USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

So then USASPETZ... I don't know what time zone you're in but it's been around 8hrs since you said you'd be posting pics "this evening". I for one would still like to see pictures of the Centrino boxes/ lot id's as well as some of the ancillaries boxes for products you are offering. TBH here I honestly don't give a damn if they are falling off the back of the truck as long as they are legit. Seems to me that you may have a hard time scaling to SRC at a place like MESO with that business model, but let's start by at least attempting to verify they are indeed what you say they are especially with the vast amounts of counterfeits on the market.

EDIT: your "homebrew" labels would be a valid addition
This will never happen, and honestly we really can't expect him to be held to a different standard than anyone else. Let's start with the goods and go from there.

That's fine, but if someone wants offer up that they are "this or that" or to exaggerate their status, all aspects should be reviewed IMHO. But I bow to the senior members, you guys know best.

"Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character." Albert Einstein
That's fine, but if someone wants offer up that they are "this or that" or to exaggerate their status, all aspects should be reviewed IMHO. But I bow to the senior members, you guys know best.

"Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character." Albert Einstein

No man I understand where you're coming from but I don't think it's realistic considering we didn't ask "Pharmacist" or whatever his handle is for transcripts when he opened shop last month so I feel like everyone should be held to the same standard. Besides, if you go back he's already admitted he hasn't finished school and this and that and blah blah blah. At this point I just wanna see some products bc no one I've ever dealt with has any formal school yet they deliver so at this point it seems to be a mood point other than he's not being completely honest about at least something.

P.S. I'm not a Vet or well respected member ;) I'm just a new guy trying to pay my dues and give the old guard a break once in awhile.
This will never happen, and honestly we really can't expect him to be held to a different standard than anyone else. Let's start with the goods and go from there.
So then USASPETZ... I don't know what time zone you're in but it's been around 8hrs since you said you'd be posting pics "this evening". I for one would still like to see pictures of the Centrino boxes/ lot id's as well as some of the ancillaries boxes for products you are offering. TBH here I honestly don't give a damn if they are falling off the back of the truck as long as they are legit. Seems to me that you may have a hard time scaling to SRC at a place like MESO with that business model, but let's start by at least attempting to verify they are indeed what you say they are especially with the vast amounts of counterfeits on the market.

EDIT: your "homebrew" labels would be a valid addition
Here we go, sorry for the delay.

high resolution link will be much better

Spetz even though I'm gonna hold off ordering from you until you show some staying power I gotta give you a bit of props. Besides the flip flop of pharm tech vs pharmacist you've answered all questions and have done what we asked. Good luck man.
Nice of you to post the pic but I was expecting to see more than just one of a few items you offer considering the number of potential customers on MESO. That amount of product could be picked up by anyone locally if they put enough time in to it. Just looking out for the community. You have to prove you are not just out to scam and that pic doesn't prove it.
Thank you. Now we may have a little ground to stand on for awhile. Centrino does have a reputation of being highly counterfeited. I think further testing would need to be done to verify. Did you determine if your will be offering credit to members that post bloodwork and mass spec analysis? In this situation members would order anonymously, pay for testing out of pocket, then post results publicly and hopefully earn credit as reimbursement for their initial investment. Should the results be favorable this could potentially generate a large influx of sales for you and the members would in fact be authenticating your products and reputation, should they not be well you get the idea.
Nice of you to post the pic but I was expecting to see more than just one of a few items you offer considering the number of potential customers on MESO. That amount of product could be picked up by anyone locally if they put enough time in to it. Just looking out for the community. You have to prove you are not just out to scam and that pic doesn't prove it.

ok, so you want a bottle of 10000 pills, 500qty bottles aren't good enough for you? sorry this is what I carry.
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Thank you. Now we may have a little ground to stand on for awhile. Centrino does have a reputation of being highly counterfeited. I think further testing would need to be done to verify. Did you determine if your will be offering credit to members that post bloodwork and mass spec analysis? In this situation members would order anonymously, pay for testing out of pocket, then post results publicly and hopefully earn credit as reimbursement for their initial investment. Should the results be favorable this could potentially generate a large influx of sales for you and the members would in fact be authenticating your products and reputation, should they not be well you get the idea.
what about my meds? how do you test those? TO be honest i would like to focus on My homebrew (more profitable for me) and my FDA meds which cannot be counterfeited and i have access to.
Spetz even though I'm gonna hold off ordering from you until you show some staying power I gotta give you a bit of props. Besides the flip flop of pharm tech vs pharmacist you've answered all questions and have done what we asked. Good luck man.
THank you, but im still a tech, and get paid as one, when and if i do hold a paper that says otherwise ill show you guys, i wouldnt call that a flip flop.
ok, so you want a bottle of 10000 pills, 500qty bottles aren't good enough for you? sorry this is what I carry.

Ok. Smart ass comments from a source get you nowhere. How about about a pic of multiple 500 count bottles of the same product, more than a pharmacy keeps on hand? Just to make sure you didn't just knock off your local pharmacy to make a few extra grand from the members here. Trust is earned. Not given buddy.....especially here. There have been far too many scammers lately. Just trying to make sure you are not another one.
usaspetz any comments on centrinos quality?
Well, i've tried the product and it didnt feel under-dosed, however i can tell that the manufacturer quality isnt good, for example the crimp cap has failed because its a tear-off type, and the guys are correct, it is Chinese, but at the same time I'll be honest, i have more confidence in my home-brew which i know its properly dosed. Now someone is going to talk bad about this because i'm selling something i dont have confidence in..:)
Obviously he's getting it from his job.

There's no way a pharmacy misses inventory long term.

Thieves always get caught.

I don't want to have my addy there when it happens.

Obviously he's getting it from his job.

There's no way a pharmacy misses inventory long term.

Thieves always get caught.

I don't want to have my addy there when it happens.

You're absolutely wrong, i do not steal from my job, been there over 3 years, please don't presume to know anything about me, and that's the 2nd time you've insulted me today, first you called me stupid, now a thieve.