USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH


I don't think items were ever shipped because there is some sort of ordeal with the payment method used.
I also believe @usaspetz is out of town where he's not getting signal to be able to make any type of remark on this topic yet. I am pretty sure he will correct the issue when he gets back because it just doesn't make good business since on spetz end of the deal to not make it right.
There are bound to be little hiccups along the way in this business but from the last ordeal I think spetz is a stand up guy and will resolve this issue. With that being said we definitely don't want any of our brothers to get hung out to dry no matter how small the order is. This is why I love Meso so much. Because we all stand together and help each other. That's also why this board is so hard to source on because we stay on top of everything.
I knew if I let this guy hanging out here that you all would take care of this and I was right. Thanks everyone for being the kind of guys you are. If I wasn't so tied up with work and home life right now I would be able to help, sorry.
I will try to keep an eye on things here when I have a minute but that's going to be hard for a few days. Anyway keep up the great work guys. I'm glad to be a part of such a great group of guys.

I don't think items were ever shipped because there is some sort of ordeal with the payment method used.
I also believe @usaspetz is out of town where he's not getting signal to be able to make any type of remark on this topic yet. I am pretty sure he will correct the issue when he gets back because it just doesn't make good business since on spetz end of the deal to not make it right.
There are bound to be little hiccups along the way in this business but from the last ordeal I think spetz is a stand up guy and will resolve this issue. With that being said we definitely don't want any of our brothers to get hung out to dry no matter how small the order is. This is why I love Meso so much. Because we all stand together and help each other. That's also why this board is so hard to source on because we stay on top of everything.
I knew if I let this guy hanging out here that you all would take care of this and I was right. Thanks everyone for being the kind of guys you are. If I wasn't so tied up with work and home life right now I would be able to help, sorry.
I will try to keep an eye on things here when I have a minute but that's going to be hard for a few days. Anyway keep up the great work guys. I'm glad to be a part of such a great group of guys.

Appreciate it man. It's good to know we have people on this forum that lookout for one another.
This is how a review should look. Detailed with explanations without compromising the safety or security of himself or the source.
The suggestions to the source about improving the overall experience within the review were reasonable and if the suggestions implemented would take pressure off the source and ensure that packing and shipping procedures are not rushed which is a good thing.
This source is international and extra care needs to be taken when dealing with ANY country's Customs. The TA is unreasonable to place on the people handling the processing and shipping in this operation? They must HATE this fucking guy?
I certainly hope there is someone above this guy in this operation? If there is, they need to be replaced immediately and damage control needs to begin. It won't be a difficult thing. Again, the stated TA is unrealistic and this place is going to have a nonstop barrage of emails with complaints from customers that are not at fault wondering what in the fuck is happening with their shit as the TA is clearly not being met.
As a rep this guy has the simple part of the operation. He's hurting the reputation of this place. All he does is put up a menu of things that are in demand and then puts the orders into the system that allows no margin for error and no time for anyone to take a piss or get a sandwich for lunch.
The stated TA needs to be 4 to 5 times longer than it is now. That's still more than fair. The guy posting here and fielding questions obviously inexperienced with the amount of volume that they have the chance to be dealing with when servicing a board the size of MESO.
One of the big Commandments in the world of sales and customer service is to under promise and over deliver. You will take the pressure off yourself and the people working to service board members. This will give all the folks and hoops they have to jump through time to do so.
With the way things are now, you have to do duck and dodge. You do owe guys an answer/explanation to what the fuck is up because of the TA. You've put yourself in the position of looking unprofessional as well as a liar and someone that has no clue as to what's going on.
The things you all have to do is something we don't need to know. It's not our business. The stated TA makes them our business. By posting or giving the answers in private you are putting yourself and members here in danger. The answers are a detailed explanation on how to.....1)Pick up funds to illegally obtain products....2)how to package those products to get by United States Customs and then have the USPS deliver to members.
With the TA you have now there is a computer savvy board member that posts in this thread that could easily obtain members that order from IP addy and be waiting at members home that have ordered from you and intercept the package if it was on time.
The last paragraph was directed at the usapetz member(he's the "you") to let him know how pi could, if he were LE, intercept and proceed with a controlled delivery.
Yes, LE would intercept the pack at customs or at the post office...but I'm trying to make a point.

I'm going to rate my whole experience. Note that I'm rating this against similar experiences purchasing similar items in the past, not against Zappos or Amazon.

Communication - C
As good as any one else I've dealt with, one email fell through the cracks, I felt there wasn't enough of a heads up that things might take longer around the China trip.

Mail Packing - B
Just what you'd expect, the inner packing was a nice touch.

Vials - B+/A-
Labels look great, vials look great. Evenly filled, even light gold color, well done all around.

Capsules B+/A-
Evenly filled, clean, well packed.

T/A - D
I gave him the low grade for mis-managing expectations. Had he said 3 weeks from the outset, I would probably give him an A for delivering as promised.

Results - TBD

Would I order again - yes. This is an untraditional business and as a customer I think you take the good with the bad. Ultimately, the product is what matters and that it be as promised and delivered in a safe manner. So far, I believe spetz has done that.

My suggestions to spetz: Drop the 2-3 day T/A promise, it gives you no margin for shipping error and no one is going to pick you over someone else simply because you promise 2-3 days and they promise 3-5. Most people here are used to waiting weeks or months, saying 3-5 days is fine. Drop the "guaranteed" part of T/A as it's silly. Guaranteed, or else what?

Communicate with your customers if you get in the weeds. People will forgive mistakes, but they hate feeling ignored.
Hey guys, just wanted to let you guys know i am beginning to use direct sources in china and will be dropping my current known sources. I am working on a batch of Masteron-P and melting point test was at 120c which is to be honest the best i've ever seen considering 122 was target. So for those who ordered mast and i asked till monday to ship the quality should be quite nice, regardless its Overdosed 20% :)
OK guys, effective tomorrow here are my new official shipping terms.

Also, i will be changing T/A to 5-7 days, USPS is VERY VERY UN-reliable and i prefer you get it in 3 days and be happy than be 3 days or more late and think i lied to you. One more thing and this is VERY important, effective tomorrow i will no longer provide tracking numbers, i will still send an email confirming its been sent and the eta, if there is an issue and you have not received it within those days, then i will track it for you and if there is an issue i re-ship or take care of it, many of you whom have purchased from me know that i will take care of things and i always make things right.
Maybe you should pm npng and have him pm spetz asking for him to pm him back and then npng can pm you back so you can post about it here.
No, after a few PMs and emails, I give up. It wouldn't be that big of a deal to me normally, but I described my situation to him and why its crucial that I have a rough estimate of T/A. Quite disappointed as communication has be good and he's responded within 24 hrs. Yet for some reason with the T/A its become impossible to get a straight answer even though he's told me multiple times thats he's sending my tracking information to me. Im not worried about not receiving what I paid for, just in a situation to where its imperative that I know roughly when to expect the package. Ordered from him in the past and everything went smoother than this time. Guess he's backed up with a lot of orders since joining meso.
Wow, fellas, seems like a lot of you guys are more trusting in this guy than I would be. I seem to be seeing too many members slowly stepping up stating that their packs are not arriving and they are having communication problems.

I have not followed this thread as closely as some of you fellas. Please tell me, am I just seeing more smoke than there really is - or do we need to be encouraging the brethren to hold off on ordering from Spetz until he resolves the outstanding issues?

It's okay if he has hit a rough spot and is legitimately making things right.

It's NOT okay if this guy has fallen behind, is falling farther behind in making things right, yet members are still sending money like everything is cool.

If you're being fucked around, and are keeping quiet about it, you are just lubing up the next guy who gets fucked.
OK guys, effective tomorrow here are my new official shipping terms.

Also, i will be changing T/A to 5-7 days, USPS is VERY VERY UN-reliable and i prefer you get it in 3 days and be happy than be 3 days or more late and think i lied to you. One more thing and this is VERY important, effective tomorrow i will no longer provide tracking numbers, i will still send an email confirming its been sent and the eta, if there is an issue and you have not received it within those days, then i will track it for you and if there is an issue i re-ship or take care of it, many of you whom have purchased from me know that i will take care of things and i always make things right.
Hey could you please respond to my email?
Wow, fellas, seems like a lot of you guys are more trusting in this guy than I would be. I seem to be seeing too many members slowly stepping up stating that their packs are not arriving and they are having communication problems.

I have not followed this thread as closely as some of you fellas. Please tell me, am I just seeing more smoke than there really is - or do we need to be encouraging the brethren to hold off on ordering from Spetz until he resolves the outstanding issues?

It's okay if he has hit a rough spot and is legitimately making things right.

It's NOT okay if this guy has fallen behind, is falling farther behind in making things right, yet members are still sending money like everything is cool.

If you're being fucked around, and are keeping quiet about it, you are just lubing up the next guy who gets fucked.

Ive been following Spetz since he first arrived on Reddit. Hes hit a few rough patches and always corrected whatever the issue was. He seems to fuck up quite a bit but always fixes the problem in the end. I agree though, I think people should hold off until communication between customers and him gets better. Im confident that i didnt just piss away $630 on a dishonest source. Like i said, ive been following him for quite a while and hes always made things right in the end.
Wow, fellas, seems like a lot of you guys are more trusting in this guy than I would be. I seem to be seeing too many members slowly stepping up stating that their packs are not arriving and they are having communication problems.

I have not followed this thread as closely as some of you fellas. Please tell me, am I just seeing more smoke than there really is - or do we need to be encouraging the brethren to hold off on ordering from Spetz until he resolves the outstanding issues?

It's okay if he has hit a rough spot and is legitimately making things right.

It's NOT okay if this guy has fallen behind, is falling farther behind in making things right, yet members are still sending money like everything is cool.

If you're being fucked around, and are keeping quiet about it, you are just lubing up the next guy who gets fucked.

I'm seeing the same thing. Was considering placing an order but I'm holding off now until things get resolved.