USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

I ordered some anavar off spetz. I'm 10 days into the cycle. My center chest left side just under the rib cage is swelled. It's causing me breathing problems.
Has anyone ever had or heard of this experience???
I ordered some anavar off spetz. I'm 10 days into the cycle. My center chest left side just under the rib cage is swelled. It's causing me breathing problems.
Has anyone ever had or heard of this experience???
Dude that is not good ....go to the doctor.
Yea Bro go check that out.
When it comes to center of chest swelling it can be anything from Hughes syndrome, Pericarditis, Aorta issues. Or just a simple swelling. When it comes to that play it safe, you got some important organs behind the other side of the fence that are vital to your well being.....
I ordered some anavar off spetz. I'm 10 days into the cycle. My center chest left side just under the rib cage is swelled. It's causing me breathing problems.
Has anyone ever had or heard of this experience???
Is it painful? Under the rib cage or beneath it? More in the front or towards your back? Could be alot of things depending. Dont risk it. Go get in the car and see a doc..
I know most of it is and i am not diagnosing anything but the left lobe is in that area. It could be anything hell what else has he been taking or drinking ya know.unnamed (3).jpg
I ordered some anavar off spetz. I'm 10 days into the cycle. My center chest left side just under the rib cage is swelled. It's causing me breathing problems.
Has anyone ever had or heard of this experience???
Sir you should go to the doctor and get that checked out ASAP!!!
I know most of it is and i am not diagnosing anything but the left lobe is in that area. It could be anything hell what else has he been taking or drinking ya know.View attachment 16965
Maybe it's just me, but I've had liver problems multiple times in my life... Horrible pain and it always comes as a pain under the bottom 2 ribs on the right side, radiates underneath in to the fatty part of the stomach but generally stays in that area. If he's having pain in the left center of his chest, I doubt it's his liver... But I guess it could be anything.

Edit: didn't know the left lobe went that far over, unless the pic is misleading. Thanks for the info bro
OK all my emails have been answered and tracking numbers updated, phew!!

id like to share a story, 9 months ago while on a tren cycle i go to sleep, i was benching 3 plates maybe 12 times, and my friend @unixpro paid for me to go to a spinning class with him and his wife, he lost over 100lb spinning and well one issue us big guys have is lack of stamina, i cant deny it :) however this guy is bigger than I and he can spin 2hrs and burn 3k calories, that is very very impressive! so i went spinning in Miami, fl which i dont like lol and woke up the next morning i could not move from the bed, my chest felt like i was having a heart attack, i was very scared!! it hurt when i breathed and it felt like my heart was bruised or something, went to the ER and ekg were all ok, MRI and ct scan all OK.

then it turned out there is a condition which i forgot the name, where fibers in the long tear, and basically air from the lungs escape into the chest cavity and there is nothing that can be done, you have to lay in bed sitting upright for a few days and the tears heal and the air goes god knows where. true story guys!!

so .. dont spin on tren lol
OK all my emails have been answered and tracking numbers updated, phew!!

id like to share a story, 9 months ago while on a tren cycle i go to sleep, i was benching 3 plates maybe 12 times, and my friend @unixpro paid for me to go to a spinning class with him and his wife, he lost over 100lb spinning and well one issue us big guys have is lack of stamina, i cant deny it :) however this guy is bigger than I and he can spin 2hrs and burn 3k calories, that is very very impressive! so i went spinning in Miami, fl which i dont like lol and woke up the next morning i could not move from the bed, my chest felt like i was having a heart attack, i was very scared!! it hurt when i breathed and it felt like my heart was bruised or something, went to the ER and ekg were all ok, MRI and ct scan all OK.

then it turned out there is a condition which i forgot the name, where fibers in the long tear, and basically air from the lungs escape into the chest cavity and there is nothing that can be done, you have to lay in bed sitting upright for a few days and the tears heal and the air goes god knows where. true story guys!!

so .. dont spin on tren lol
Cool story bro. Tell it again.
[Qcouldn't r8whitetrukker, post: 1123512, member: 66525"]Spetz is fine by me if all he re-sell's is fda AI and vet grade gear[/QUOTE]
I agree-pharma test amps help too!!
OK all my emails have been answered and tracking numbers updated, phew!!

id like to share a story, 9 months ago while on a tren cycle i go to sleep, i was benching 3 plates maybe 12 times, and my friend @unixpro paid for me to go to a spinning class with him and his wife, he lost over 100lb spinning and well one issue us big guys have is lack of stamina, i cant deny it :) however this guy is bigger than I and he can spin 2hrs and burn 3k calories, that is very very impressive! so i went spinning in Miami, fl which i dont like lol and woke up the next morning i could not move from the bed, my chest felt like i was having a heart attack, i was very scared!! it hurt when i breathed and it felt like my heart was bruised or something, went to the ER and ekg were all ok, MRI and ct scan all OK.

then it turned out there is a condition which i forgot the name, where fibers in the long tear, and basically air from the lungs escape into the chest cavity and there is nothing that can be done, you have to lay in bed sitting upright for a few days and the tears heal and the air goes god knows where. true story guys!!

so .. dont spin on tren lol


Sorry had to do it. Lol but what the hell does this have to do with everything going on in here right now.
OK all my emails have been answered and tracking numbers updated, phew!!

id like to share a story, 9 months ago while on a tren cycle i go to sleep, i was benching 3 plates maybe 12 times, and my friend @unixpro paid for me to go to a spinning class with him and his wife, he lost over 100lb spinning and well one issue us big guys have is lack of stamina, i cant deny it :) however this guy is bigger than I and he can spin 2hrs and burn 3k calories, that is very very impressive! so i went spinning in Miami, fl which i dont like lol and woke up the next morning i could not move from the bed, my chest felt like i was having a heart attack, i was very scared!! it hurt when i breathed and it felt like my heart was bruised or something, went to the ER and ekg were all ok, MRI and ct scan all OK.

then it turned out there is a condition which i forgot the name, where fibers in the long tear, and basically air from the lungs escape into the chest cavity and there is nothing that can be done, you have to lay in bed sitting upright for a few days and the tears heal and the air goes god knows where. true story guys!!

so .. dont spin on tren lol
I never got a reply or tracking.
I don't demand Centrino, here's my thinking. You may have brewed a great batch of product, better than anything I've ever tried! But it's just that, a batch. And there are a few things I've learned about you over the course of today. You have a full-time job, you have a thread @ reddit, you have a thread here, you have a son with special needs and a family, your the one answering emails for orders, who knows how many other hats you are wearing? You could be a one man show and brew, pickup funds, ship orders the whole nine. Although from some reviews I've read Centrino may not be the best label out there running, I have to believe should you get cleared by the vets, the overwhelming onslaught of orders will bog you down to a pace where I would be concerned that you don't have the infrastructure to scale. At this moment in time I feel like you have so many responsibilities that I would only feel comfortable viewing you as a reseller in this scenario. Just my .02

@usaspetz starting to look like you could use some help around here. Forget the Centrino talk for a min and let's just focus on our original concerns. You said you will taking this venture on full-time, I hope the environment of this thread will improve soon. It may be time to consider your options though in light of this last batch of Test. Everyone understands why you like to run your own label, but my only advice would be don't let it burn you down before you get started here. You have a solid model as a reseller and until you are able to procure a source of good raws I'd be focused on damage control. Make the customers whole, and suspend orders of the UGL until you have a product that has undergone quality control testing... another bad batch and reimbursement/reship would expend so much time and capital it will make it more and more difficult to recover. You have the tools to be successful but I hope you aren't too short sighted to see that brand recognition is everything. If you can't be 100% confident in your UGL product going out stick with what you know is consistent: meds, anchillaries, vet/HG.... or my fear is that the Anabolix label will tarnish your reputation and tear the whole thing apart.