GIF by Steve Harvey TV
For the sake and safety of anyone that did order, we need to let this thread die and not egg him on. This is a constant reminder why vetting is important, and we need to recognize the clear red flags. They were literally all over this fucking thread from the beginning.
I think after 30 pages we can discern that this guy is not someone you want even knocking on your door to borrow a cup of sugar (before he apologizes) let alone brewing stuff for injection.

Entire thread is a joke I mean even what he's selling seems a bit half baked, only two products in 50ml jugs just screams low tier grow-tent lab or low budget.

Also the amount/way he posts is giving me major red flag vibes, like someone who enjoys a good 48 hour bender on stimulants possibly while he brews your next order.

Once again I shall pray for you US domestic brothers and the source of labs/sources that you seem to get.

Atleast trips got his shit together and seems decent.
Yeah I can't get past how much of a cunt he is though. That and no lab pics, no dice