USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

You were saying?

Where do I state im Stealing? you presume. again, there are legit ways to do this, but i swear on my children that I do not steal them. however, think what you may, I've already gotten 2 purchases from Meso for Arimidex and Tamox and neither asked me how they were procured. Thanks to them btw, i hope to be getting some good feedback mid next week.
what about my meds? how do you test those? TO be honest i would like to focus on My homebrew (more profitable for me) and my FDA meds which cannot be counterfeited and i have access to.
Now you are scaring me a little bit..
All drugs manufactured in the US will not only come with lot ID's, vin #'s, and expiration dates, which can almost always be verified online through the manufacturer. I understand why you would like to focus on your own line of oils because of the profit margins. This is the thing you need to realize though, UGLs are a dime a dozen and just as you popped up today as did 10 others, and another 10 tomorrow. Should the Centrino line be good however, with your access to pharma grade ancillaries as well you would possess a marginal advantage over some of the "homebrew start ups" that pop up everyday. This is what I as a potential consumer am interested in and my advice would be to hear from other folks and see what they want. Then determine what the best course of action is to align yourself with the consumers' demands.
Where do I state im Stealing? you presume. again, there are legit ways to do this, but i swear on my children that I do not steal them. however, think what you may, I've already gotten 2 purchases from Meso for Arimidex and Tamox and neither asked me how they were procured. Thanks to them btw, i hope to be getting some good feedback mid next week.

Best of luck to both you and them!

Now you are scaring me a little bit..
All drugs manufactured in the US will not only come with lot ID's, vin #'s, and expiration dates, which can almost always be verified online through the manufacturer. I understand why you would like to focus on your own line of oils because of the profit margins. This is the thing you need to realize though, UGLs are a dime a dozen and just as you popped up today as did 10 others, and another 10 tomorrow. Should the Centrino line be good however, with your access to pharma grade ancillaries as well you would possess a marginal advantage over some of the "homebrew start ups" that pop up everyday. This is what I as a potential consumer am interested in and my advice would be to hear from other folks and see what they want. Then determine what the best course of action is to align yourself with the consumers' demands.
Thanks for the advise, i guess the only thing i can say is that i can safely vouch for my Home-brew and of course the FDA meds, with centrino i just dont know, I've never trusted an UGL brand because batches vary, but if the guys demand centrino, well I carry it.
As a former pharmacy tech many years ago, here is my hypothesis. Here is how I see this playing out. We have a just out of high school pharmacy tech who didn't steal the drugs....only borrowed them overnight to take a pic to try to prove he is legit to gain trust. They will be back on the shelf tomorrow so nothing is noticed missing and he is off scott free. He will milk MESO members for a few grand over the next few weeks and will never deliver product and then will disappear. If I am wrong then post a pic of several 500 ct bottles of the same product of something you sell tonight. You have been very active tonight so that shouldn't be too hard. And you should be more than willing if you are legit.
I don't demand Centrino, here's my thinking. You may have brewed a great batch of product, better than anything I've ever tried! But it's just that, a batch. And there are a few things I've learned about you over the course of today. You have a full-time job, you have a thread @ reddit, you have a thread here, you have a son with special needs and a family, your the one answering emails for orders, who knows how many other hats you are wearing? You could be a one man show and brew, pickup funds, ship orders the whole nine. Although from some reviews I've read Centrino may not be the best label out there running, I have to believe should you get cleared by the vets, the overwhelming onslaught of orders will bog you down to a pace where I would be concerned that you don't have the infrastructure to scale. At this moment in time I feel like you have so many responsibilities that I would only feel comfortable viewing you as a reseller in this scenario. Just my .02
As a former pharmacy tech many years ago, here is my hypothesis. Here is how I see this playing out. We have a just out of high school pharmacy tech who didn't steal the drugs....only borrowed them overnight to take a pic to try to prove he is legit to gain trust. They will be back on the shelf tomorrow so nothing is noticed missing and he is off scott free. He will milk MESO members for a few grand over the next few weeks and will never deliver product and then will disappear. If I am wrong then post a pic of several 500 ct bottles of the same product of something you sell tonight. You have been very active tonight so that shouldn't be too hard. And you should be more than willing if you are legit.
Another person talking nonsense! if you think i borrowed all this you didn't work for a large pharmacy. Its very frustrating to have to answer to you because for one thing you're talking nonsense, furthermore, you're assuming a have a few thousand of the same, however it just so happens that I do have a few Arimidex in stock I love reading things like these because in a few weeks when I'm still here, and people's packages are still arriving, you will see that you were wrong and just making noise.

I don't demand Centrino, here's my thinking. You may have brewed a great batch of product, better than anything I've ever tried! But it's just that, a batch. And there are a few things I've learned about you over the course of today. You have a full-time job, you have a thread @ reddit, you have a thread here, you have a son with special needs and a family, your the one answering emails for orders, who knows how many other hats you are wearing? You could be a one man show and brew, pickup funds, ship orders the whole nine. Although from some reviews I've read Centrino may not be the best label out there running, I have to believe should you get cleared by the vets, the overwhelming onslaught of orders will bog you down to a pace where I would be concerned that you don't have the infrastructure to scale. At this moment in time I feel like you have so many responsibilities that I would only feel comfortable viewing you as a reseller in this scenario. Just my .02
I see what you're saying, but that would be putting obstacles in the road before i even get up to speed, the most ive gotten in reddit is 7 orders in one day, all shipped within 24 hrs, My wife takes care of my boy ;) however, Here I am at 1AM answering all these posts and trying to meet some of your demands. Look, i have access to good meds, if you guys want it here they are, i think you guys have gotten screwed up by greedy people so many times that you trust one one, and I get that i have to pay for some of that backlash, but not all of it, Locally, i got a few emails today which will go out tomorrow, and We'll go from there. All im asking for is a chance.. that's it. the good thing also which i think would work to your advantage is that i have an identical username in reddit, any issues there will be made public here, so you have redundancy as far as the feedback goes.
Question, i wasnt sure where to make a separate thread for this but ... Is there anything else you guys would need or want access for that others dont sell, obviously i wont so CIII drugs so dont ask (and yes i already have gotten emails about vicodin), thats a big nono! but maybe things that wont hurt or cause addiction? let me know and i will consider it!
I'm impressed USA. If with all those other things in your life you can make this happen the way you say, well damn. I have a baby, physical job(which starts at 5am),and train like an animal, the thought of adding something like brewing and working on meso is horrifying. You have my approval but I'll watch with skeptism cause tango hit it right on the head. But I believe the more seasoned vets must still give their ok... Good luck bro your going to need it...
I'm impressed USA. If with all those other things in your life you can make this happen the way you say, well damn. I have a baby, physical job(which starts at 5am),and train like an animal, the thought of adding something like brewing and working on meso is horrifying. You have my approval but I'll watch with skeptism cause tango hit it right on the head. But I believe the more seasoned vets must still give their ok... Good luck bro your going to need it...
thank you! im very motivated and a hard worker, remember, i work in a place where minimum i do in a day is 200 scripts, sometimes 500+, i just need to streamline the process and g2g! BTW guys if i dont answer right away please bare with me im probably taking a nap or working!
Question, i wasnt sure where to make a separate thread for this but ... Is there anything else you guys would need or want access for that others dont sell, obviously i wont so CIII drugs so dont ask (and yes i already have gotten emails about vicodin), thats a big nono! but maybe things that wont hurt or cause addiction? let me know and i will consider it!
T4, metformin, albuterol tabs. Going to have to beat European Pharma's prices and match his solid rep, though.
Aromasain, Letro, I think guys would be interested in the sexual dysfunction drugs as well. Members are very vocal here, and the consumer will most certainly let you know what they need. Good thinking aligning yourself with those needs early on and letting the community know you can look into further expanding your product line should there be demand. ;)
Aromasain, Letro, I think guys would be interested in the sexual dysfunction drugs as well. Members are very vocal here, and the consumer will most certainly let you know what they need. Good thinking aligning yourself with those needs early on and letting the community know you can look into further expanding your product line should there be demand. ;)

thank you! im very motivated and a hard worker, remember, i work in a place where minimum i do in a day is 200 scripts, sometimes 500+, i just need to streamline the process and g2g! BTW guys if i dont answer right away please bare with me im probably taking a nap or working!

So you work at a major chain retail pharmacy. Based on my experience in retail pharmacies and how inventory works, I do not see how you could possibly be getting the drugs from the pharmacy for any extended period of time before loss prevention eventually catches you. If you're a technician, the only possible way you're acquiring the drugs is by stealing them. Or, you have a pharmacist that's in on it and putting his license on the line. Either way, the whole thing stinks to me. My advice to everyone is to stay away. This guy will get popped and your info will be at risk.
This brings up a good point @usaspetz. You have secure email provider, and you have posted your public PGP key so you seem to be at least a little tech savy. Can you describe to the community a little how you deal with processing orders as well as destruction of personal info, shipping addys, and tracking numbers as in relation to security? Seems more than one member is uneasy and guys have concerns about their personal info being compromised, what can you tell us about your practices that should ease our minds?
Thanks for coming through with the pics requested USA. That is a step in the right direction towards credibility. Trust is earned, not given out the gate. As TEK just posted, please explain what safeguards are taken regarding your customers personal information and security.
I'm easing myself back into the workplace brother and unfortunately won't have as much time to verbally assault these no good bastards. I'm around just lurking a little more :)

Hug it out, like a bunch of drunk bitches. @alphastrength50 will be in here offering to blow everyone shortly. :D

Seems like spetz had other duties to attend to. He will eventually come back. Where's @whodatnation, and how's the insomnia? Might be a late one holding this cat's feet to the fire....