Bro you really should have done your research before hopping on gear not to mention trained naturally for a couple years.
How did you get on TRT at 17? Did you naturally have low test levels? Or did you get your script from one of those Joe Donnelly fellows.
He bought 50ml for $88. After what has transpired, he would be out of his mind to use any of it. My advice is to toss all the shit. No telling what is in it that testing would not pick up. The man that brewed the shit was out of his mind.
But... He said he wouldn't sell anything he wouldn't pin himself.
Just got caught up on this thread. Glad to see he's been banned in short order.

The kid that came in here asking about the source several pages back after monstermeth made his threats.....You just can't make this stuff up. Lmfao!
Too good to be true it probably is.

You’re not 17 right?

and this was probably a good thing for you. Repeat after me: “I will not order Tren until I talk to a bunch of guys here about it.”

You don’t want to do Tren for a while bud. You need to learn more about your cycles.
He claims that he is and in another thread he goes on bitching about injectible l carnitine not being real EVEN THOUGH HE PINNED IT LIKE THREE TIMES. He was just being thorough I guess?

I get the feeling hes starved for attention. I hope anyway. Lets pray hes not really a half retarded high school kid with a small stockpile of gear and a crippling injectible l carnitine addiction.

How/where does he get the money to buy gear is anyones guess...