I know this is my first post on Meso, but I started following this thread after I found spetz on reddit about a month ago. I usually just read posts to gain insight and don't post often because I don't feel I have much to offer in regards to substance. I've been reading every day and I'm going through the same thing. Money was collected 2 weeks ago and everything since has been sketchy as fuck. I don't even expect a quick turnaround on the product. I get it. It takes time. I just want the communication promised. I've had two emails stating I'll get tracking info within 24hrs and then last week before he left to go to China, I got a "your order may have been sent back to me, but I'll resend before I leave." I emailed him Tuesday after he hadn't responded with an update in a few days..no response. I emailed him again today (7 days since last response) letting him know that I was getting frustrated and all I want is a status update. I'm not planning on running any gear until December. I'm just trying to fucking stock up. I placed a smaller order in with spetz because I didn't want to throw a grand to someone I don't know or trust without testing the waters...anyways, he responded within a few hours apologizing and said "IF your order wasn't shipped, I'll reship this week." That means tomorrow right? Just fucking shoot me straight and quit bullshitting. I get over 300 emails per day between work and friends and manage them without any issue whatsoever, and I have a job where I'm not sitting at a desk all day. I'm moving around between 3 states managing a sales team, so the I'm busy excuse doesn't cut it with me. just want a legit update and not be given the runaround. vent over..sorry