USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

My experience with Spetz on two orders
1st order was in early Sept T/A was 7 days. communication was ok. I was given a tracking number the day after order. But the tracking number didn't work was told my pack had shipped turns out tracking number was wrong. Was given another tracking number 3 days later.... a Real tracking number it turns out the pack shipped out 3 days after spetz claimed it originally did at the time I thought it was an honest mistake.

I was following this thread waiting for bloods. two bloods were posted that the gear was 40-50% under dosed. I decided to order more and just double the dose. (I'm a stupid newb first time ever ordering gear online didn't really know where else to order from)

2nd order T/A 2 1/2 weeks order was after his supposed China trip communication was good up to when the funds were picked up. didn't receive a tracking number. after about a week spetz finally replied to an email said pack was shipped and I would receive it that Sat. If not for sure Mon. Didn't receive tracking number. Of course that was a lie. Those days pasted didn't receive a thing. that's around the time of spetz disappearance. Spetz finally came through with my pack 2 1/2 weeks later with the extras he said he would give for the delay.

I realized I'm not the only one. many other people got the same run around. Spetz is a compulsive lier since day one. This is not how a business should be ran legit or not. He finally got me my shit so obviously he wasn't trying to run off with my money. But definitely dnt feel comfortable ordering from him again.
My experience with Spetz on two orders
1st order was in early Sept T/A was 7 days. communication was ok. I was given a tracking number the day after order. But the tracking number didn't work was told my pack had shipped turns out tracking number was wrong. Was given another tracking number 3 days later.... a Real tracking number it turns out the pack shipped out 3 days after spetz claimed it originally did at the time I thought it was an honest mistake.

I was following this thread waiting for bloods. two bloods were posted that the gear was 40-50% under dosed. I decided to order more and just double the dose. (I'm a stupid newb first time ever ordering gear online didn't really know where else to order from)

2nd order T/A 2 1/2 weeks order was after his supposed China trip communication was good up to when the funds were picked up. didn't receive a tracking number. after about a week spetz finally replied to an email said pack was shipped and I would receive it that Sat. If not for sure Mon. Didn't receive tracking number. Of course that was a lie. Those days pasted didn't receive a thing. that's around the time of spetz disappearance. Spetz finally came through with my pack 2 1/2 weeks later with the extras he said he would give for the delay.

I realized I'm not the only one. many other people got the same run around. Spetz is a compulsive lier since day one. This is not how a business should be ran legit or not. He finally got me my shit so obviously he wasn't trying to run off with my money. But definitely dnt feel comfortable ordering from him again.

I said it earlier today, Spetz challenged me on it, and I'll say it again.

That is scamming in my book! No, he didn't flat out run away with your money, but he wove a web of continuous lies and even took it so far as to issue bogus trackers. He held your money WAY LONGER THAN HE SAID HE WOULD WITHOUT GIVING YOU WHAT YOU PAID FOR!!!!!!

^^Playing you and scamming you!^^

Then, to shut you and the forum up, and to keep the cash flow coming in, he finally sent you your pack. If it is like his previous gear, it's probably underdosed and not what you paid for.

How the fuck is that not scamming someone?
Quick update

Remember when I said Spetz sent a tracking number finally? He told me to wait 24 hrs before it registers..... i waited well over 24 hours and it still is not pulling up ANYTHING.

Cant say im surprised at all, he is a compulsive liar.

I have proof of the email, so go ahead and tell me another lie, spetz
Quick update

Remember when I said Spetz sent a tracking number finally? He told me to wait 24 hrs before it registers..... i waited well over 24 hours and it still is not pulling up ANYTHING.

Cant say im surprised at all, he is a compulsive liar.

I have proof of the email, so go ahead and tell me another lie, spetz
sir i gave you the tracking !!!! what are you talking about?? if you dont have the tracking why not email me, im not going to post a print screen of the email sent to you because there is sensitive information inside along with the tracking number inside, but i DID give you tracking information.

EDIT: i didnt read this properly... you're mistaken , here is what shows on USPS website: Expected Delivery Day: Friday, November 7, 2014... you want to call me a liar on that as well?
sir i gave you the tracking !!!! what are you talking about?? if you dont have the tracking why not email me, im not going to post a print screen of the email sent to you because there is sensitive information inside along with the tracking number inside, but i DID give you tracking information.

Put the meth pipe down for a second and reread his post... He's saying he got a tracking number and it doesn't work..
sir i gave you the tracking !!!! what are you talking about?? if you dont have the tracking why not email me, im not going to post a print screen of the email sent to you because there is sensitive information inside along with the tracking number inside, but i DID give you tracking information.
Tracking number doesn't work.
sir i gave you the tracking !!!! what are you talking about?? if you dont have the tracking why not email me, im not going to post a print screen of the email sent to you because there is sensitive information inside along with the tracking number inside, but i DID give you tracking information.

EDIT: i didnt read this properly... you're mistaken , here is what shows on USPS website: Expected Delivery Day: Friday, November 7, 2014... you want to call me a liar on that as well?
I have no fuckin clue what number youre puttin in, but the one you gave me is for damn sure not working
sir i gave you the tracking !!!! what are you talking about??
EDIT: Expected Delivery Day: Friday, November 7, 2014... you want to call me a liar on that as well?

Oooh, Oooh!!(Hand up in the air!) I will....I will call you a liar, stupid! How's that sickly kid of yours doing? Can we expect many sick days out of you Mr. sniffles? Were you one of those kids that always had SOMETHING chronically disabling him growing up? Ya known...asthma and allergies from the season simply changing?
Couldn't have a dog cuz the hair and "Pet Dander" did you in? If you had siblings they hated you because they loved dogs and couldn't have one because of you.
You had your own medicine cabinet in the nurse's office at school. You had "coke bottle" glasses because you've basically been blind since birth. Just piss poor genetics.
You should do something that doesn't have people depending on you for dying. Think you could do that right? I know...probably not... but again.....not your fault.

tracking was off by ONE number, so it was only a typo. Anyone would have jumped to conclusions seeing as how you dont have the best track record.

Im beyond pissed at this guy with his shit customer service T/A. Idk if he was lying about his kid or not but that shit is not right to insult a child. Not taking his side but thats immature and harsh as fuck to bring and innocent child into this.

He deserves all the shit we've been giving him but his family and children have no part in this so let's keep them out of the tornado of cow shit.

Stop lying so damn much and making up excuses for every damn thing, Spetz. For fucks sake man.
yeah i know i corrected myself, see my update. and im correct about the tracking info, i dont have control over usps you guys know that.
You know what? Got a friend that I was helping out when he first started a successful EBAY from home business. Guy had multiple packs shipping several times a day. Very rarely was there an issue with shipping.
There are times when it will take 20 min to get into and register in the system, but that's it. The tracking # tells the story and it's a very functional system. Guys that are liars will at times give out "real" numbers at times. "Real" in that it's a # attached to a pkg....but just for the one guy at the address on the label and not the 3 guys besides they 1st one who is Mr. Lucky.
Sources that suck and lie hand these #'s out to give themselves more time to fill orders or more time to appear legitimate to fool members playing along at home watching the mess and hopefully get them to send you more money.(See..i have u as a source that sux in my head.)
The "Bogus Tracking # Fuck Over" is best used by int sources as the amount of time a shit source can appear "ok" is far longer because it could take a number of days and longer to clear customs.
There are also just a few points of entry to deal with. This has a pack coming to me in So Cal will take the same rout as a pack to say North Dakota. See what I mean?
We've seen it all here. I've been doing this a lot longer than you have. You can say you've done this and that and that you've been a member of the "Community" for as long as if not longer because you've shown you'll say things just to say them without the truth meaning a thing.
But you haven't. I really have. Millard has. Others here have, also. We're not gonna let you get away with lying to the board. We're gonna call you on it....and probably call you some names. That's because I can't smash your face. I'm content with insulting lying sources for the most part. Time will tell.

tracking was off by ONE number, so it was only a typo. Anyone would have jumped to conclusions seeing as how you dont have the best track record.

Im beyond pissed at this guy with his shit customer service T/A. Idk if he was lying about his kid or not but that shit is not right to insult a child. Not taking his side but thats immature and harsh as fuck to bring and innocent child into this.

He deserves all the shit we've been giving him but his family and children have no part in this so let's keep them out of the tornado of cow shit.

Stop lying so damn much and making up excuses for every damn thing, Spetz. For fucks sake man.
He brings them into this thing He's full of shit and made that whole hospital thing up. I guarantee it. MAtter of fact...he shows some proof(discharge papers..whatever) and I'll stay out of this thread. But he can't.
We've seen this shit before? You do your thing here and if you don't have the stomach for the way I do things "ignore" me or do what you have to in order to stay out of my way. I've been doing this a long time. I'm serious. Don't think you're gonna change the way I do shit. I know more than you do.
He brings them into this thing He's full of shit and made that whole hospital thing up. I guarantee it. MAtter of fact...he shows some proof(discharge papers..whatever) and I'll stay out of this thread. But he can't.
We've seen this shit before? You do your thing here and if you don't have the stomach for the way I do things "ignore" me or do what you have to in order to stay out of my way. I've been doing this a long time. I'm serious. Don't think you're gonna change the way I do shit. I know more than you do.
I know you've been here for quite some time and might know more than me. Not tryna step on your toes or anything man, just the whole kids and family thing is too far. Do what you do and how you do it. Not tryna start shit with you. He might be lying about his whole life, idk.
Yeah, not sure if anyone remembers when I came here to try and warn everyone when he first did this exact same crap with me. I knew it was only a matter of time until this guy's lies caught up to him.

Is there any way to really get rid of these sources? What's to keep him from opening up shop again with a new handle and the same old lies.
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