[source] PSA from USASpetz
submitted 31 minutes ago by UsaSpetzSource: Verified by Labmax/not scammer
Hey reddit, this is the first time i have had the time and the secure connection to get on reddit since early this week, firstly i want to apologize to everyone who thinks ive let you down or have taken off with your money, this is not the case at all!
my son had a ruptured appendix and i spent one bad week in ICU, if you guys gave children you know what i am talking about, if you think im full of excuses, nothing else to say about that.
i am getting ready to get the machine in gear again and begin to ship all orders again, if i have not shipped your order i will be doing so tomorrow which means it should arrive monday, I will be including an additional $100 of gear inside to make up for the inconvenience, i understand we all work very hard to make $$ and its not cool for your vendor to disappear for a few days, i did ask unixpro to let yo know but i don't know if he did or not.
again apologies for this, i dont regret anything because my children come first but rest assured i will be taking care of you and if you're upset and request a refund i will do so its not a problem i understand, at the end of the day im so grateful to be a part of the community and not to mention im happy all went well on my end, i dont think there is a scarier thing than seeing your kid in the ER!
i will have access to emails around 10 pm est and all emails and more will be taken care of.
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