USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

@usapetz do you mind addressing my picture about the autoclave.

Ha bigpoppa we think a like.

BTW IMO hold off from ordering.
WILL do, however I've already gotten a few small orders from Meso, i'm hoping to at least get delivery feedback, aside from this I'll get the pic out for you guys.
usaspetz - Quick question. What's the point of having both a dry heat sterilizer and an autoclave?
Isn't it a bit redundant as both are used for sterilization?
I'm thinking we chased him off... Like i said most are not built for sourcing here. Don't send any money to this guy meso members until he is approved to source here by veteran members.
You didn't chase anyone off, you must have purchased one of those "jump to conclusions" mats from office space :p.
i think what many sources do here is plan ahead and send some members in early to "establish" themselves. these members then go in to act like a Meso family member by gaining our trust etc. and when the source cones they stroke its dick and tell everyone how amazing it is. thats why i wont take anyines word unless theyre a friend or trusted vet here on meso
there's a word for that here, you may have seen it getting thrown around. Starts with an "S"...
You didn't chase anyone off, you must have purchased one of those "jump to conclusions" mats from office space :p.
I would tread lightly @usapetz you have not completely answered the SCoC. This thread can turn into a shit storm quick. For one you first sent Unixpro to warm us up for your arrival and I dont care for that at all .... puts up a red flag in my mind.
@usapetz do you plan on offer discounts for guys running bloodwork on your products?
On homebrew yes! on FDA gear no, i dont see pfizer giving ppl a discount to vouch for their meds ;)

better yet, i'll take a few vets whom are willing to do the blood test and have DONE so in the past, im sure you guys have a list of ppl doing so? and ill send some free samples.
How do u plan on handling a high volume of orders . I've heard this is when most good sources go bad. Due to high volume of orders the quality goes down and they start cutting corners, what makes u different.
I would tread lightly @usapetz you have not completely answered the SCoC. This thread can turn into a shit storm quick. For one you first sent Unixpro to warm us up for your arrival and I dont care for that at all .... puts up a red flag in my mind.
I couldnt sign up to the website, i wasnt aware meso rejects signups using tor, i suppose it makes sense since the IP's get black listed.
You didn't chase anyone off, you must have purchased one of those "jump to conclusions" mats from office space :p.
Glad to see we didn't. Now can you post those pictures with your labs name written clearly next to them and maybe you can get started. And I do hope you stay a while!
On homebrew yes! on FDA gear no, i dont see pfizer giving ppl a discount to vouch for their meds ;)

better yet, i'll take a few vets whom are willing to do the blood test and have DONE so in the past, im sure you guys have a list of ppl doing so? and ill send some free samples.
We don't do free samples we prefer to order anonymously pay for it and do it on our own. Thats why ask about credit for blood work.

How do you test your raws?

We also like anonymous mass spec? Credit would be nice for that too.
usaspetz - Quick question. What's the point of having both a dry heat sterilizer and an autoclave?
Isn't it a bit redundant as both are used for sterilization?
that's actually a good question, I use a 3 step process for sterilizing the vials, first dry heat after alcohol bath, then distilled rinse and another "bake", then 20min on the autoclave.

I also UV sterilize after crimping.

Also, the stoppers go on the pressure autoclave as they degrade after high heat, not to mention faster.
Glad to see we didn't. Now can you post those pictures with your labs name written clearly next to them and maybe you can get started. And I do hope you stay a while!

will do tonight ;). Should i also post a pic of my FDA meds with my username on it so you see they're real?
So you don't sell test powder because the markup isn't high enough for you. Your orals are all capsules. You have been using your powder supplier to brew for the last six months, you also resale the "Centrino" label which from what I gather is out of China.

Can you confirm this much is correct because I had to infer most of this from your posts. Also can you provide any pictures of your ancillaries' and Centrino boxes?
So you don't sell test powder because the markup isn't high enough for you. Your orals are all capsules. You have been using your powder supplier to brew for the last six months, you also resale the "Centrino" label which from what I gather is out of China.

Can you confirm this much is correct because I had to infer most of this from your posts. Also can you provide any pictures of your ancillaries' and Centrino boxes?
Centrino is a Chinese lab, and from what I understand it is very counterfeited tho I could be wrong. I've ran centrino test not to long ago and was impressed problem is I've read more negative reviews then good. Can you tell us more about your qc as it pertains to centrino labs. Lately all resellers have been selling bunks. Knowingly or not.
So you don't sell test powder because the markup isn't high enough for you. Your orals are all capsules. You have been using your powder supplier to brew for the last six months, you also resale the "Centrino" label which from what I gather is out of China.

Can you confirm this much is correct because I had to infer most of this from your posts. Also can you provide any pictures of your ancillaries' and Centrino boxes?

I've had a relation with my supplier for almost 2 years, his name is kevin, im happy with his raws, I've used Sandoz anavar in the past and his anavar gave me the same results, while i know it would be naive to think chinese oxandrolone is the same as fda approved, i do think the price difference allows to take more quantity and feel amazing, I've been lifting since college, and have had my share of experiences with UGL, so personally i can tell which work and which don't.. ok i think i got side-tracked sorry, my point is, a bottle of 30x10mg sandoz anavar costs around $400, i sell 25MGx60 Caps (yes caps) and i get a better performance, i know that is not apples to apples, but i know im also getting the BEST quality china has to offer due to the nature of my vendor and where he works at.

I think Most chinese is the same, the only difference some dilute their powders in order to maximize powders, however UGL's further dilute their gear in order to get the most out of a 100g bag.

ONLY my homebrew orals are caps, the FDA meds come in its original form and can be easily viewed online for identification and verification.
To answer/meet requirements.

1. Pics and description of brewing process. Over $12k in equipment including: Dry hear Sterilizer, Proper Autoclave, I use Borosilicate glass vials, lyophilization stoppers, USP grade CSO. For the meds, well :) they're made by a larger lab, i'm a pharmacy technician at a well known pharmacy so i have access to thins UGL's don't.

lol i like that, look i have what I have, pharma meds i know i have an advantage over mose since i can get something that normally requires a script, homebrews and others, i rather let the product and service speak for itself, I went to pharma school for 6 yrs, safe to say i have a good background, i used to be against homebrew, the mentality that one could do an illegal lab at home is "blasphemy" lol, however i got turned into it by a friend and i started investing in proper equipment, and since i have access to pharma equipment at work.. well its a good match, I've only been homebrewing for maybe 6 months, however for example, on the anavar caps, i have access to USP grade Microcrystalline cellulose, the same one used by USA pharmacies to compound.. things like that.

I'll believe it when i see it :) I can manage around 20 orders per day, i doubt that will happen, If it were to "take off" i can do less hours at my day job since pharmacy techs now are "floaters" and you basically make your own hours.

First you claim to be a pharmacy tech, then you claim to have went to "pharma" school for 6 years, then again you state that you are a pharmacy tech. Just for the record, because you are lying, Pharmacy Technicians and Pharmacists ARE NOT the same thing. Get out of here with your bullshit. It doesn't take 6 years to become a pharmacy technician. In fact, in most states, no schooling at all is required to become a pharmacy technician. To become a pharmacist, that consists of roughly 2 years of undergraduate pre-requisite classes, then 4 years of actual Pharmacy School (3 years if you get into a program that goes year round.) Tread very carefully with your response because you might have just found someone who is actually a real pharmacist and not some clown cooking up shit on his stove claiming to have all kinds of access to real pharmacy supplies. Pharmacy Techs are the Pharmacist's bitches. Please don't act like you have any kind of power or control over the pharmacy. I was a tech for 5 years before graduating pharmacy school. And if you are indeed a "floater" technician, then I can just about guarantee that you work at a major chain pharmacy such as walgreens or cvs and you are just a glorified cashier with zero access to inventory unless you're stealing it.
Thanks for your response but you just threw some major red flags up IMO.

"while i know it would be naive to think chinese oxandrolone is the same as fda approved, i do think the price difference allows to take more quantity and feel amazing,"
-so underdosed or impure is okay as long as it's cheap and you can run more? This is not the type of response I want to hear from my SRC.

"I think Most chinese is the same, the only difference some dilute their powders in order to maximize powders, however UGL's further dilute their gear in order to get the most out of a 100g bag."

-I don't even wanna touch this one. So you have an established relationship with "Kevin", let's talk about testing of raws and finished oils. I don't believe even for a second every BATCH is the same everytime from the SAME supplier
I've had a relation with my supplier for almost 2 years, his name is kevin, im happy with his raws, I've used Sandoz anavar in the past and his anavar gave me the same results, while i know it would be naive to think chinese oxandrolone is the same as fda approved, i do think the price difference allows to take more quantity and feel amazing, I've been lifting since college, and have had my share of experiences with UGL, so personally i can tell which work and which don't.. ok i think i got side-tracked sorry, my point is, a bottle of 30x10mg sandoz anavar costs around $400, i sell 25MGx60 Caps (yes caps) and i get a better performance, i know that is not apples to apples, but i know im also getting the BEST quality china has to offer due to the nature of my vendor and where he works at.

I think Most chinese is the same, the only difference some dilute their powders in order to maximize powders, however UGL's further dilute their gear in order to get the most out of a 100g bag.

ONLY my homebrew orals are caps, the FDA meds come in its original form and can be easily viewed online for identification and verification.

How do you know because Kevin says you could at least bullshit us a little.

People read this statement it is complete swiss cheese.