USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

I'm not blaming anyone for shit. BUT.... If you guys wanna know what happened this may be the place to start imo

Sounds like he may have been eager to get a foothold here, put too much trust in the wrong guys and Meso used him and spit him out. I ain't gonna lose sleep over it, but the guys that handled their business and sent cash are the ones that pay the price, and that's a damn shame.
Let me get this straight, so if spetz fronts gear (ridiculous claim imo, or he is a fool, but I'll roll with it)... To Bob, and Bob doesn't pay; and then Jim orders and does pay, he deserves to get shafted b/c they both belong to Meso? Wtf ate you talking about?!
Let me get this straight, so if spetz fronts gear (ridiculous claim imo, or he is a fool, but I'll roll with it)... To Bob, and Bob doesn't pay; and then Jim orders and does pay, he deserves to get shafted b/c they both belong to Meso? Wtf ate you talking about?!

No I think he is saying that is what Spetz might have done to recoup money lost. Not that other members deserve the shaft. He said Spetz handled this wrong if that were what happened.
No I think he is saying that is what Spetz might have done to recoup money lost. Not that other members deserve the shaft. He said Spetz handled this wrong if that were what happened.
My question was rhetorical.

When he said, "but you guys that got off with a couple hundred dollars worth of gear or MORE might have done it at another brother's expense"... He is laying the blame at the feet of the guys spetz claimed ripped him off, instead of spetz.

1. He fronted gear and guys ripped him off
2. Trip to China
3. Beemer inverter
4. Sick kid
5. Funeral for fam member
6. Most offensive of all, that slag "rep" he "sent" over.

Stinks likes bag of smashed assholes in here.
You are right @masterexploder we also don't know what really happened other than he disappeared on everyone and there are A LOT of people out money. Honestly that sucks I don't care if they belong to MESO or not its just bad. I don't wish it on anyone ever.
My question was rhetorical.

When he said, "but you guys that got off with a couple hundred dollars worth of gear or MORE might have done it at another brother's expense"... He is laying the blame at the feet of the guys spetz claimed ripped him off, instead of spetz.

1. He fronted gear and guys ripped him off
2. Trip to China
3. Beemer inverter
4. Sick kid
5. Funeral for fam member
6. Most offensive of all, that slag "rep" he "sent" over.

Stinks likes bag of smashed assholes in here.
Don't forget the virus he got at the end of the China trip. Couldn't post, had an IV in his arm.
My question was rhetorical.

When he said, "but you guys that got off with a couple hundred dollars worth of gear or MORE might have done it at another brother's expense"... He is laying the blame at the feet of the guys spetz claimed ripped him off, instead of spetz.

1. He fronted gear and guys ripped him off
2. Trip to China
3. Beemer inverter
4. Sick kid
5. Funeral for fam member
6. Most offensive of all, that slag "rep" he "sent" over.

Stinks likes bag of smashed assholes in here.
Don't forget the virus he got at the end of the China trip. Couldn't post, had an IV in his arm.

Yepp, one thing after another with this clown over the last several weeks.. I also don't believe for a second that this d-bag fronted anyone gear..

There are 2 sources on Meso that PROBABLY won't rip you off, that's it.. I wish everyone would stop giving these unproven assholes with no track record "a shot".. Let them prove themselves somewhere else for a few years..
Dam... there goes my hopes of pharma grade PCT. I am a new member here but I personally got a huge red flag right after someone reported an under dose and he said "he was going to china, to fix it asap with his supplier....."

@Marcus you still going to post your cycle update? How did your bloods turn out? Progress?
Usaspetz did come to and said he sent alot off alot of packs. And people did not pay for. I do believe that. I just thought guys were better than that. But this is a high possibility as there are alot if unknown characters here. Just look at the members list its full of members that I did not even know existed. Maybe Spetz got financially behind? And just did not know what to do. I have talked to the guy many time. He is actually a nice guy with good product I know that means very little in our world. Yes the guy has had issue but those past issues never effected us or packs so its wrong to sling that mud. even our outstanding sources here have had things come up. But this situation right now is still a odd puzzle that does not make since. In time we will figure it out.
Usaspetz did come to and said he sent alot off alot of packs. And people did not pay for. I do believe that. I just thought guys were better than that. But this is a high possibility as there are alot if unknown characters here. Just look at the members list its full of members that I did not even know existed. Maybe Spetz got financially behind? And just did not know what to do. I have talked to the guy many time. He is actually a nice guy with good product I know that means very little in our world. Yes the guy has had issue but those past issues never effected us or packs so its wrong to sling that mud. even our outstanding sources here have had things come up. But this situation right now is still a odd puzzle that does not make since. In time we will figure it out.

No offense PI but you're a little too close to this guy to be able to see it clearly.. Spetz has had a ton of issues considering he's only been here for 2 months.
So in the 5 minutes I've been back from what I gather some of the members making the most noise in this thread might not be telling the whole truth. I'm not taking sides here yet, and if I was I would ALWAYS side with the community of brothers here AS LONG AS THEY ARE UP FRONT AND HONEST. But now we are past slinging mud on a SRC, we are taking about divulging his personal info....this is extremely serious. Before I could ever condone that I want to hear the WHOLE TRUTH, both sides of the story. Should Spetz not reappear we will have to run on the information provided thus far, but it looks like his last PM's were sent to me about a week ago. Basically pleading for advice on how to handle some issues here because "the source is always the bad guy" in his words.

So.... Everyone is quick to say who is "out $$$". Let's hear the guys that have an outstanding tab with Spetz come forward and speak on their experience. I'm not talking about a free vial here or there on a big order or a kickback for poor T/A or miscommunication. Who here placed orders and never payed, or asked to ship but pay later, or had a WU transfer not go through but never made the correction and settled up. Normally I wouldn't give two shits if a SRC sent out gear before he got payment, that's his own damn fault, BUT I'm starting to wonder if a handful of members here holding out on settling their tabs are hurting the community as a whole and may have something to do with members that DID keep their word getting penalized.

Right or wrong. Sounds like the wrong guys are getting the shaft but before we throw this guys location out to the world maybe the members whom never settled up with Spetz could come forward and at least we could have an idea where this shit show got derailed. I don't know for certain this is what happened, and if it is I DON'T agree with how Spetz handled it, but you guys that got off with a couple hundred dollars worth of gear or MORE might have done it at another brother's expense. Be a fucking man, step up to the plate... what's right is right.

My story is I sent spetz $620 and I didn't recieve shit. And it was after his China trip. He sent me a fake tracking number that never worked. And told me on a Tuesday that it was shipped. Is spetz still the "victim" here?
I think your probably right jb. that why im just going to back off and see what happens. Everything will pan out eventually.

Hey I've been there before defending bio/stretch initially when he first disappeared.. Never again!!

If spetz gave a shit he'd take 2 minutes to post and he'd be defending himself or better yet getting these guys REAL tracking numbers..
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Dam... there goes my hopes of pharma grade PCT. I am a new member here but I personally got a huge red flag right after someone reported an under dose and he said "he was going to china, to fix it asap with his supplier....."

@Marcus you still going to post your cycle update? How did your bloods turn out? Progress?
Nope... Sorry man, I told Spetz I did not want to stay on his gear after I figured out how underdosed it was. Once he stopped showing up earlier this week, it was back to my other gear. He did compensate me for my underdosed gear and my bloods and compensated my bloods with amps. He did not fully compensate Tmac (only replaced the gear), as I've been conversing with him ever since we first bought around the same time, and offered to split the amps he sent me since he also promised amps to him later. @tmac34 declined but I hope still takes me up on that offer :)

[source] PSA from USASpetz
submitted 31 minutes ago by UsaSpetzSource: Verified by Labmax/not scammer
Hey reddit, this is the first time i have had the time and the secure connection to get on reddit since early this week, firstly i want to apologize to everyone who thinks ive let you down or have taken off with your money, this is not the case at all!
my son had a ruptured appendix and i spent one bad week in ICU, if you guys gave children you know what i am talking about, if you think im full of excuses, nothing else to say about that.
i am getting ready to get the machine in gear again and begin to ship all orders again, if i have not shipped your order i will be doing so tomorrow which means it should arrive monday, I will be including an additional $100 of gear inside to make up for the inconvenience, i understand we all work very hard to make $$ and its not cool for your vendor to disappear for a few days, i did ask unixpro to let yo know but i don't know if he did or not.
again apologies for this, i dont regret anything because my children come first but rest assured i will be taking care of you and if you're upset and request a refund i will do so its not a problem i understand, at the end of the day im so grateful to be a part of the community and not to mention im happy all went well on my end, i dont think there is a scarier thing than seeing your kid in the ER!
i will have access to emails around 10 pm est and all emails and more will be taken care of.
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