You're not scaring anybody. Go take your meds and lay down. The voices will stop in about 30 minutes.

This is pretty high up on the nutbag breakdown scale, is the guy who literally is the drug dealer threatening to doxx people? I can't even understand what the list of 5 names are in his post. Total mental breakdown because his attempt to source crashed and burned.

He just eeked in biggest retard of the month with a couple days to spare for April.

If it's customer names then well this thread just got dialed to 100 and this guy is the biggest piece of shit to grace Meso in a long while

@Millard Think that post #635 needs to be removed ASAP and this guy banned for being a bi-polar nutbag piece of shit.

Let this be a lesson to everyone why you do your due diligence and why new sources with super awesome discount deals are not the best choice.....

@Monsterman12 Eat shit you junky fuck.
This is pretty high up on the nutbag breakdown scale, is the guy who literally is the drug dealer threatening to doxx people? I can't even understand what the list of 5 names are in his post. Total mental breakdown because his attempt to source crashed and burned.

He just eeked in biggest retard of the month with a couple days to spare for April.

If it's customer names then well this thread just got dialed to 100 and this guy is the biggest piece of shit to grace Meso in a long while

@Millard Think that post needs to be removed ASAP and this guy banned for being a bi-polar nutbag piece of shit.

i know we have eager noobs that buy first and ask questions later, but i'm not buying that he had that many orders.

i'm willing to bet that he pulled those names out of his ass. Even if he didn't and someone is truly scared that their name is temporarily visible, the black helicopters aren't coming for them.
This guy is TOTALLY test junki lol. I 100% fucking called it man ha ha ha. Wow what a fucking psycho! :oops: o_O