USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Wow, fellas, seems like a lot of you guys are more trusting in this guy than I would be. I seem to be seeing too many members slowly stepping up stating that their packs are not arriving and they are having communication problems.

I have not followed this thread as closely as some of you fellas. Please tell me, am I just seeing more smoke than there really is - or do we need to be encouraging the brethren to hold off on ordering from Spetz until he resolves the outstanding issues?

It's okay if he has hit a rough spot and is legitimately making things right.

It's NOT okay if this guy has fallen behind, is falling farther behind in making things right, yet members are still sending money like everything is cool.

If you're being fucked around, and are keeping quiet about it, you are just lubing up the next guy who gets fucked.

Not that I want to quote myself, but I posted this 2 and 1/2 hours ago and have had Naturalkon verify that he is still waiting for resolution, and 2 other members contact me off the board stating that they have outstanding issues that were supposed to be resolved by now, and haven't.

Spetz, shut me up, prove me wrong, and fix these problems, or the noise only gets louder. Promising someone a tracking number and not providing it is a bad look for any source.
Speak up if there is an issue guys... That's part of the reason this thread is here. To help and warn. People don't need to be timid about speaking the truth about a source, good or bad.
Not that I want to quote myself, but I posted this 2 and 1/2 hours ago and have had Naturalkon verify that he is still waiting for resolution, and 2 other members contact me off the board stating that they have outstanding issues that were supposed to be resolved by now, and haven't.

Spetz, shut me up, prove me wrong, and fix these problems, or the noise only gets louder. Promising someone a tracking number and not providing it is a bad look for any source.

This is why Meso is so great! We have Vets backing us up and speaking the truth, whether it be good or bad. Everyone is looking out for each other on here and thats rare to find. Definitely glad I joined the brotherhood. If any one else has a problem, PLEASE SPEAK UP! I honestly thought I was the only one until more people came out and voiced their issues. Dont be the reason the person after you gets fucked over.
I am not a vet... That "Well-Known-Member" next to my name means very little without having a lot of time on this forum. Just like most things, nothing can beat experience and time.

But I will agree with you on the point you are trying to make my friend :)
I am not a vet... That "Well-Known-Member" next to my name means very little without having a lot of time on this forum. Just like most things, nothing can beat experience and time.

But I will agree with you on the point you are trying to make my friend :)
My mistake, thought the "Well-Known-Member" meant Vet lol. Nonetheless, youre still helping out and trying to get to the bottom of this and I commend you for that.
effective tomorrow i will no longer provide tracking numbers, i will still send an email confirming its been sent and the eta, if there is an issue and you have not received it within those days, then i will track it for you and if there is an issue i re-ship or take care of it, many of you whom have purchased from me know that i will take care of things and i always make things right.
I think I made a post or 2 in this thread a few weeks ago but I think it had to do with product and nothing to do with the way business was being handled.
I posted yesterday as I heard there was some concern surrounding orders not being filled. I see today that petz has attempted to make some changes. Changes are definitely needed and should be worked into the day to day goings on. I see that he's taken some advice and has changed the wording and policies specifically in the TA.
I stated in my post yesterday that petz was clearly inexperienced and needs help because he wasn't ready for the increase in customers and sales that he's seen since coming to MESO.
He definitely doesn't want to do anything that is going to slow the amount of orders and the accompanying increase in cash flow that comes with those orders. The problem is that it's going to be difficult to clean up the fucking mess he's created and satisfy the customers that are pissed off and waiting while serving new ones.
That's not the way things are handled in business and certainly not the way we, the members of MESO, allow the sources that have no board fees to pay and exist because we allow them to.
These money grubbing people aren't concerned with you, the member, once you've parted ways with your cash and given it to petz. He sees nothing wrong with continuing to take as many orders as he can even though the number of pissed off customers continues to grow and none of the outstanding orders being delivered?
Fuck that. We've got to come together as a board and look out for each other. The attitude of looking out for yourself and having no concern for other members isn't the way MESO has become the powerhouse that it is.
Please, if you have an order that hasn't been filled that is late beyond the stated TA as it was stated yesterday, please post up 2 times per day if it is at all possible for you to do so. If you are able to post early in the day to let members know where things stand that would be perfect. The second(or last) post should be after the business day is over or before you retire for the night. This post is to let other members that are in your shoes or that are considering placing an order can see if there has been any progress in your pre-existing order.
Of course feel free to post as often as you like. Thiks will just be a way to keep track of things and bring some order to the thread. It will also serve as an incentive to petz to clear old orders so he doesn't have to see all the unhappy people.
OK guys, effective tomorrow here are my new official shipping terms.
One more thing and this is VERY important, effective tomorrow i will no longer provide tracking numbers, i will still send an email confirming its been sent and the eta, if there is an issue and you have not received it within those days, then i will track it for you .

Petz and his inexperience is on display above with this bit about no more tracking numbers. Seeing this leads me to believe that he doesn't understand why tracking #'s are and are not given.
The practice of not giving tracking #'s for security reasons is reserved for domestically shipped mail/packs ONLY. To claim it's for security reasons for international mail/packs makes no sense whatsoever.
I'm going to challenge petz to explain why it is tracking numbers at times aren't given and why they could be construed as a threat to security for domestic sources. It's like an open book test. My goal is that you learn something.
Petz is out of touch with the customer. It's occurred to me that this new policy has been put in place not as a way to show the customer that he is serious about improving customer service but as an immediate and seemingly(to him) acceptable way to keep customers and their legitimate concerns and complaints quiet and to delay postings from NEW customers and their NEW orders. The policy in no way addresses the EXISTING customers and their EXISTING orders. Petz is treating these old/existing orders and the members that made them as guinea pigs....trial runs.
There should be no new orders until these existing orders are filled. Lip service isn't enough. NONE.
Traditionally, when orders that have gone past the stated TA the tracking number is GIVEN TO THE CUSTOMER. The reason is so the customer can see that the order was indeed shipped. Again...policies are made and in place to give customers an understanding of what to expect and how the company will handle issues that may and at times do arise in the world we live in.
You treat this traditional practice as a way to stretch things out even longer and to keep customers quiet longer so it's easier for you to keep collecting cash. You are twisting these traditional practices to fit your own greed filled reasons. It's now more than clear that you do not believe you should be made to answer to customers whos cash you have and be accountable for anything. We should simply TRUST you. This is what you believe? You have a lot to learn, petz.
I placed a decent order and it arrived within 5-7 days no problem. I was sent a tracking but told him I didn't need one because my mailman is a jackass and I expect things to be a week or 2 late. So I went in expecting a 3 week time frame because let's face it USPS is a joke. Guess what? My "expected delivery date" on the tracking was 2 days earlier than when it actually arrived. That's not Spetz fault. When I lived in a different city the mailman stole my medication that comes from the VA. I busted his ass and he got in a lot of trouble, but shit happens. I had to make a police report just to get it reshipped and go almost a week with no medication. Things can happen in transit and even at time of delivery, but if shits not getting sent then that's a different story. In my experience I followed directions and double checked everything 8 times just like I always do and I was pleased with the T/A. There is such a thing as "user error" People may be very smart in one area but a complete dumbass in another. Just the way it is. That being said I'm not backing up Spetz, if packs arent getting sent then that's a problem, but to hound someone for a tracking number because you didn't get it when you wanted it, then I say too fuckin bad. If you have a situation like that where you need to know exact time frames, then it is your problem. Period! If you fucked up your donation. Bad on you! If you have proof, and I know you do if you did it right, then use that and get it fixed. I like the fact everyone is here to help but be careful not to defend the guilty. Now I don't know you guys so don't get offended I'm just going by what I've seen and what I've experienced. The real issue now will be how good is this line? Well the good news is I'll be letting you know very soon!
Mine was an error on his end and now he's making me jump through hoops to prove it. Let spetz speak for himself. He has just handled my thing so poorly. But I am curious to see how things play out.
Mine was an error on his end and now he's making me jump through hoops to prove it. Let spetz speak for himself. He has just handled my thing so poorly. But I am curious to see how things play out.
Like I said if that's the case then there is no excuse, but it seems to be more the exception than the rule. I'm not speaking on his behalf and I hope you get what you were promised and more for your trouble.
Glad you received your order. At this point, its not the tracking thats the issue, its the false promises made and not being followed through. No one here is bashing or "defending the guilty", we're simply trying to fix a fucked up situation. It would be understandable, not acceptable, If ONLY one person had an issue. Im not grilling the guy, he just tends to over promise and under deliver. I am glad that he's changed his policies on T/A. He just needs to correct the problems with his existing customers before he takes on new orders. I have proof of every PM ive sent via here and Reddit, along with countermail emails. I HATE pestering a source about getting a T/A but im in a fucked up situation and ITS MY SITUATION To deal with (boo hoo for me)I get it. He's also told me multiple times he will be sending me a tracking number. Again, no one is bashing him, just trying to get to the bottom of this and thats what we're all here for.
Glad you received your order. At this point, its not the tracking thats the issue, its the false promises made and not being followed through. No one here is bashing or "defending the guilty", we're simply trying to fix a fucked up situation. It would be understandable, not acceptable, If ONLY one person had an issue. Im not grilling the guy, he just tends to over promise and under deliver. I am glad that he's changed his policies on T/A. He just needs to correct the problems with his existing customers before he takes on new orders. I have proof of every PM ive sent via here and Reddit, along with countermail emails. I HATE pestering a source about getting a T/A but im in a fucked up situation and ITS MY SITUATION To deal with (boo hoo for me)I get it. He's also told me multiple times he will be sending me a tracking number. Again, no one is bashing him, just trying to get to the bottom of this and thats what we're all here for.
I understand your frustration. After going through the motions I think I know why he originally had intentions of a very short T/A time, but I don't think he took everything into consideration. But I also understand that this is the best place to voice your frustration so I will shutup now. Lol. I hope you get it handled and I hope everything is taken care of and we can all move forward with better experiences in the future. Good luck to you and if I can be of any help let me know. I'm not trying to bash you bro. That was not my intention. I just know expectations can't be too high in this game. Most of us have been burned at one time or another. Some worse than others. But I think it will all turn out right in the end. I hope so because I have a lot invested as well. I apologize if what I said came out wrong. I promise you I'm on your side!
I understand your frustration. After going through the motions I think I know why he originally had intentions of a very short T/A time, but I don't think he took everything into consideration. But I also understand that this is the best place to voice your frustration so I will shutup now. Lol. I hope you get it handled and I hope everything is taken care of and we can all move forward with better experiences in the future. Good luck to you and if I can be of any help let me know. I'm not trying to bash you bro. That was not my intention. I just know expectations can't be too high in this game. Most of us have been burned at one time or another. Some worse than others. But I think it will all turn out right in the end. I hope so because I have a lot invested as well. I apologize if what I said came out wrong. I promise you I'm on your side!
Thanks a lot brother! Hope that gear does good by you. All we can do at this point is wait and hope for the best.
@npng9013 For future reference just say spetz contacted me and looks to be resolved. Then update afterwards. Think about it. I know you have a package at your house ....are you on tor, vpn, or any other security measures to protect your identity from those looking. Even so it is best to be discreet as possible. This new post above is not discreet. Also if you quote me this post can't be deleted.