USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

New Product: Very limited quantity, if demand is there i will order more.

Propionate 50Mg/20ML - Product of Argentina. $110

Thats awesome first cycle I ever did had bro's that would go to mexico. I blew up quick. Good memories. Nice add spetz!
Check this out, eat shit "tough guy!" Lame .
Well ok but only because your little tough guy ass told me to. Dude drop the insults. Does it make you feel better about yourself? We're you trash canned in high school and now taking it out on me? Jesus man grow up
You girls cut it out! Lol. Now back on topic, I just wanted to say I pulled the trigger and I will be posting a log when I start in about a week and a half, and I'm going to do a labmax on each compound so I will post under the proper section for everyone to see in a few days. I will also get bloods done. But I have a question. I will be running test prop and tren ace pinning EOD. When would be the best time to get bloods done for prop/tren? Prop will be 100mg EOD and tren will be 50mg EOD, since this is my first tren cycle and want to see how I react to it. I may up it after a couple of weeks depending on how I feel. I just want to make sure I am getting bloods done at the right time to yield the most accurate results.
P.I. did some prelim labmax on a few products, and then we have this latest round of bloods on the Test E. His UGL line is for the most part untested at this stage and imo a high risk investment until he resolves his issues with his raw supplier.

Im pretty sure tango is saying p.i (pumpingiron) did the labmax, not him. You can see the results in the testing forum.
Oh shit... My apologies, I saw that as P.S. or some bullshit other than what it was. Disregard my question


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