OK all my emails have been answered and tracking numbers updated, phew!!
id like to share a story, 9 months ago while on a tren cycle i go to sleep, i was benching 3 plates maybe 12 times, and my friend
@unixpro paid for me to go to a spinning class with him and his wife, he lost over 100lb spinning and well one issue us big guys have is lack of stamina, i cant deny it
however this guy is bigger than I and he can spin 2hrs and burn 3k calories, that is very very impressive! so i went spinning in Miami, fl which i dont like lol and woke up the next morning i could not move from the bed, my chest felt like i was having a heart attack, i was very scared!! it hurt when i breathed and it felt like my heart was bruised or something, went to the ER and ekg were all ok, MRI and ct scan all OK.
then it turned out there is a condition which i forgot the name, where fibers in the long tear, and basically air from the lungs escape into the chest cavity and there is nothing that can be done, you have to lay in bed sitting upright for a few days and the tears heal and the air goes god knows where. true story guys!!
so .. dont spin on tren lol