Man 17 years old and reverse scamming sources on online forums. Quite a crafty little fella, maybe it’s the sources that need to work on who they distribute to when weighting pros and cons on risk factors.
Maybe... but who would have bought from psycho labs?

I think its an alt handle. How many newbs see "Buy 1 get 8" and think "CRAP, I just missed out on the best fucking deal. I knew I should have jumped on that earlier." and are more likely to order from the dude?
Maybe... but who would have bought from psycho labs?

I think its an alt handle. How many newbs see "Buy 1 get 8" and think "CRAP, I just missed out on the best fucking deal. I knew I should have jumped on that earlier." and are more likely to order from the dude?

Good reason to make an alt handle. Take himself up on a ridiculous testing credit and that way he's out nothing.
Maybe... but who would have bought from psycho labs?

I think its an alt handle. How many newbs see "Buy 1 get 8" and think "CRAP, I just missed out on the best fucking deal. I knew I should have jumped on that earlier." and are more likely to order from the dude?
That’s what I thought was strange. There was red flags all over this fucking thread and he decided to order anyway?

Then agreed on the jugs as compensation instead of a credit. Which would have made more sense, because if the testing came back bad, he’s now stuck with 450MLs of oil, and out the money for testing

And correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t he currently running gear from Trip? So why the urge to buy from monster in his first 48 hours of business.

I don’t wanna bash a potential member but there are just too many weird red flags. Just my two cents
That’s what I thought was strange. There was red flags all over this fucking thread and he decided to order anyway?

Then agreed on the jugs as compensation instead of a credit. Which would have made more sense, because if the testing came back bad, he’s now stuck with 450MLs of oil, and out the money for testing

And correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t he currently running gear from Trip? So why the urge to buy from monster in his first 48 hours of business.

I don’t wanna bash a potential member but there are just too many weird red flags. Just my two cents
He’s running gear from everyone. He’s in every thread bitching about T/As.
I think it should live on to serve as a lesson and reminder.
Exactly. Unfortunately this is an all too likely portrait of what the guy on the other end of your email is really like.

There are a few guys that are “enthusiasts” - making gear because they enjoy doing it and they are supplementing their income from the normal every day job.

But far more often than not, the guy is doing this as his sole source of income because he can’t work a regular job. They don’t have much to lose. They might be an ex-con. They might be an addict. They might have blown themselves up once or twice trying to make another street drug and realized that gets old. They might be the super hot daughter of an ex-Soviet sports doctor that defected here illegally (I WISH). They might be a high school science teacher that has cancer and wants to leave a nest-egg for their family. You don’t know.

In this case, the guy is mentally unstable to begin with and self-medicates with something that pushes him even closer to the edge. You know he doesn’t give a fuck about sterility, cleanliness, or accurate measurements.

This is why MESO has a vetting process. It’s why we are “mean bullies”. It frustrates and angers the sources which reveals the true character of somebody. I know there’s guys here that could care less about that but of course none of those guys chimed in on this thread (right @jackmeoff). It’s due diligence. You don’t buy a used car from a guy that’s buzzing around having conversations with himself. So why buy something that you’re going to be injecting.

Ask questions and read. Demand a lot from these guys. If they’re successful they’ll clear tens of thousands of dollars a month. You don’t need to be nicer than that. They are all lying to you about who they are and how much they care.
@janoshik are your test able to identify non gear additives. For lack of a better term.

Even if they can no chance I'd pin that shit.
I can if I know what exactly I'm looking for.
By default I'm only looking at steroids, exactly as BBBG says.
I get that. I asked incase there's additional testing he's able to run.
I can do GCMS, which is pretty fucking awesome and you can actually pop a random sample in and it runs a library search, but there is million "buts" - the compound of interest must be volatile, it must be in the library, it must of certain abundance to get picked up etc etc.

Eg. if I know I'm looking for 5 nanograms of this and that pesticide, I can do that. But if somebody tells me "just make sure there's nothing dangerous in this sample" I'll just go "just cover 12000$ for all these tests"
i would agree but at this point it’s a waste of the money unless he wants to inject that stuff... testing it literally Benefits no one at this point with monster being gone.
He bought 50ml for $88. After what has transpired, he would be out of his mind to use any of it. My advice is to toss all the shit. No telling what is in it that testing would not pick up. The man that brewed the shit was out of his mind.
HPLC isn’t like CSI where they pop a random sample in and it runs a library search. You need to zoom in on the peaks that you’re expecting to find based on the standard and calibration. Jano is looking for steroids. So shit like fent or meth are likely outside of the spectrum.
This is 100% correct. HPLC ~ High Performance Liquid Chromatography, the solvents are separated from the aas compounds to identify. You probably could still use the same procedure and preform an alternate test for the presence of narcotics or even poison.
@trl01 you ignored my post yesterday.
Im not this source lol, i only done sarms, yes im test rush. i threw odin garbage the testing came underdose and i was not feeling shit, i got colonials (floaters in one order, but i got replacements and looks clean) and trips (used Test E and so far so good) cuz im on trt without endo script and is a fucking eyeball off your face.

Package came in plastic wraps and vaccum sealed, the box was not that heavy, everything came in decent condition.

I threw that garbage out already i rather use meth than pin that, i spend some money on supplies to send to Jano but it will be no use. My intent was to purchase 1 jug and send to test jano but it was retarded of me accepting the credit in advance.

88 lost but never forgotten
Im not this source lol, i only done sarms, yes im test rush. i threw odin garbage the testing came underdose and i was not feeling shit, i got colonials (floaters in one order, but i got replacements and looks clean) and trips (used Test E and so far so good) cuz im on trt without endo script and is a fucking eyeball off your face.

Package came in plastic wraps and vaccum sealed, the box was not that heavy, everything came in decent condition.

I threw that garbage out already i rather use meth than pin that, i spend some money on supplies to send to Jano but it will be no use. My intent was to purchase 1 jug and send to test jano but it was retarded of me accepting the credit in advance.

88 lost but never forgotten
Too good to be true it probably is.

You’re not 17 right?

and this was probably a good thing for you. Repeat after me: “I will not order Tren until I talk to a bunch of guys here about it.”

You don’t want to do Tren for a while bud. You need to learn more about your cycles.
Im not this source lol, i only done sarms, yes im test rush. i threw odin garbage the testing came underdose and i was not feeling shit, i got colonials (floaters in one order, but i got replacements and looks clean) and trips (used Test E and so far so good) cuz im on trt without endo script and is a fucking eyeball off your face.

Package came in plastic wraps and vaccum sealed, the box was not that heavy, everything came in decent condition.

I threw that garbage out already i rather use meth than pin that, i spend some money on supplies to send to Jano but it will be no use. My intent was to purchase 1 jug and send to test jano but it was retarded of me accepting the credit in advance.

88 lost but never forgotten
It's for the best bro.In the grand scheme of things 88 dollars not worth your life or a trip ro the er.But hell you would have probably felt that rrrrrushh pinning that shit lol.
Too good to be true it probably is.

You’re not 17 right?

and this was probably a good thing for you. Repeat after me: “I will not order Tren until I talk to a bunch of guys here about it.”

You don’t want to do Tren for a while bud. You need to learn more about your cycles.
And he now has a vindictive lunatic with his home address.
Too good to be true it probably is.

You’re not 17 right?

and this was probably a good thing for you. Repeat after me: “I will not order Tren until I talk to a bunch of guys here about it.”

You don’t want to do Tren for a while bud. You need to learn more about your cycles.
im 17, i thought tren stands for Testosterone enanthane wtf