USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

what a shame.
Buy a sense of humor.

Edit - you also probably dumped enough personal info out there such that if sergeant stedenko of the FBI (bonus points if you know where that comes from) gets bored he can probably connect some dots and figure out who you are. Not wise.
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Thanks for posting that picture. I now leave the rest up to the more experienced members...
8 months left of school and you'll be making a six figure salary, yet you risk it all to start a flim flam ugl stocked with stolen products?

Lies or stupidity?

Well I guess if you need a volunteer I'll test the oils out. Wouldn't even mind sending them in for MS so the board can see the results.

The whole point of the anonymous testing is to remove the threat of him making sure he sends you ONE vial of what HE knows to be good. There's a reason we leave these things to the vet members. Also, it seems there has been a problem with getting domestic MS results, yet you can just send them out??? Why haven't you done it for Titan or Astro with that type of accessibility?? If you want a free vial, that's cool, I just don't think anyone is going to give your results much credibility...
The whole point of the anonymous testing is to remove the threat of him making sure he sends you ONE vial of what HE knows to be good. There's a reason we leave these things to the vet members. Also, it seems there has been a problem with getting domestic MS results, yet you can just send them out??? Why haven't you done it for Titan or Astro with that type of accessibility?? If you want a free vial, that's cool, I just don't think anyone is going to give your results much credibility...
Woah calm down there buddy. He can keep the vial. I don't want shit for free. Me getting one vial then paying to send it out doesn't help me one fucking bit. I was attempting to help the board. From my understanding ecstacy is still doing MS.
Woah calm down there buddy. He can keep the vial. I don't want shit for free. Me getting one vial then paying to send it out doesn't help me one fucking bit. I was attempting to help the board. From my understanding ecstacy is still doing MS.

Considering the tren I'm running I feel pretty calm at the moment, so please don't be condescending. I was merely saying that him sending you a vial of what HE knows to be good would defeat the purpose of having it tested. If you knew that the vial you're sending someone was going to potentially make you 10's to 100's of thousands of dollars, wouldn't you make sure that the ONE vial was good??? I'm sorry if you took that as an insult, but I figured it was common sense
thank you, please email me and I'll get them out tomorrow.
Sorry but to avoid misconstrued results I'll have to turn down the offer.
Considering the tren I'm running I feel pretty calm at the moment, so please don't be condescending. I was merely saying that him sending you a vial of what HE knows to be good would defeat the purpose of having it tested. If you knew that the vial you're sending someone was going to potentially make you 10's to 100's of thousands of dollars, wouldn't you make sure that the ONE vial was good??? I'm sorry if you took that as an insult, but I figured it was common sense
You are correct. Possibly I misread the tone of the post. I was just attempting to help where I could.
Sorry but to avoid misconstrued results I'll have to turn down the offer.

You are correct. Possibly I misread the tone of the post. I was just attempting to help where I could.

I know you're still trying to figure the board out.. I've read a few of your posts today and I have a feeling you'll understand why we do things a certain way here pretty soon..

Welcome to Meso..
Sorry but to avoid misconstrued results I'll have to turn down the offer.

You are correct. Possibly I misread the tone of the post. I was just attempting to help where I could.
Understood. You handle yourself like a gentleman, I respect and appreciate that.
I know you're still trying to figure the board out.. I've read a few of your posts today and I have a feeling you'll understand why we do things a certain way here pretty soon..

Welcome to Meso..
Thanks! The online world is all new to me. I just respect what this board represents and want to help where I can. This board reminds me of a band of brothers.
Thanks! The online world is all new to me. I just respect what this board represents and want to help where I can. This board reminds me of a band of brothers.
And that's that's what it takes to make this board even better. I respect some guys here in a big way and don't even know them. We all spend a lot of time trying to make this place how it is. I appreciate very one here.
Hug it out, like a bunch of drunk bitches. @alphastrength50 will be in here offering to blow everyone shortly. :D

Seems like spetz had other duties to attend to. He will eventually come back. Where's @whodatnation, and how's the insomnia? Might be a late one holding this cat's feet to the fire....