i know we have eager noobs that buy first and ask questions later, but i'm not buying that he had that many orders.

i'm willing to bet that he pulled those names out of his ass. Even if he didn't and someone is truly scared that their name is temporarily visible, the black helicopters aren't coming for them.
That was my thoughts when I said you’re just pulling names out your ass here.
is this source good? Imt thinking of grabbing some Tren A and test E. How long do they take to ship to US? Im on the east coast.
He’s aces man. G2g. Fyah. Realest motherfucka around. Solid. But he doesn’t carry TestE so you’re gonna need to look elsewhere. That and he’s hanging upside down from the ceiling right now in the double wide so it’ll be hard to reach him.
Mr. 50mL Jug-

Obviously my time here has ended which I really don't give two fucks about it to be honest. I could care less if I sell anything or not any further. How about this how about I leak over 160 emails addresses names and phone numbers of everyone who has bought from me within the last 5 days sound fun right it does to me.. I don't give a fuck about prison.. nor this covert steroid selling operation in a open forum. So let's start this way anyone who cares to post a comment on this thread ill leak a name and just keep going from there until all addresses names and numbers are leaked most the stupid fucking idiots who ordered used a email address maybe I can leak the IP addresses also where should I start .. so let's keep commenting on the thread who wants to go first hopefully Noone used their real home address like the dumb fuck 17 year old let me leak is info first anyone want to be the first to test me and talk some shit we have gone this far let's keep going come on guys anything say something.. I'll start with posting emails first and then maybe even send some bottles out that purposely leak to every single address or write steroids on the packages do we have any takers ..

I pitty the fools that have trusted this guy..
I pitty the fools that have trusted this guy..
I agree with you. He was literally nuts from the start, so I hope most people steered clear from him. But like I said, anyone who did order from him, I would throw that shit in the trash and chalk it up as a loss. Not worth the risk. This guy quit 3 times in 48 hours and had like two breakdowns.
It's very possible that he brewed up a small batch of the two compounds, had them tested, then sent out 450 ml of straight oil. i would dump the shit either way. $88 loss. Big whoop.
LOL wow I didn't see the pages before my post. My favorite part is where he thinks he can retrieve peoples IPs from the email orders he receives.

Doesn't work that way you junkie retard, and who the fuck wrote phone numbers in? This guy is 100% on like a day 3 meth bender trying to sound scary. There is absolutely no way 160 people ordered this shitty ass 50ml jugs of two types of steroids.

Can't believe I tried to be civil with my initial post. The Norton 360 VPN comment should have been a red flag. Never trust someone who uses Norton let alone their VPN for security......

Dude probably believes hes leaking "customers" he's on a google name generator right now lol.

Can you imagine still using his gear after reading this? I'd be pitching that shit off my balcony.

Canada needs to start exporting Syn/Pareto to you poor souls.

Dude was on fire I guess from day 1 of his thread just getting slammed with 40 orders a day on those unlabeled 50ml jugs. Tasty.
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