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I always thought the IP address was useless without the account information of the user to which an Internet service provided the address. I thought even law enforcement had to go through the ISP to find that information... perhaps you work for an ISP. Interesting.

Jesus Christ PI your bugging me out !!!!!!!!!!
If you're good you can get a persons location down to a few blocks depending on the area. If you directly connect to someone by any means you can get quite a bit more. Any form of messenger usually has horrible security flaws that can give scary levels of access to private info.
Damn PI. I'm paranoid as Fuck now. I know this dude is being A LOT safer than I am on the damn interwebz... Shit......
This is why tor or vpn is so important phone or internet device. Never let your guard down. Never click on pics. links and websites with out it.
This is why tor or vpn is so important phone or internet device. Never let your guard down. Never click on pics. links and websites with out it.

Yes this is huge. The internet is a scary place. Have to be careful with vpn though. US based and some of the others are completely worthless.
ya pepz tor network vpn's, proxies, even ccn's, are easy as fuck to see right through. especially if your friends with people who work in major corporate IT departments and can teach you how.

"Easy as fuck..." wrong! It is very difficult to de-anonymise someone on the Tor network unless they leak identifying information. VPN's and proxies are not necessarily anonymous, but for the ones that are it is tough to get the forwarded ip; but easier than Tor. And CCN's play little to no role in anonymity.

I always thought the IP address was useless without the account information of the user to which an Internet service provided the address. I thought even law enforcement had to go through the ISP to find that information... perhaps you work for an ISP. Interesting.

There are GeoIP lists that allow you to lookup an IP address' physical location. These lists can be extremely accurate because they can be correlated by GPS in cell phones. LE still needs to go through the ISP to get the data that says IP address x was assigned to user y at this time.

I doubt @pumpingiron22 works for an ISP (or at least there is no reason to think he does just because he obtained the IP info.) There are a lot of simple ways to obtain IP information, if he doesn't have access to it via meso.

I'm guessing he compared the IP address to Tor's exit node list to verify it wasn't a Tor associated IP, since Tor is the easiest anonymity software to use, and very popular.
"Easy as fuck..." wrong! It is very difficult to de-anonymise someone on the Tor network unless they leak identifying information. VPN's and proxies are not necessarily anonymous, but for the ones that are it is tough to get the forwarded ip; but easier than Tor. And CCN's play little to no role in anonymity.

There are GeoIP lists that allow you to lookup an IP address' physical location. These lists can be extremely accurate because they can be correlated by GPS in cell phones. LE still needs to go through the ISP to get the data that says IP address x was assigned to user y at this time.

I doubt @pumpingiron22 works for an ISP (or at least there is no reason to think he does just because he obtained the IP info.) There are a lot of simple ways to obtain IP information, if he doesn't have access to it via meso.

I'm guessing he compared the IP address to Tor's exit node list to verify it wasn't a Tor associated IP, since Tor is the easiest anonymity software to use, and very popular.

That's exactly what I was thinking.
Damn PI and Vivame yall boys r a very important asset to have here at meso I can barely turn on my computer. Yall keep up the good work.
I'm lost. Computers is not my language. Give me a chainsaw or wrench, well now we are talking my language