Not anything bad in particular but everybody in the game for 2-3 years + has connections, it's unavoidable and stupid to not get connected if that makes sense.
Come on now sworder you know damn well every source that has came in to ower house has ripped someone off one way or another. since your all about facts why dont you name one that hasnt fucked someone.
And quit calling people gay in a round about way since you dont like the personal attacks.
There's some reports on another forum of the gentech dbol being bunk (after 2 weeks of use) so looks like Gary's 100% of customers happy claim might be over already ???
There's some reports on another forum of the gentech dbol being bunk (after 2 weeks of use) so looks like Gary's 100% of customers happy claim might be over already ???

And he has offered replacement to Anadrol. So is the whole batch of Dbols bunk? Mr Gentech do you have anything to say ?
Shhh Sworder is 100!%! Sure Gary is a good guy, no ugl sanding bunk gear.stop listening to voices in your head. He found utopia here in meso's ugl section. Unicorns and free gear roaming around, he almost make it sound like a Disney movie, all the bad guys will quit responding and sworder, ugl's and all the newbies live happily ever after
Shhh Sworder is 100!%! Sure Gary is a good guy, no ugl sanding bunk gear.stop listening to voices in your head. He found utopia here in meso's ugl section. Unicorns and free gear roaming around, he almost make it sound like a Disney movie, all the bad guys will quit responding and sworder, ugl's and all the newbies live happily ever after

So it seems we have located the smoking gun, but how much "evidence" will be posted? MUCH LESS than the suspicious coincidences I've mentioned Guaranteed!

Is anyone surprised? NOT EVEN
Shhh Sworder is 100!%! Sure Gary is a good guy, no ugl sanding bunk gear.stop listening to voices in your head. He found utopia here in meso's ugl section. Unicorns and free gear roaming around, he almost make it sound like a Disney movie, all the bad guys will quit responding and sworder, ugl's and all the newbies live happily ever after

i think you're misconstruing what sworder is saying. he's saying not all ugl are bad and not all ugl are good. i dont think this translates to "all ugls are good". @Sworder
Why are you quoting my post that was poking fun at brutus for his somewhat out of character post.

It proves nothing other than people who really know what is going on here are not afraid to post up because of Brutus' stance on UGL's.

I have been here long enough to make my own decesions on a lab whether CBS, Brutus or Doc likes them or not, but if their rants stop newbs from ordering from a lab, I am completly good with that.

Why? Because new guys don't do there research other than looking for a GTG from a Vet or a passed LM.
Doing research is more than looking for reviews on a lab it is knowing the members and where they are coming from.

Not really following this debate but if someone quotes me I like to set the record straight.

I am not understanding your point from what I have read ,and correct me if I am wrong, it is that not all UGL's are bad or good and we should not judge without proof.
What could possibly be accepted as proof on an anonymous internet fourm where anything can be said or faked by anyone?
Only by building relationships with fellow members over time, and observation of how all this works can a person get clearer picture of what is going on and how to navigate through it.

Damn 15 min window to edit:
For Brutus, also on the SCOC the first couple replies:

Funny how those responses tie into my question of why you are not following your own SCOC.
And he has offered replacement to Anadrol. So is the whole batch of Dbols bunk? Mr Gentech do you have anything to say ?

I am actually curious on the reply as well. I heard that at least 3 people have received bunk dbol, all have been offered replacements. There must be a batch issues. I hope that Garry will shed some light.
i think you're misconstruing what sworder is saying. he's saying not all ugl are bad and not all ugl are good. i dont think this translates to "all ugls are good". @Sworder

Did you read my earlier posts about him running a log for every ugl that would give him free gear for years here at meso?
I didn't think so. There are some who would never Learn. He is a slick writer(talker).I guess it makes him right all the time Or just a slick.
Did you know he ran a log for few of the ugl's that went belly up here?
I am actually curious on the reply as well. I heard that at least 3 people have received bunk dbol, all have been offered replacements. There must be a batch issues. I hope that Garry will shed some light.

Oh yea that's it, the old lame "batch" excuse.

How can some be so naive and foolish.

You ain't seen nothing yet however I'm delighted we have thwarted GT's success on Meso.

Let some other forum "take the lead", lol!
Oh yea that's it, the old lame "batch" excuse.

How can some be so naive and foolish.

You ain't seen nothing yet however I'm delighted we have thwarted GT's success on Meso.

Let some other forum "take the lead", lol!

When I got PMd by members here. The first thing I said is " I dont know. Report it on the forum". I used the word batch as @Redfox999 mentioned in our pm exchanges that he thinks the whole batch of dbol is bunk.
One member got dbols from gentech and he has not been happy,feeling nothing etc. Not getting usual dbol benefits. And offered Anadrol as replacement,so this is just me trying to use common sense that there might be an issue with batch.why else offer something else as and not dbol
It has always served me well to consistently operate the forum by principle rather than give anyone special treatment.

I share a passion for free speech with @CensoredBoardsSuck and empathize with his frustrations at being the target of criticism and disagreement. But he knows very well that this comes with the territory of an uncensored forum. It is exhausting but necessary for free-spirited debate. I sincerely hope to see and welcome his return. This doesn't mean I have to agree with him on everything.

No, you may be right. I didn't anticipate CBS' reaction. I thought it would have been more characteristic of him to engage in the discussion. That did not happen.

It is the personal attacks, insults and name-calling provides itself that provides plenty of ammunition. I strongly disagree with the suggestion that calling out this type of behavior undermines anything. On the contrary, if it were reduced, then the opponents would have much less ammunition.

I take a break for a few days and all hell breaks loose. And how about that Weighted Chinup character? Who is that guy? He can always be counted on to deliver an insightful post when it's needed most.

Millard, I've stayed out of this because I said all I needed to say in my previous posts. Your public admonishment had nothing to do with it - I couldn't care less about that. Losing an argument against you would be a fate far worse - you're absolutely ruthless. So your criticism hasn't offended or angered me, and I certainly won't hold it against you.

The reason I said I'm done with the underground had little to do with your post and it would have happened sooner or later anyway. I have had the same arguments with sources, scammers, trolls and morons more times than I care to count. The participants change but the arguments do not. I don't have it in me to treat trolls like Sworder with anything but ridicule and contempt because they're not worth more than that to me. I passed the point long ago where I no longer had the energy or the desire to engage in the same arguments again and again, because I knew, no matter how well constructed, they would make very little difference - in a week or two, someone new would come along wanting to have the same argument. It's much easier and far more efficient to discredit and dismiss these people as trolls and morons and reps and shills than to argue with them. It's easy to criticize that approach when you're watching from the sidelines, it's quite another when you're the one doing the dirty work. But I'm not complaining about being criticized or attacked or even receiving death threats - I wasn't forced into doing it. I'm just tired of it. So really, your post was just the push I needed to finally convince myself that the time had come to step away from the underground and let others deal with it. Who knows - maybe I'm just burned out; maybe time away will change the way I feel.

Your comments came more as a surprise to me than anything. I had always believed Meso's commitment to free expression was unconditional and absolute; that the only censorship was a result of following the law. I no longer believe that to be true. There's no question that Meso currently has much less censorship than other forums, and, looking at the archives, much less than it had in the past, but I now see some *administrator* imposed censorship that I hadn't seen before.

I don't think it's a secret that I detest censorship - my choice of username makes that obvious - and the only reason I came to Meso was because of a lack of censorship. But I don't like authority, either. Authority used to impose censorship is even more sinister than deleting posts. Treating people like children - even if they are behaving that way - is worse than censoring them.

My 'role' on Meso, for lack of a better word, has been that of a polemicist. I don't often debate, I argue. And when I argue, I argue to win. Many of us are the same way. I know we're sometimes aggressive, abrasive, often ruthless, and in-your-face, and no doubt it rubs many the wrong way. But I don't think many will dispute the fact that it's been highly effective at exposing duplicity. Sure, productive discussion is sometimes thwarted and the opportunity for greater information is lost. But is that really any different than when a few good sources get driven off along with the bad? Is it any worse than when a certain member derails most discussions by interjecting totally irrelevant details about female anatomy or his sexual practices? Or should it be seen as the cost of being an uncensored forum?

When an administrator censures and castigates speech he finds unproductive, it goes beyond mere criticism and disagreement. It's an attempt to use power to control discourse and behavior. The ends might be laudable but the means are not. The effect of censorship that is meant to be subtle or benevolent can be especially insidious.

It's easy for administrators to lose sight of the big picture and when they've been doing it as long as you have, it's easy to stop questioning your own actions. I understand your desire to have productive discussions on the forum. I think we all want that. But if you are going to have an uncensored forum, you have to be willing to accept that not all discussions are going to be productive. Conflicts are going to happen, and sometimes they are going to spillover and derail productive discussions. But you can't be in favor of free speech when it's productive and not in favor when it's unproductive. That's not free speech. Deciding what is and isn't productive discourse is a subjective decision. Where do you draw the line? How many ad hominems are too many? What is unproductive to you might be productive to somebody else. Are you comfortable making that decision for everyone? Be honest with yourself. No matter how you try to parse it, that is censorship.

Maybe a little censorship is acceptable to most members. I can accept censorship as a necessary evil when it's imposed by law and when it involves banning trolls who disrupt the forum, but no more. Docd187123 likes to accuse me of being a hypocrite. That might be true but my hypocrisy only goes so far. Just as you have consistently operated the forum by principle, I have always lived by principle - the principle of not allowing anyone to restrict my speech. So I guess that's where my hypocrisy ends. That is where I make my stand.

To all who have offered me support: Thank you. You are the best.

To the ankle biters that shamelessly took advantage of this thread to go on the attack: Go fuck yourselves - but do have a real nice day.


My support isn't for Gentech, it's about these "ALL labs are bad statements." I am questioning it, how has this been proven?

Come on now sworder you know damn well every source that has came in to ower house has ripped someone off one way or another. since your all about facts why dont you name one that hasnt fucked someone.
And quit calling people gay in a round about way since you dont like the personal attacks.
I am sorry if my comment was a joke, doesn't seem like Brutus took offense cuz it's a joke but if it did hurt his feelings, I apologize.
I am also stating that some posts contain personal attacks only without a shred of information.
Reread my post, there was something worthy to respond to before my one-liner with a winky face. Either way, yes it was wrong.

No, I don't know every source here has ripped somebody off. This is the problem, as I have said before Don't use the word ALL. How can you even conclude that?
I am not going to open my mouth about something I don't know is true. What is true, is that Gary was initially bashed without any evidence included in the post.

Seems like Meso still have members using good gear, yet, you are stating ALL sources that come here have ripped someone off in one way or another.
How is anybody even doing cycles anymore since all sources are scammers that come to Meso are bad, what forum do we need to go to try to find "good sources?"

Seems like Brutus and JBZ are running a cycle, they aren't stating what lab they are using. Why? One can put a disclaimer, "I am using this lab but do not think that because I am using it I am recommending you to purchase it."

There is a lot going on behind the curtains here, as you can tell from the underground they all fail according to you. But some people still get good gear huh.

Shhh Sworder is 100!%! Sure Gary is a good guy, no ugl sanding bunk gear.stop listening to voices in your head. He found utopia here in meso's ugl section. Unicorns and free gear roaming around, he almost make it sound like a Disney movie, all the bad guys will quit responding and sworder, ugl's and all the newbies live happily ever after
Massturk, what do you really know? That as in, what do you know to be a complete truth? There was a mentioning of a bunk dbol, okay that's anecdotal evidence. The thing is though that you never know who has motive to post that, and does that person even have experience to tell what is good dbol or bad?
Anedotal evidence does count to some degree, I wouldn't say it is completely true based off that.

i think you're misconstruing what sworder is saying. he's saying not all ugl are bad and not all ugl are good. i dont think this translates to "all ugls are good". @Sworder

Exactly, here was my original post it states it pretty clearly. And in the case that Gary had a bad batch, he was initially called out with JBZ's statement before any "evidence" was present.

No, you are completely missing the point.
All labs are not good, are labs are not bad. Have an open mind for a lab that comes in to the underground. ALL labs are not bad, ALL labs are not good.
I am questioning why certain statements are being made and if there is any EVIDENCE at all behind them and most of the time. The answer is the same, there is no reasoning behind these presumptions are made.
I am telling you to keep an open mind. THAT IS THE POINT!

Why are you quoting my post that was poking fun at brutus for his somewhat out of character post.
Sorry if you took offense to me using your words, obviously you are friends with Brutus. Your statement of how he was out of character and been supported by how he has acted lately. Do you agree?

For Brutus, also on the SCOC the first couple replies:Funny how those responses tie into my question of why you are not following your own SCOC.

I quoted you because I was writing in a previous post how out of character he was from what he initially posted in the SCOC. It just made me think that maybe his post in CBS was when he was out of character. I can provide statements as well if you want to prove my point.

Not really following this debate but if someone quotes me I like to set the record straight.
I am not understanding your point from what I have read ,and correct me if I am wrong, it is that not all UGL's are bad or good and we should not judge without proof.

What could possibly be accepted as proof on an anonymous internet fourm where anything can be said or faked by anyone?
This has been point all along and I have stated it umpteenth times. EVEN if a lab provides A B C documents to the board. They have a conflict of interest and their word doesn't mean shit. Everybody here is asking the sources to pat their own back, which they will because they want to sell lol.
This applies to the whole testing section as well, if a lab performs a test they can either fake it. Or they can just provide one good test and then send bunk gear if they really want to.

I think logic has been overlooked here for a while, thanks for posting my exact thoughts on questioning labs and having them provide the tests - anybody can post anything and be faked as they wish.
Your comments came more as a surprise to me than anything. I had always believed Meso's commitment to free expression was unconditional and absolute; that the only censorship was a result of following the law. I no longer believe that to be true. There's no question that Meso currently has much less censorship than other forums, and, looking at the archives, much less than it had in the past, but I now see some *administrator* imposed censorship that I hadn't seen before.

I don't think it's a secret that I detest censorship - my choice of username makes that obvious - and the only reason I came to Meso was because of a lack of censorship. But I don't like authority, either. Authority used to impose censorship is even more sinister than deleting posts. Treating people like children - even if they are behaving that way - is worse than censoring them.

My 'role' on Meso, for lack of a better word, has been that of a polemicist. I don't often debate, I argue. And when I argue, I argue to win. Many of us are the same way. I know we're sometimes aggressive, abrasive, often ruthless, and in-your-face, and no doubt it rubs many the wrong way. But I don't think many will dispute the fact that it's been highly effective at exposing duplicity. Sure, productive discussion is sometimes thwarted and the opportunity for greater information is lost. But is that really any different than when a few good sources get driven off along with the bad? Is it any worse than when a certain member derails most discussions by interjecting totally irrelevant details about female anatomy or his sexual practices? Or should it be seen as the cost of being an uncensored forum?

When an administrator censures and castigates speech he finds unproductive, it goes beyond mere criticism and disagreement. It's an attempt to use power to control discourse and behavior. The ends might be laudable but the means are not. The effect of censorship that is meant to be subtle or benevolent can be especially insidious.

It's easy for administrators to lose sight of the big picture and when they've been doing it as long as you have, it's easy to stop questioning your own actions. I understand your desire to have productive discussions on the forum. I think we all want that. But if you are going to have an uncensored forum, you have to be willing to accept that not all discussions are going to be productive. Conflicts are going to happen, and sometimes they are going to spillover and derail productive discussions. But you can't be in favor of free speech when it's productive and not in favor when it's unproductive. That's not free speech. Deciding what is and isn't productive discourse is a subjective decision. Where do you draw the line? How many ad hominems are too many? What is unproductive to you might be productive to somebody else. Are you comfortable making that decision for everyone? Be honest with yourself. No matter how you try to parse it, that is censorship.
There is no censorship. I have many opinions on how I think this forum can most effectively accomplish its goal of education and harm reduction. I've expressed them before and few people agreed with them. Again, I expressed an opinion - and let me say an opinion that expressed many times over the years - that personal attacks often interfered with productive discussion. And in case you didn't notice, members are still making personal attacks, calling each other names and insulting each other. Not many people give a fuck about what I think. And I accept that because I am committed to the principle of free speech.

Nothing has changed here. You are creating drama where none exists.