A lot of misunderstanding.
I order 1 jug with the intent of testing with Jano since people love to bark but not spend coins after seeing Janos testing done already. credit in advance was offered, i took it. Jugs quality looks like dogshit, it made the illusion of possible floaters but it seems its just the quality of the exterior of the jugs.
I took 3 jugs pictures only since they were different caps but all the testosterone are fill equally approx 52ml and the same thing applies for the tren 50.5ml

Video: "I was just joking. It was a joke I guess he didn't get". ,exactly this! if he wouldve send them or not, nothing against me.

Im already talking with Jano, for the 3RD time im gonna send them for testing, im just waiting on supplies, i even i asked a reputable member for advice.

Location: I did ask for location, sorry that was super fucking dumb of me i misunderstood one of his emails paragraphs

If am missing anything please ask again, im not reselling and im a kid, LE, Adult, Cat, Im trennlunnatic, everything you want/need me to be.
A lot of misunderstanding.
I order 1 jug with the intent of testing with Jano since people love to bark but not spend coins after seeing Janos testing done already. credit in advance was offered, i took it. Jugs quality looks like dogshit, it made the illusion of possible floaters but it seems its just the quality of the exterior of the jugs.
I took 3 jugs pictures only since they were different caps but all the testosterone are fill equally approx 52ml and the same thing applies for the tren 50.5ml

Video: "I was just joking. It was a joke I guess he didn't get". ,exactly this! if he wouldve send them or not, nothing against me.

Im already talking with Jano, for the 3RD time im gonna send them for testing, im just waiting on supplies, i even i asked a reputable member for advice.

Location: I did ask for location, sorry that was super fucking dumb of me i misunderstood one of his emails paragraphs

If am missing anything please ask again, im not reselling and im a kid, LE, Adult, Cat, Im trennlunnatic, everything you want/need me to be.
Good on ya’ for coming back, hope you stick to your word and test it!
A lot of misunderstanding.
I order 1 jug with the intent of testing with Jano since people love to bark but not spend coins after seeing Janos testing done already. credit in advance was offered, i took it. Jugs quality looks like dogshit, it made the illusion of possible floaters but it seems its just the quality of the exterior of the jugs.
I took 3 jugs pictures only since they were different caps but all the testosterone are fill equally approx 52ml and the same thing applies for the tren 50.5ml

Video: "I was just joking. It was a joke I guess he didn't get". ,exactly this! if he wouldve send them or not, nothing against me.

Im already talking with Jano, for the 3RD time im gonna send them for testing, im just waiting on supplies, i even i asked a reputable member for advice.

Location: I did ask for location, sorry that was super fucking dumb of me i misunderstood one of his emails paragraphs

If am missing anything please ask again, im not reselling and im a kid, LE, Adult, Cat, Im trennlunnatic, everything you want/need me to be.
This is the strangest source thread I've ever encountered. Are we in the Twilight Zone?

Why would you joke about asking a source to send you a video? Something is off.

Shit bro, send it in since you said you would, but I sure as hell wouldn't pin it. There is some strange energy in this thread IMHO.

I'm just here for the entertainment.
A lot of misunderstanding.
I order 1 jug with the intent of testing with Jano since people love to bark but not spend coins after seeing Janos testing done already. credit in advance was offered, i took it. Jugs quality looks like dogshit, it made the illusion of possible floaters but it seems its just the quality of the exterior of the jugs.
I took 3 jugs pictures only since they were different caps but all the testosterone are fill equally approx 52ml and the same thing applies for the tren 50.5ml

Video: "I was just joking. It was a joke I guess he didn't get". ,exactly this! if he wouldve send them or not, nothing against me.

Im already talking with Jano, for the 3RD time im gonna send them for testing, im just waiting on supplies, i even i asked a reputable member for advice.

Location: I did ask for location, sorry that was super fucking dumb of me i misunderstood one of his emails paragraphs

If am missing anything please ask again, im not reselling and im a kid, LE, Adult, Cat, Im trennlunnatic, everything you want/need me to be.
Are you 17? How many cycles have you run? You’re the dude with the testosterone “rush”. What’s your current cycle with Odin. Your post history is an interesting read.

I’m not ripping on you either. I’m here to help if you’re a legitimate member here. We watch out for each other.

While I got you here too, I’m interested to know how 9 jugs were sent. One pack? Lots of bubble wrap? Vacuum sealed? That’s a heavy box. Lots to potentially clang, break and leak.
This is the strangest source thread I've ever encountered. Are we in the Twilight Zone?

Why would you joke about asking a source to send you a video? Something is off.

Shit bro, send it in since you said you would, but I sure as hell wouldn't pin it. There is some strange energy in this thread IMHO.

I'm just here for the entertainment.
Weiiird eneeeergy
Yeah man, ever since the very start this thread just feels fucking off. At this point it’s not even entertaining, it’s just weird.
Trip's got weird for a while too if i remember Heck it was tr actually with rush feels that also got that one going lol.
So if this dude got 8 bottles of test, wouldn’t he have like almost 3 years worth of test to use? Say he avgs 10 ml a month, 8x50=400ml 400/12=3.3? I find this is odd? How is he going to store these or let alone what if the stoppers start leaking?
I think after 30 pages we can discern that this guy is not someone you want even knocking on your door to borrow a cup of sugar (before he apologizes) let alone brewing stuff for injection.

Entire thread is a joke I mean even what he's selling seems a bit half baked, only two products in 50ml jugs just screams low tier grow-tent lab or low budget.

Also the amount/way he posts is giving me major red flag vibes, like someone who enjoys a good 48 hour bender on stimulants possibly while he brews your next order.

Once again I shall pray for you US domestic brothers and the source of labs/sources that you seem to get.

Atleast trips got his shit together and seems decent.
Obviously my time here has ended which I really don't give two fucks about it to be honest. I could care less if I sell anything or not any further. How about this how about I leak over 160 emails addresses names and phone numbers of everyone who has bought from me within the last 5 days sound fun right it does to me.. I don't give a fuck about prison.. nor this covert steroid selling operation in a open forum. So let's start this way anyone who cares to post a comment on this thread ill leak a name and just keep going from there until all addresses names and numbers are leaked most the stupid fucking idiots who ordered used a email address maybe I can leak the IP addresses also where should I start .. so let's keep commenting on the thread who wants to go first hopefully Noone used their real home address like the dumb fuck 17 year old let me leak is info first anyone want to be the first to test me and talk some shit we have gone this far let's keep going come on guys anything say something.. I'll start with posting emails first and then maybe even send some bottles out that purposely leak to every single address or write steroids on the packages do we have any takers ..
any takers ill start with a address and just keep going down the list come on talk some shit keep it coming first one up address name and parents names he lives with will be posted
Obviously my time here has ended which I really don't give two fucks about it to be honest. I could care less if I sell anything or not any further. How about this how about I leak over 160 emails addresses names and phone numbers of everyone who has bought from me within the last 5 days sound fun right it does to me.. I don't give a fuck about prison.. nor this covert steroid selling operation in a open forum. So let's start this way anyone who cares to post a comment on this thread ill leak a name and just keep going from there until all addresses names and numbers are leaked most the stupid fucking idiots who ordered used a email address maybe I can leak the IP addresses also where should I start .. so let's keep commenting on the thread who wants to go first hopefully Noone used their real home address like the dumb fuck 17 year old let me leak is info first anyone want to be the first to test me and talk some shit we have gone this far let's keep going come on guys anything say something.. I'll start with posting emails first and then maybe even send some bottles out that purposely leak to every single address or write steroids on the packages do we have any takers ..
I thought you don’t hold onto information for more than one day?