USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Ok here is my take I have no problem if anyone wanted to try his Pharm ancillaries if it is what he says it is. I guess there is only one way to find out. I would use caution here but I understand the temptation.

I am not sold on his gear though. He is not testing raws and trusting "Kevin" this is the wrong answer. I would like to see @usaspetz come up with better quality control before moving forward. Has he met the SCOC? Lets hear about it.
IMO he has met scoc. All pictures were posted,he disclosed everything asked, and agreed to send out samples. He has encrypted email, offers 2 payment options. Am I missing something? My only concern is safety for
Members. Being he has access in abundance to FDA meds everything better be in order. What is done with shipping info, tracking numbers etc...
At this point I view USAspetz as a reseller. I would feel comfortable with his ancillaries, I would give the Centrino line a whirl as well to try to get some further analysis via mass spec.
I will likely never view this outfit as an option for homebrewed oils, orals, or raws simply because it's an entirely separate business model in my mind and I just think he may have too much going on and not even realize it yet. Although his pricing his steep IMO, the quality should it be verified legitimate, is worth it to myself. The model that would seem most beneficial for the community in my mind would be a src that can provide US manufactured pharma's shipped domestic and will slowly expand his list to meet the demand of the community. Thus far he has hung in there and answered all of my questions and provided requested pictures other than the security measures but he still has more time under the 24-48hr window outlined in the SCoC.
This brings up a good point @usaspetz. You have secure email provider, and you have posted your public PGP key so you seem to be at least a little tech savy. Can you describe to the community a little how you deal with processing orders as well as destruction of personal info, shipping addys, and tracking numbers as in relation to security? Seems more than one member is uneasy and guys have concerns about their personal info being compromised, what can you tell us about your practices that should ease our minds?
Here's what im doing, after i ship out the order, i document name, email and tracking in an encrypted physical drive and I delete the email. My emails leave encrypted, if the user doesnt choose to encrypt his emails, i always let them know that i strongly encourage it, from my side i dont see a leak happening, and i dont store physical addresses of delivery, for a new order, the customer would have to re-send that information.
Here's what im doing, after i ship out the order, i document name, email and tracking in an encrypted physical drive and I delete the email. My emails leave encrypted, if the user doesnt choose to encrypt his emails, i always let them know that i strongly encourage it, from my side i dont see a leak happening, and i dont store physical addresses of delivery, for a new order, the customer would have to re-send that information.
Thanks for that info bro. It's Rey important. The other day we had a source ship a pack and the bottle broke and the package was received wet. Do you vacuume seal? If not is your packaging up to par? I know you have been getting it hard the past 15 hours but these things are crucial as your business will triple in a day an members are why matter here..
At this point I view USAspetz as a reseller. I would feel comfortable with his ancillaries, I would give the Centrino line a whirl as well to try to get some further analysis via mass spec.
I will likely never view this outfit as an option for homebrewed oils, orals, or raws simply because it's an entirely separate business model in my mind and I just think he may have too much going on and not even realize it yet. Although his pricing his steep IMO, the quality should it be verified legitimate, is worth it to myself. The model that would seem most beneficial for the community in my mind would be a src that can provide US manufactured pharma's shipped domestic and will slowly expand his list to meet the demand of the community. Thus far he has hung in there and answered all of my questions and provided requested pictures other than the security measures but he still has more time under the 24-48hr window outlined in the SCoC.
I will continue to answer any questions you or the other members might have. thanks for the feedback and "approval" i know i don't want to hold you liable :), lets see when the orders begin to arrive, what the feedback is.
Thanks for that info bro. It's Rey important. The other day we had a source ship a pack and the bottle broke and the package was received wet. Do you vacuume seal? If not is your packaging up to par? I know you have been getting it hard the past 15 hours but these things are crucial as your business will triple in a day an members are why matter here..

I'm waiting on the arrival of a high grade vacuum sealer that supports mylar, same as what the chinese use for raws, What i currently do is place raws and orals which do not contain the retail packaging (remember for example arimidex i get them in packs of 500) and place them in 2mil bags which have been UV sterilized, and double bag them, then place them inside packaging which goes again inside another packaging. nothing moves,shifts or rattles. For the Anavar homebrew, im using pharma grade bottles, again because of my work i follow the same procedure. if you want i could post a pic when i ship out something again, that wouldn't really give away any stealth secrets.
Aromasain, Letro, I think guys would be interested in the sexual dysfunction drugs as well. Members are very vocal here, and the consumer will most certainly let you know what they need. Good thinking aligning yourself with those needs early on and letting the community know you can look into further expanding your product line should there be demand. ;)
I have access to legit cialis and VIagra, its VERY expensive however. Aromisin ohh boy! the COST of the pharmacy is well over $200, thats why i havent even posted them.
[emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200] Smells like bacon bits up in this bitch!
[emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200] Smells like bacon bits up in this bitch!
I'm getting the same feeling the guy has access to way too much guys I strongly urge yall to stay away I've got a bad feeling bout this one. Oink oink
[emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200][emoji200] Smells like bacon bits up in this bitch!
Good point. This is the problem he does the SCOC but I stlll don't like it. So now what? we watch with a very careful eye and a strong warning? High risk play here.
Good point. This is the problem he does the SCOC but I stlll don't like it. So now what? we watch with a very careful eye and a strong warning? High risk play here.
look, you guys don't know how the pharmaceutical system works, maybe the other guys in the pharmacy world can say if i'm lying or not, Scheduled 2 or 3 meds are way off limits, the rest are accessible in a pharmacy. Its that simple, I already said i would not do pain meds or anything of that sort.
He has followed the scoc. Anything else is beyond our control i think he has a right to source now he has done all we asked. We have no science on the industry he's in.
do you ever have anything positive to say? look, you guys don't know how the pharmaceutical system works, maybe the other guys in the pharmacy world can say if i'm lying or not, Scheduled 2 or 3 meds are way off limits, the rest are accessible in a pharmacy. Its that simple, I already said i would not do pain meds or anything of that sort.
Look you are a high risk play and only you will be able to prove otherwise until then this is how it goes here. No I do not have anything positive to say not yet. Why should I? Do you know how many hard earned dollars guys have lost to people that have said the same things you have. Sorry if your feelings are hurt be happy the whole crew hasn't come in and ran you off. It looks like you are getting a chance. My job is to protect and keep on you. Your job is do what you say and make me go away.
Look you are a high risk play and only you will be able to prove otherwise until then this is how it goes here. No I do not have anything positive to say not yet. Why should I? Do you know how many hard earned dollars guys have lost to people that have said the same things you have. Sorry if your feelings are hurt be happy the whole crew hasn't come in and ran you off. It looks like you are getting a chance. My job is to protect and keep on you. Your job is do what you say and make me go away.
actually the do you have anything nice to say wasn't at you my apologies, notice i removed it , i actually think you're being fair today lol. fair enough!
Maybe I'm wrong but other than the Reagan administration's relationship with the Contras I've never known "The Man" to be a pusher. All my experiences over the years have only shown me that LE's primary tool is controlled buys, they don't sell. There are some other factors that would lead me to believe this is a higher risk scenario than maybe your average bathtub operation that pops up overnight, but LE? I would say highly unlikely to nonexistent, that is a perfect scenario of an indictment that would get holes shot through it on the grounds of entrapment.