USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

What is your label of your "homebrew" anyways? Is it not USAspetz, seems strange I can't find a single review outside of your Reddit thread
6 years of pharm school and is a pharmacy tech. Hmmm, I used to fuck a girl that just filled out an application and she was hired as a tech. Red flags everywhere!
6 years of pharm school and is a pharmacy tech. Hmmm, I used to fuck a girl that just filled out an application and she was hired as a tech. Red flags everywhere!

Exactly. Anyone with a high school diploma can be hired as a pharmacy technician just about anywhere in the country. This guy is lying and shady. Based on those lies, he will never get 1 red cent from me and I suggest no one else deal with him either. If he lies about that, no telling what else he will lie about.
I think its not a good idea to describe exact shipping and "stealth" techniques, I ship USPS and package arrives 2-3 day, there is already one guy here that can vouch for my delivery method, if you go over to reddit you will find 10+ reviews including one transaction for 2 hgh kits valued at $700 which arrived in 24hrs.

Not to be a dick, but you're trying to sell HERE, I shouldn't have to go anywhere else to find answers. If you're telling me that the answer to my question is on another site, why not just answer me here???? Plus, you might've misinterpreted what I was asking. We just had another member order from a source that actually complied to the SCOC better than you, unfortunately, shipping procedure was not listed in the SCOC, and that member had a package arrive with a broken vial that leaked. If you think we are more concerned with your "stealth" shipping technique over our potential risk of going to jail, I can tell you with full certainty, that you sir, are wrong...
OK so let me get this straight, you guys ask a bunch of questions, and then i answer you and you start with all this? OK.. fine, at least you could have given me the time to meet your requirements before insulting... not cool
Not to be a dick, but you're trying to sell HERE, I shouldn't have to go anywhere else to find answers. If you're telling me that the answer to my question is on another site, why not just answer me here???? Plus, you might've misinterpreted what I was asking. We just had another member order from a source that actually complied to the SCOC better than you, unfortunately, shipping procedure was not listed in the SCOC, and that member had a package arrive with a broken vial that leaked. If you think we are more concerned with your "stealth" shipping technique over our potential risk of going to jail, I can tell you with full certainty, that you sir, are wrong...
I havent shared the stealth method anywhere, the reason i dont have any feedbakc HERE IS BECAUSE I HAVENT SOLD anything here, im refering you to another site where i have feedback, why not instead try me out, have me send a package and let it speak for itself.
OK so let me get this straight, you guys ask a bunch of questions, and then i answer you and you start with all this? OK.. fine, at least you could have given me the time to meet your requirements before insulting... not cool

Quit lying about your pharmacy background and the insults might stop
Thanks for your response but you just threw some major red flags up IMO.

"while i know it would be naive to think chinese oxandrolone is the same as fda approved, i do think the price difference allows to take more quantity and feel amazing,"
-so underdosed or impure is okay as long as it's cheap and you can run more? This is not the type of response I want to hear from my SRC.

"I think Most chinese is the same, the only difference some dilute their powders in order to maximize powders, however UGL's further dilute their gear in order to get the most out of a 100g bag."

-I don't even wanna touch this one. So you have an established relationship with "Kevin", let's talk about testing of raws and finished oils. I don't believe even for a second every BATCH is the same everytime from the SAME supplier
Not a problem, I'll send an oil to anyone who wants to test.
Quit lying about your pharmacy background and the insults might stop
Not lying, but you know what... since you know everything, nothing else for you to say, and nothing else for me to tell you, however, i dont insult people, im a better person than that. good day to you sir.
Not lying, but you know what... since you know everything, nothing else for you to say, and nothing else for me to tell you, however, i dont insult people, im a better person than that. good day to you sir.

Why don't you attempt to clarify your lies and make us all understand better? Please explain why you chose to lie as part of your intro to this board and numerous posts following it. Why should we trust you?
Not lying, but you know what... since you know everything, nothing else for you to say, and nothing else for me to tell you, however, i dont insult people, im a better person than that. good day to you sir.

Let me try to be reasonable. After watching the tennis match, there are legitimate questions about your intro and credentials. From someone who claims to be a pharmacist. I am not a pharmacist, so I can't say shit, but you should address his concerns directly.

Explain how he is wrong. Be the bigger man and put aside any bruised feelings and provide a direct, succinct answer/explanation. Otherwise you are going to get zero traction or credibility.

Had you paid the slightest bit of attention to source threads, you'd notice that the first ten or so pages are a delicate time. You sit right the fuck on top of your thread and answer questions, or in the intervening silence, the pitchforks come out. You went for a stroll. We got out the pitchforks. Fix it.
Why don't you attempt to clarify your lies and make us all understand better? Please explain why you chose to lie as part of your intro to this board and numerous posts following it. Why should we trust you?

OK, this is personal.. Yes you're right, 6 yrs is too long for a pharmacy tech, i come from another country (spanish speaking) and credits here have to be re-done, i have maybe 8 months left to be a pharmacist, however life is a bitch and i have a son with Asperger's (please be respective i wont tolerate jokes about this and i hope neither will the MODS in this site), so i have to leave to take care of family.

I just invested in a new model and sold my old one to @unixpro so im posting in a bit the pics as per your request along with some of the meds, NO im not a "glorified" cashier, NOW, the strategies that I use to retrieve meds from my JOB are and im sorry if i sound rude MY CONCERN, not yours, as long as they arrive to your door and they're legit, I'm happy and I hope so will you. I wont provide information as to what pharmacy I work, if you need any kind of proof other that the pics i will upload later and that i feel are safe for my work, ill gladly do it, however please NO name calling or disrespect, I was told meso was above all that.

One more thing, if you guys feel uncomfortable with my injectables, I'll remove them and stick to FDA meds, i dont mind.
Who told you meso was above name calling? Son, you've been had. Some drama queen cat fighting spitting biting clawing name-calling bitches up in here.
Let me try to be reasonable. After watching the tennis match, there are legitimate questions about your intro and credentials. From someone who claims to be a pharmacist. I am not a pharmacist, so I can't say shit, but you should address his concerns directly.

Explain how he is wrong. Be the bigger man and put aside any bruised feelings and provide a direct, succinct answer/explanation. Otherwise you are going to get zero traction or credibility.

Had you paid the slightest bit of attention to source threads, you'd notice that the first ten or so pages are a delicate time. You sit right the fuck on top of your thread and answer questions, or in the intervening silence, the pitchforks come out. You went for a stroll. We got out the pitchforks. Fix it.
I get your point, but im not going to lie.. it is what it is, if its "too good to be true" or you think im going to SCAM someone, all i can say is i wont and slowly gain the sub's trust, i have no problems doing so. I think credibility should be earned by proving things get delivered and its the quality offered, not by pounding someone with questions and then calling him a liar, again im willing to ship samples or BETTER yet, small order to verify. thanks for the feedback!
OK, this is personal.. Yes you're right, 6 yrs is too long for a pharmacy tech, i come from another country (spanish speaking) and credits here have to be re-done, i have maybe 8 months left to be a pharmacist, however life is a bitch and i have a son with Asperger's (please be respective i wont tolerate jokes about this and i hope neither will the MODS in this site), so i have to leave to take care of family.

I just invested in a new model and sold my old one to @unixpro so im posting in a bit the pics as per your request along with some of the meds, NO im not a "glorified" cashier, NOW, the strategies that I use to retrieve meds from my JOB are and im sorry if i sound rude MY CONCERN, not yours, as long as they arrive to your door and they're legit, I'm happy and I hope so will you. I wont provide information as to what pharmacy I work, if you need any kind of proof other that the pics i will upload later and that i feel are safe for my work, ill gladly do it, however please NO name calling or disrespect, I was told meso was above all that.

One more thing, if you guys feel uncomfortable with my injectables, I'll remove them and stick to FDA meds, i dont mind.

So you lied. Why you lied is irrelevant. Character and integrity are not situation-dependent. This tells me when the chips are down, you will do whatever the situation requires to effect an outcome favorable to you. I'm going to pass.