I mean shit I want you all to look at it from USApetz's perspective..
he wants to make some money, he doesn't want to go to prison, and he knows the game doesn't last forever.. usapetz is going to leave the game, no matter what!! and good for him. I hope he makes the amount of money he's looking to make and then gets out safe and sound. in the meantime let him provide his service to us.
but for all these motherfuckers hounding him to death about his shit.. he already answered your questions!
like just accept the fact that this guy will be in and out..
he might leave because he gets paranoid, he might leave because he reaches his goal and wants to quit while he's still ahead, he might scame everyone..
I have no clue lol. regardless I just think this SCOC has been answered, and the ball is in the consumers court on this one.