USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Besides the fact Spetz is no longer defending his product, so why are you? Either you're that naive or have an interest in spreading misinformation to lead the general public to believe under-dosed gear is acceptable, and we should be stroking these UGL's off for everything they let flow down stream to us. What were your other handles again??
Well we all know this Tango he has been spotted like a three legged mule.
Treated over 1000 AAS users....

Spetz himself thinks the numbers are too low....


So Spetz, the lab itself, is admitting that these numbers are too low... It seems like he is doing the right thing and refunding where necessary... It sounds like the numbers were alarming enough for him to travel 1/2 way around the globe...

I guess the only question for anyone playing devils advocate would be, "Are you going to request an order from this batch from Spetz?"
In light of the fact, with all this evidence, can you honestly say yes?
Sorry J he has already called Scally a quack. I will just spend my time refuting this guys bullshit.
That is what I am saying. By the bloods we seen in this thread I am not sure we can conclude Spetz is under dosed at all. Bloods can vary greatly from person to person and even with the same person.

Your trolling ass is still harping on this?? Great to see that you learned nothing last week after being embarrassed in this very thread.. You are the most thick headed arrogant asshole to come through here in awhile.. Thanks for filling the void.. :rolleyes:
Your trolling ass is still harping on this?? Great to see that you learned nothing last week after being embarrassed in this very thread.. You are the most thick headed arrogant asshole to come through here in awhile.. Thanks for filling the void.. :rolleyes:
I fill your old lady's void in her pussy too.
^^^^^It has bee awhile someone worthy of this^^^^^He is completely worthy

Congrats Jackmeoff you have managed to put yourself on this highly esteemed list of Meso characters.
Scally never states if the 600 was administered in one 600 dose or 2 300's. I know everyone is probably going to say it doesn't matter with long esters but I have a hard time seeing exactly why.
Ok. Your receptors are probably woken up by now. I'll bet the first couple times in each area produced some serious pip and heated swelling. Right? Now, you'll probably not experience much pip as long as you are using areas you have injected before. If you're continually getting pip a few weeks in, it's probably high BA. Or your body doesn't like something in the mix/oil or contaminant. But if your pip goes away in week 2 - 4, that usually us an indication your receptors in that muscle group "recognize" the juice. If you wanna test this theory, pick a spot you haven't pinned yet (chest, lats, traps,) and really enjoy the pip! Happy pinning!
Ok. Your receptors are probably woken up by now. I'll bet the first couple times in each area produced some serious pip and heated swelling. Right? Now, you'll probably not experience much pip as long as you are using areas you have injected before. If you're continually getting pip a few weeks in, it's probably high BA. Or your body doesn't like something in the mix/oil or contaminant. But if your pip goes away in week 2 - 4, that usually us an indication your receptors in that muscle group "recognize" the juice. If you wanna test this theory, pick a spot you haven't pinned yet (chest, lats, traps,) and really enjoy the pip! Happy pinning!

Makes since i was considering this last night. It has been awhile. It went from no pip to all the way up to bad pip and back to zero this last time. All gradual changes
Couldnt tell ya.. however my test e is working pretty good and without my own bloods i cant say anything bad.