I've had a relation with my supplier for almost 2 years, his name is kevin, im happy with his raws, I've used Sandoz anavar in the past and his anavar gave me the same results, while i know it would be naive to think chinese oxandrolone is the same as fda approved, i do think the price difference allows to take more quantity and feel amazing, I've been lifting since college, and have had my share of experiences with UGL, so personally i can tell which work and which don't.. ok i think i got side-tracked sorry, my point is, a bottle of 30x10mg sandoz anavar costs around $400, i sell 25MGx60 Caps (yes caps) and i get a better performance, i know that is not apples to apples, but i know im also getting the BEST quality china has to offer due to the nature of my vendor and where he works at.
I think Most chinese is the same, the only difference some dilute their powders in order to maximize powders, however UGL's further dilute their gear in order to get the most out of a 100g bag.
ONLY my homebrew orals are caps, the FDA meds come in its original form and can be easily viewed online for identification and verification.