USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

what am i getting from the pharmacy that is c-III? and no need for name calling! please show some respect.
I'll do what I please if u can't take goofball then ur in for a big suprise. And yes TEK thats right they do buy but they also sell but I'm not going into my criminal history so im going to leave it up to u guys to make a decision. Just wanted to give my opinion I may b wrong but im stayin away from this one
look, you guys don't know how the pharmaceutical system works, maybe the other guys in the pharmacy world can say if i'm lying or not, Scheduled 2 or 3 meds are way off limits, the rest are accessible in a pharmacy. Its that simple, I already said i would not do pain meds or anything of that sort.
Explain to us then. You have the floor.
Oh and something nice to say? [emoji1] have a nice day. And how the weather over in Pakistan?
Explain to us then. You have the floor.
Oh and something nice to say? [emoji1] have a nice day. And how the weather over in Pakistan?
lol, actually i have a good friend in PK that's going to mail me a few amps from karachi, im going to do a giveaway when they arrive for meso members.

I'm processing orders at the moment but tonight ill explain the difference. you have my word.
Don't do free gear!
When naps offered free gear everybody jumped on it.
You do what you want
If giveing free gear give it to the unlucky ones that got screwed out of gear raw what ever it b!
The best tren I've done witch was free from gym labs that shit was fire.
And if you are good at the pellets you can make some of the strongest trenA ever. I'm not knocking you input bro just my 2 cents. I do my tren from pellets frequently. You know it's tren.
Little work but it's tren.
Don't do free gear!
When naps offered free gear everybody jumped on it.
You do what you want
If giveing free gear give it to the unlucky ones that got screwed out of gear raw what ever it b!
The best tren I've done witch was free from gym labs that shit was fire.
And if you are good at the pellets you can make some of the strongest trenA ever. I'm not knocking you input bro just my 2 cents. I do my tren from pellets frequently. You know it's tren.
Little work but it's tren.
ahh! i heard about them, they went belly up right? did they take ppl's money? i have access to pellets but they're expensive, I have a relative that breeds cattle but the pellets bring added hormones such as estrogen, i just don't want to deal with all that. thanks for the advice, the only reason i offered free gear is to give access to people, but i will admit i wouldn't mind doing weekly giveaways to "share the wealth" but ok thanks for the advice!
either order for him or stfu. the dude provided all the info you guys wanted. if your too scared to pull the trigger, then quit wasting this guys time. I hate having to read thru bullshit useless posts.

I am not some shill check my post count I have been here a long time. not a long time but some of you should at least recognize my name by now.
this usapetz will eventuallyl fuck people over like the rest have, or he will leave the game with an ok name. just accept it. that is how the business goes.

either way he will be gone, it is just a matter of time.
if ur scared he will store ur info, make a PGP key at the library from a public computer and make ur order and have it sent to a drop spot.
I mean shit I want you all to look at it from USApetz's perspective..

he wants to make some money, he doesn't want to go to prison, and he knows the game doesn't last forever.. usapetz is going to leave the game, no matter what!! and good for him. I hope he makes the amount of money he's looking to make and then gets out safe and sound. in the meantime let him provide his service to us.

but for all these motherfuckers hounding him to death about his shit.. he already answered your questions!

like just accept the fact that this guy will be in and out..

he might leave because he gets paranoid, he might leave because he reaches his goal and wants to quit while he's still ahead, he might scame everyone..

I have no clue lol. regardless I just think this SCOC has been answered, and the ball is in the consumers court on this one.
I mean shit I want you all to look at it from USApetz's perspective..

he wants to make some money, he doesn't want to go to prison, and he knows the game doesn't last forever.. usapetz is going to leave the game, no matter what!! and good for him. I hope he makes the amount of money he's looking to make and then gets out safe and sound. in the meantime let him provide his service to us.

but for all these motherfuckers hounding him to death about his shit.. he already answered your questions!

like just accept the fact that this guy will be in and out..

he might leave because he gets paranoid, he might leave because he reaches his goal and wants to quit while he's still ahead, he might scame everyone..

I have no clue lol. regardless I just think this SCOC has been answered, and the ball is in the consumers court on this one.
thank you for considering my situation :)
relative that breeds cattle but the pellets bring added hormones such as estrogen,
There is truth in that statement. There is a big to do about these hormones getting into lakes and streams from feedlots that usually utilize pellets. What they have found has been a mixture of androgenic hormones with a lesser degree of estradiol.