LOL, order with confidence!!!
fuck that ice cube GIF
I hope that's nothing against me.
No no no lmao. I never did notice if anyone he tagged or mentioned whichever actually recall ever talking to him. This thread just has an odd feel about it. I've been here for a good while, went a year or 2 just lurking before making my profile. And I years ago I don't remember those names is all. Just seeing bs in his story. I only mentioned you because you are around alot. So figured maybe you would say yea or nah if you had in fact conversed with him at some point. I kinda doubt it and figure it was a story he is spinning, with the I was anonymous you would t remember.....
Interesting. On page 26 you said that you thought that you were dealing with a reputable member with pull.

You also said you've been lurking, reading, whatever for longer than i've been here, but you didn't once look at any of his utterly useless posts that comprise his post history prior to making a blind judgment call about his integrity as a member?
This is what I'm saying !!!
Its on me I never asked who he was in our emails I didn't think that was allowed so I just made the deal then saw him post as soon as they landed that he received them .. it was too late by then to realize he is a nobody ..
Who initiated the deal? Did you offer or did he ask?