USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

To all the people that had issues... Has spetz made things right its hard to tell at this point without making a list.
My tracking number started working tonight. Expected
delivery day is Monday. Obviously can't speak to whether the order is accurate or if the gear is good. I'm satisfied for now.
My tracking number started working tonight. Expected
delivery day is Monday. Obviously can't speak to whether the order is accurate or if the gear is good. I'm satisfied for now.
Please folks STOP listing delivery dates of said product unless you like visits from LE. Protect yourselves and the source by not giving them these nice little tidbits of information. Rookie mistake but don't do it again bro.
Please folks STOP listing delivery dates of said product unless you like visits from LE. Protect yourselves and the source by not giving them these nice little tidbits of information. Rookie mistake but don't do it again bro.
Has anyone actually ever been busted that you guys know of?
Please folks STOP listing delivery dates of said product unless you like visits from LE. Protect yourselves and the source by not giving them these nice little tidbits of information. Rookie mistake but don't do it again bro.
Sorry man. Wasn't thinking. Know better now. Won't happen again
Has anyone actually ever been busted that you guys know of?
Yes... There are multiple threads in here and on other forums about it. This question sounds serious, you have to realize that you are dealing with illegal drugs, and if LE can't get to a source but can get to you, well then they might just try and get to you as a means to move up the ladder, or simply because it's an easy bust and makes their numbers look good. That's their job, they take it seriously, and we post on an open, public forum. Anyone who thinks that their not dealing with something serious, is fucking dillusional.
Hey guys, yeah Thats my bad for not checking in sooner, long day, and honestly i have to be concerned first about fulfilling orders and then about MESO, i cant do both at the same time and i had to re-ship a few orders. if you have an emergency please email me, unfortunately my meso inbox gets full with customers asking for a price list or

now about Marcus' vial, I've already re-shipped his replacement vials and he will get them either tomorrow or next week, NOW, i don't see how one possibly under dosed batch will ruin my rep, i agree and acknowledge the questions but even pharmaceutical companies have issues and do re-calls, i am trying to handle it the best that i could and the few months I've been selling, i'm the only one i have seen who has been not only transparent with you guys but has gone out of the way to make things right, of course the argument that a better UGL wouldn't have had this issue in the first place, well... i don't have an answer to that :) i've lost over $900 and have still to get a reliable mass spec source, they're all fake, i have one for anavar pending almost 2 months and have not yet gotten the result.

A few notes, tracking numbers dont update right away, i have 0 control over this, ive had tracking numbers update ONLY after the items were delivered.

also, if i dont answer an email after a few hrs, dont be afraid to re-send it, you're welcome to blow up my inbox, i have had missed emails and countermail isnt the best as some of you know, i dont ignore emails however i need to stay safe which means i cannot check emails from the cell or tablet, it needs to be from a few undisclosed locations, i am here to work with you and make your experience not only as safe as possible but the best that i can, most of my income comes from repeat sales, usually its a small buy then a larger full cycle, i am aware and i want you to be happy. again i dont mind you sending me several repeated emails, i dont mind one bit, what does grind my gears is when i dont get an email and then you take an entire day to tell the whole world how usaspetz has robbed you, this benefits no one and i think you guys are wise enough to know when a vendor has truly taken off, i am not here to rob anyone but i am a one man show and i am human, if i make a mistake with sending you an incorrect item rest assured i will make things right, im sure some of you can vouch for this.
One piece of news you might like, my new batches of ... pretty much everything will have accurate batch numbers on the labels, i ended up investing on a label machine (got it when i was in china) and although its a little more work the result is accurate batches which is easier to track if there is an issue.
Dude if I need to help someone get laid at a bar then why would a chick wanna fuck the dude anyways. If you can't get laid without help then that's just to bad, so no, I wouldn't help. Nobody helped me so I guess I'm not to eager to help others get handed what I worked for. Right or wrong my opinion but sorry for asking anyones opinion. It seems like when someone asks a question you've got 2 or 3 people that give helpful answers but the rest is just a bunch of smart ass comments that wouldn't be said in person for fans surw I know now spetz is someone to depend on so I'll bow out and will have no need to ask anymore questions no
All I can say is this, you are a shitty friend as well as a fucking chump! I get the whole part about you having to read but check this out, tell him to read. Don't hide behind all these fucked up lies that you're trying to pass off as hard work. You say that he doesn't work and goes to the gym? That was the best timw of my gym life. Wake up, eat, hit my noon aa mtg and off to cruch the weights, no one there, all to myself. It sound like jealousy. Shoot a pic of your"friend" up here without a face and let us be the deciding factor. Are you an old man and him a good looking younger guy that is yoked amd pulls hella pussy while your stuck in a stagnant marriage? Not talking shit...well maybe a little. Help him out if he's a friend, if not help him out anyways but charge him.
All I can say is this, you are a shitty friend as well as a fucking chump! I get the whole part about you having to read but check this out, tell him to read. Don't hide behind all these fucked up lies that you're trying to pass off as hard work. You say that he doesn't work and goes to the gym? That was the best timw of my gym life. Wake up, eat, hit my noon aa mtg and off to cruch the weights, no one there, all to myself. It sound like jealousy. Shoot a pic of your"friend" up here without a face and let us be the deciding factor. Are you an old man and him a good looking younger guy that is yoked amd pulls hella pussy while your stuck in a stagnant marriage? Not talking shit...well maybe a little. Help him out if he's a friend, if not help him out anyways but charge him.
How does this shit, have anything to do with this thread? What a waste of time.
Hey Spetz, glad to hear that the turbulence is coming to smooth sailing.
Will you have any other compounds that will come into play in the near future.
I know you mentioned Primobolan, Proviron, vet grade Prop, EQ, NPP.
So far I like the way this is turning around. I still have 4 or 5 weeks till I place an order for my next cycle and it will be the first time I try buying from a ugl via email. I respect the way Spetz is handling this whole thing and I plan on putting my faith in him as long as this thread continues to go smooth. An updated price list would be very beneficial @spetz.
All I can say is this, you are a shitty friend as well as a fucking chump! I get the whole part about you having to read but check this out, tell him to read. Don't hide behind all these fucked up lies that you're trying to pass off as hard work. You say that he doesn't work and goes to the gym? That was the best timw of my gym life. Wake up, eat, hit my noon aa mtg and off to cruch the weights, no one there, all to myself. It sound like jealousy. Shoot a pic of your"friend" up here without a face and let us be the deciding factor. Are you an old man and him a good looking younger guy that is yoked amd pulls hella pussy while your stuck in a stagnant marriage? Not talking shit...well maybe a little. Help him out if he's a friend, if not help him out anyways but charge him.
Manny, you come out of left field weeks late with some bullshit way too often. Thanks for your contribution today :rolleyes:
Marcus, random question but are you by chance planning on testing the replacement product you're receiving?
I think I can say it now that it's been sent out to me... Yes, I'm going to run the new test at the same dose for 5 weeks and get bloods and then I'm going to run his test amps for 5 weeks at the same dose and run bloods.

Spetz and I have been going back and forth in PM the last couple days and he says that he still getting customers with blood values that are comparable to mine (which fall in line with what he has heard) on TRT and another guy on Kevin's raws... Which would make sense since it's the same gear as his. I figured the best way to lay it to rest is to run his new batch to see if and how it is different, then run the pharma grade.

Just FYI, Spetz was not directly saying that these numbers were ok or directly defending these numbers, just that this was what he had observed. So I thought this would be the best way to figure it out.