Hey guys, yeah Thats my bad for not checking in sooner, long day, and honestly i have to be concerned first about fulfilling orders and then about MESO, i cant do both at the same time and i had to re-ship a few orders. if you have an emergency please email me, unfortunately my meso inbox gets full with customers asking for a price list or
now about Marcus' vial, I've already re-shipped his replacement vials and he will get them either tomorrow or next week, NOW, i don't see how one possibly under dosed batch will ruin my rep, i agree and acknowledge the questions but even pharmaceutical companies have issues and do re-calls, i am trying to handle it the best that i could and the few months I've been selling, i'm the only one i have seen who has been not only transparent with you guys but has gone out of the way to make things right, of course the argument that a better UGL wouldn't have had this issue in the first place, well... i don't have an answer to that
i've lost over $900 and have still to get a reliable mass spec source, they're all fake, i have one for anavar pending almost 2 months and have not yet gotten the result.
A few notes, tracking numbers dont update right away, i have 0 control over this, ive had tracking numbers update ONLY after the items were delivered.
also, if i dont answer an email after a few hrs, dont be afraid to re-send it, you're welcome to blow up my inbox, i have had missed emails and countermail isnt the best as some of you know, i dont ignore emails however i need to stay safe which means i cannot check emails from the cell or tablet, it needs to be from a few undisclosed locations, i am here to work with you and make your experience not only as safe as possible but the best that i can, most of my income comes from repeat sales, usually its a small buy then a larger full cycle, i am aware and i want you to be happy. again i dont mind you sending me several repeated emails, i dont mind one bit, what does grind my gears is when i dont get an email and then you take an entire day to tell the whole world how usaspetz has robbed you, this benefits no one and i think you guys are wise enough to know when a vendor has truly taken off, i am not here to rob anyone but i am a one man show and i am human, if i make a mistake with sending you an incorrect item rest assured i will make things right, im sure some of you can vouch for this.