LOL wow I didn't see the pages before my post. My favorite part is where he thinks he can retrieve peoples IPs from the email orders he receives.
you can if they’re using hotmail or yahoo, you just inspect the email header and the sender IP address is there, It might actually be Gmail and not Hotmail, Hotmail might give you a microsoft server if you do that and if that’s the case it was gmail that’s the other you can retrieve IP address from the header.
Its on me I never asked who he was in our emails I didn't think that was allowed so I just made the deal then saw him post as soon as they landed that he received them .. it was too late by then to realize he is a nobody ..
Clearly incompetent and puts all members here at risk. STAY AWAY FROM THIS SOURCE
Obviously my time here has ended which I really don't give two fucks about it to be honest. I could care less if I sell anything or not any further. How about this how about I leak over 160 emails addresses names and phone numbers of everyone who has bought from me within the last 5 days sound fun right it does to me.. I don't give a fuck about prison.. nor this covert steroid selling operation in a open forum. So let's start this way anyone who cares to post a comment on this thread ill leak a name and just keep going from there until all addresses names and numbers are leaked most the stupid fucking idiots who ordered used a email address maybe I can leak the IP addresses also where should I start .. so let's keep commenting on the thread who wants to go first hopefully Noone used their real home address like the dumb fuck 17 year old let me leak is info first anyone want to be the first to test me and talk some shit we have gone this far let's keep going come on guys anything say something.. I'll start with posting emails first and then maybe even send some bottles out that purposely leak to every single address or write steroids on the packages do we have any takers ..
Fuck off meth head
I appreciate the humor but im
Just trying to find a legit source for good shit!!!!! Hence how I made my way here.
My guys aren’t consistent
Then I would suggest reading through the thread and making your own informed decision. No source is legit, and they all end up becoming inconsistent
you can if they’re using hotmail or yahoo, you just inspect the email header and the sender IP address is there, It might actually be Gmail and not Hotmail, Hotmail might give you a microsoft server if you do that and if that’s the case it was gmail that’s the other you can retrieve IP address from the header.

There is no chance that this occurs unless they're using a desktop client and sending via SMTP or something. Gmail for sure strips out your IP and any IP you are seeing will just original back to Google. I just checked a hotmail I received and did an IP lookup and it just traces back to Microsoft in Washington state.

Headers do contain plenty of information but these days the big boy mail services do not pass that information along afaik. Also stop ordering steroids with gmail/hotmail/yahoo retards lol.
you can if they’re using hotmail or yahoo, you just inspect the email header and the sender IP address is there, It might actually be Gmail and not Hotmail, Hotmail might give you a microsoft server if you do that and if that’s the case it was gmail that’s the other you can retrieve IP address from the header.

I appreciate the humor but im
Just trying to find a legit source for good shit!!!!! Hence how I made my way here.
My guys aren’t consistent
Omg. I thought you were joking. No. Stay away from this guy. This is a prime example of a BAD source.

You just need to read the threads. Good sources have happy customers. Bad sources are getting flamed.

There’s also a “Steroid Testing” thread. Give that a look.
I for one think these threads are better than soap operas for men. These are some of the weirdest plot twists ever and this thread is the top for me so far this year lol.

brb popcorns done waiting for him to come back and update us. He's probably seeing shadow people on day 3 of his binge right now though.

It would take a seriously demented imagination to make something like this up..
Man I’ve never EVER had a thread make my skin crawl. I am now questioning reality and even my own existence. What the hell did I just read. I’ll be up all night with my arms crossed rocking in a dark corner in an empty room.
This thread needs to be stickied/archived or chopped up into a nice digestible form by maybe @BigBaldBeardGuy or someone for newbies. Why new sources are a bad idea.

I wanna tag all the whiney fucks from the past month that gave us shit for being "mean" on new sources.

Definitely this dude is a creepy fucking wack job and this is who you were gonna inject shit into your body from? Literally started (Supposedly) DOXXING HIS ENTIRE CUSTOMER LIST because his thread wasn't going the way he liked.....