Ohhhh so your physically weak and mentally weak huh [emoji1348] typical lol I’ll turn to the juice now to stay off something else cause I can’t help myself it’s soooo addicting [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
No pussy,it's not a struggle I've had. I just don't need to shit on people who do to make myself feel better. That's for oxygen thieves like you. I try not to shit on members period but for your bottom feeding ass I've made an exception.
Ohhhh so your physically weak and mentally weak huh [emoji1348] typical lol I’ll turn to the juice now to stay off something else cause I can’t help myself it’s soooo addicting [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
I was a drunk. I sobered up. Got my shit together. Returned to lifting. I was sober 5 years and then to keep advancing I started juicing. It’s not replacing anything it’s what I enjoy doing. This is my hobby.

Besides being a drunk before, I’m exactly like you. Everyone here is. Let’s not perpetuate the steroids are addictive BS that normies believe. It’s that thinking that will always surround steroids with a stigma.

no need to fight each other. Fight monstermann. He’ll apologize and promise to do better anyway.
May I ask a question totally off subject. I can name drop if needed because everyone knows the coach. But this particular person told me that testosterone must be injected every other day during prep and off cycle to maintain gains. I never understood his theory and never asked him is that not alot of testosterone every other day. That is off cycle also. That amount equals a lot weekly. To the members arguing im sorry that my intro caused this. Hopefully we can stick together and move on. To be exact 400mgs every other day ...
May I ask a question totally off subject. I can name drop if needed because everyone knows the coach. But this particular person told me that testosterone must be injected every other day during prep and off cycle to maintain gains. I never understood his theory and never asked him is that not alot of testosterone every other day. That is off cycle also. That amount equals a lot weekly. To the members arguing im sorry that my intro caused this. Hopefully we can stick together and move on. To be exact 400mgs every other day ...
Lol what? Not sure if serious but thats 1,400 mg/week and no if its cyp once or twice a week is fine. My trt is 100mg every 5 days (140 mg/week) and my recent blood work test levels were 1100.
I worked with Dave Palumbo for awhile last year and that was his protocol at all times
Lol what? Not sure if serious but thats 1,400 mg/week and no if its cyp once or twice a week is fine. My trt is 100mg every 5 days (140 mg/week) and my recent blood work test levels were 1100.
May I ask a question totally off subject. I can name drop if needed because everyone knows the coach. But this particular person told me that testosterone must be injected every other day during prep and off cycle to maintain gains. I never understood his theory and never asked him is that not alot of testosterone every other day. That is off cycle also. That amount equals a lot weekly. To the members arguing im sorry that my intro caused this. Hopefully we can stick together and move on. To be exact 400mgs every other day ...
I like more frequent injections for less estrogen sides personally. Unless Im doing like 200mg a week then ill do 100mg 2x weekly. anything else I do every other day
No pussy,it's not a struggle I've had. I just don't need to shit on people who do to make myself feel better. That's for oxygen thieves like you. I try not to shit on members period but for your bottom feeding ass I've made an exception.
I definitely try to shit on members if I think they have it coming which really doesn't take much if you catch me in one of my other personalities.
I like more frequent injections for less estrogen sides personally. Unless Im doing like 200mg a week then ill do 100mg 2x weekly. anything else I do every other day
I just don't understand daves theory with the 400mgs every other day I guess i could ask him but I wanted ask other members for thoughts I would assume he likes people to have estrogen also.
I was a drunk. I sobered up. Got my shit together. Returned to lifting. I was sober 5 years and then to keep advancing I started juicing. It’s not replacing anything it’s what I enjoy doing. This is my hobby.

Besides being a drunk before, I’m exactly like you. Everyone here is. Let’s not perpetuate the steroids are addictive BS that normies believe. It’s that thinking that will always surround steroids with a stigma.

no need to fight each other. Fight monstermann. He’ll apologize and promise to do better anyway.
I don't know man, I am addicted to gear as I can't explain why I still use other than I am a gym rat. Im too old for this shit and I should know better but I just keep doing it.
I was a drunk. I sobered up. Got my shit together. Returned to lifting. I was sober 5 years and then to keep advancing I started juicing. It’s not replacing anything it’s what I enjoy doing. This is my hobby.

Besides being a drunk before, I’m exactly like you. Everyone here is. Let’s not perpetuate the steroids are addictive BS that normies believe. It’s that thinking that will always surround steroids with a stigma.

no need to fight each other. Fight monstermann. He’ll apologize and promise to do better anyway.
I am a mute im respectful I can't get mad I have zero status here. Everyone else is smarter then me and I learned and keep learning from everyone here. But I would definitely prefer not to fight anyone I promise to do better next time.
Lol what? Not sure if serious but thats 1,400 mg/week and no if its cyp once or twice a week is fine. My trt is 100mg every 5 days (140 mg/week) and my recent blood work test levels were 1100.
Agree.I only pin once a week(trt) every friday.Shit my first cycle was a organon sus once a week and i blew me up.Im thinking he is doing that to lessen the volume of the oil injected?
Agree.I only pin once a week(trt) every friday.Shit my first cycle was a organon sus once a week and i blew me up.Im thinking he is doing that to lessen the volume of the oil injected?
Reason behind 400mgs every other day though?