USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Don't do free gear!
When naps offered free gear everybody jumped on it.
You do what you want
If giveing free gear give it to the unlucky ones that got screwed out of gear raw what ever it b!
The best tren I've done witch was free from gym labs that shit was fire.
And if you are good at the pellets you can make some of the strongest trenA ever. I'm not knocking you input bro just my 2 cents. I do my tren from pellets frequently. You know it's tren.
Little work but it's tren.

Nophat good to see you brother!!

I agree! How many of us took free Naps shit???? I myself accepted around $1200 worth. Half of it turned out to be shit. But still, many well respected members hooked right on up.

Lookin good in the AVI homey!!
OK, im a bit upset about this, i've taken several steps to protect my identity and my customer's as well, however this kind of behavior is Unacceptable, NO you cannot have my real IP address, for one thing its not under my name anyway. If this is the kind of stunts that the "senior members" will try to pull on me then i rather take my products elsewhere, the least you can do is respect my privacy, i've been open about everything and these kind of stunts are offensive to say the least.

This is not directed just at you usaspetz and maybe this discussion should be in another thread.

I know I will get bonked once again for this, but a little caveat here, I am just thinking off the top of my head here.

If "sources" want to come and here and provide a service to us,then we need some type of guarantee right? Or maybe some type of insurance policy of some sort. Once again, I am thinking off the top of my head here. Or even some type of escrow. If any vendor wants to provide a service here, they need to put up some collateral or money to an escrow that some trusted member would hold on too for a certain amount of time. This way if they skip out, there is something left to disburse to those that got shafted.

usaspetz what do you think of that. Once again I am not saying this is something you need to do, but a person on your side of things can give insight. I know for sure for the members here I will hear something one way or another, but not only can you provide a service, you can help us formalize a format of dealing with this situation.

So, let the beatings began. I can take it.
that is not how escrow works at all cuz! but if usapetz wanted to use an anonymous escrow service that accepts bitcoins.. that would earn him major credibility!
He has met the scoc and I agree we should use caution. But I'm going to order a few things in the very near future...I've yet to see anyone arty saizen or omnitrope tho I haven't been around the ug that long. And USA at least you know we will keel you on your toes, so good luck
naw i aint dissin usa petz, he shouldn't be thanking me though either... IM just callin it how it is.

but i say for now..

let the kid play!
i think in the future we will be able to work something out, however there are 10 pages so far and only 1 legit order, so again, i don't see meso bringing in a lot of revenue, im wrong then i'll gladly say i was wrong and you were right, but as where im standing.. I've had 1 paid order which will be delivered tomorrow and 2 samples for "reviews", so.. let's see first.

One more thing, i don't see why all of the sudden i need to be the "guinea pig", if something like this were to happen i think it should be required from ALL vendors, HOWEVER, give me a month or two, get some cash flow, and I'll make it happen! i just bough a $4500 autoclave so you can understand i need to recover that!
that is not how escrow works at all cuz! but if usapetz wanted to use an anonymous escrow service that accepts bitcoins.. that would earn him major credibility!

noun: escrow; plural noun: escrows
  1. 1.
    a bond, deed, or other document kept in the custody of a third party, taking effect only when a specified condition has been fulfilled.
C'mon guys, USA has complied with everything we have asked. He hasn't been pushy I believe he deserves a shot here. Wtf do we have to lose? If you don't feel comfortable then just don't order plain and simple. The scoc is what needs to be complied with to source here. And again he has fulfilled that. Let's give this guy a green light.
And I am all about the next right thing here and look to you veteran members for everything I don't know in this game and some. It's going overboard....
dude fuck the "veteran".. go to war yourself and become your own veteran member.. stop hoping that internet strangers are going to hold your hand and lead you to drugs.

grow some balls.
i think in the future we will be able to work something out, however there are 10 pages so far and only 1 legit order, so again, i don't see meso bringing in a lot of revenue, im wrong then i'll gladly say i was wrong and you were right, but as where im standing.. I've had 1 paid order which will be delivered tomorrow and 2 samples for "reviews", so.. let's see first.

One more thing, i don't see why all of the sudden i need to be the "guinea pig", if something like this were to happen i think it should be required from ALL vendors, HOWEVER, give me a month or two, get some cash flow, and I'll make it happen! i just bough a $4500 autoclave so you can understand i need to recover that!

cash flow will come bro. ur new as fuck though and most people in your shoes are posing as a scam. what do you expect.
OK, im a bit upset about this, i've taken several steps to protect my identity and my customer's as well, however this kind of behavior is Unacceptable, NO you cannot have my real IP address, for one thing its not under my name anyway. If this is the kind of stunts that the "senior members" will try to pull on me then i rather take my products elsewhere, the least you can do is respect my privacy, i've been open about everything and these kind of stunts are offensive to say the least.


PI... What was this all about brother??
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dude fuck the "veteran".. go to war yourself and become your own veteran member.. stop hoping that internet strangers are going to hold your hand and lead you to drugs.

grow some balls.
Bro I was only implying I've learned a lot from these guys, I don't need anyone to hold my fucking hand. NOBODY! I didn't he this far in life my getting spoon fed. But if these guys don't approve his stay here will be made a difficult one.
do u have anything that's not illegal that i could buy that would be of actual use to me for like $40 bucks lol? i aint tryna get scammed, but if i have to get scammed id like it to be $40 bucks instead of $100
Bro I was only implying I've learned a lot from these guys, I don't need anyone to hold my fucking hand. NOBODY! I didn't he this far in life my getting spoon fed. But if these guys don't approve his stay here will be made a difficult one.
lol ur good no worries
fareal though i would like to buy something.. but i wanna test your little dog and pony show out first. could i get Seroquel?
ill give u your shot with me petz but u gotta be willin too do something for $40 dollars. i aint tryna be an asshole but like what can u do