USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Spetz - I am now on Week 4 of my Test Cyp I received from you. Should have bloods after next week. My real problem is with the PIP on this product as well.

I am using 26 gauge needles and not only is it incredibly hard to draw and inject, but the PIP is 100 times worse than my Watson Cyp.

Any advise?
Just noticed this post. Initially I thought the pip was less with the recently replacement batch, but guess I spoke too soon. Had soreness for nearly a week. Maybe it is due to the 18%bb/2%ba or the concentration. My Watson test cyp is 20/0.9.
Adding extra.if it's dosed correct and I'm not saying you don't just saying.if I'm. Wanting 750 a week and getting 900 because it's got xtra doesn't that play into all kinds of different scenarios I meen I'd rather a lil more than ALOT less I'd rather 250ml in a test e 250 bottle not that case the sust. Is effected dramatically.sust needs to be on the money for its different components to work correctly.which I'm sure is why when I did those pharma amps the change was dramatic
Just an update. Today Is 3 weeks and counting. Not trying to discredit spetz. Just letting the community know. I feel it's an unnecessarily long t/a. Been in contact with spetz. Hopefully things get worked out

Naturalkon - 3 weeks past the stated t/a? Or??? Clarify, please.

It is VERY, VERY important that anyone else who is waiting longer than the stated t/a step up and say so. If it is 1 or 2 guys and everyone else is getting their pack on time, then okay ... if there are a bunch of dudes waiting a lot longer than they were told, then we need to address this as a community!
Just to be clear, this is from when i went to china, i am no ignoring any emails and this does not reflect my current t/a. feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
What is your current t/a?
t/a varies, i am getting out the door within 24 hrs after payment is collected, HOWEVER!! i did have some issues with my china trip and for example usps delayed about 7 boxes from last weekend, I don't want to mention some of the customers affected but they should have already received packages and if they want to, they can chime in :) safety first.
Naturalkon - 3 weeks past the stated t/a? Or??? Clarify, please.

It is VERY, VERY important that anyone else who is waiting longer than the stated t/a step up and say so. If it is 1 or 2 guys and everyone else is getting their pack on time, then okay ... if there are a bunch of dudes waiting a lot longer than they were told, then we need to address this as a community!
It's been 3 weeks total.