USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

Yeah, not sure if anyone remembers when I came here to try and warn everyone when he first did this exact same crap with me. I knew it was only a matter of time until this guy's lies caught up to him.

Is there any way to really get rid of these sources? What's to keep him from opening up shop again with a new handle and the same old lies.
Intelligence and intuition on our part, but it will be hard to tell if he switches over to one of his many personalities. Who knows? Maybe "Tiff" will come back on and start selling. I'm sure he'll drown in his lies and pop up again trying to sell the same stuff with new labels and we will nail him on it. His lingo, his shipping area, his customer service will sure as fuck speak for itself
Intelligence and intuition on our part, but it will be hard to tell if he switches over to one of his many personalities. Who knows? Maybe "Tiff" will come back on and start selling. I'm sure he'll drown in his lies and pop up again trying to sell the same stuff with new labels and we will nail him on it. His lingo, his shipping area, his customer service will sure as fuck speak for itself

I'm not going anywhere, i know many are unhappy but.... I've been bending over backwards to make things right for everyone and i know you yourself are a witness for this fact. I'm not going to switch that's ridiculous.
Intelligence and intuition on our part, but it will be hard to tell if he switches over to one of his many personalities. Who knows? Maybe "Tiff" will come back on and start selling. I'm sure he'll drown in his lies and pop up again trying to sell the same stuff with new labels and we will nail him on it. His lingo, his shipping area, his customer service will sure as fuck speak for itself
Lmao no lie i was thinking this exact same shit.
I'm not going anywhere, i know many are unhappy but.... I've been bending over backwards to make things right for everyone and i know you yourself are a witness for this fact. I'm not going to switch that's ridiculous.
This is one hell of a hole you've dug for yourself. I honestly don't know how the fuck you're gonna come back from this one, if you do
A lot of things in this thread seem ridiculous but end up happening anyway... Everyone can attest to that. I did attest to the fact that you compensated (past tense) for the underdosed test that I had got bloodwork for and you compensated me for the bloodwork. You kept true to your word on that. That is not bending over backwards, that is what you said you were going to do. I did not want to run your UG line, I pinned once and there was still too much PIP and you disappeared so I said fuck this. I'd happily send you back those extra UG vials as I'm NOT going to touch them. The amps were compensation enough for my bloodwork and underdosed test.

Do not make this seem like you are a golden God for doing what you are suppose to do. Be a man homeboy
I still haven't seen spetz really tackle the ugly subject of his rep or thunder slut tiffany. If some one walked thru the front door at my work place and was pretending to be affiliated or attempting to collect cash or info I sure as hell would be concerned. So far he's just like hmmmm oh gosh I really would like to thank her for getting the word out! ? WTF is that! This whole deal is very strange. ..

So ill ask again:

Do you have any other handles or reps we should know about? Any one that would represent you or your gear in your absence? Explain yourself

This is very important because trust is gone my man.
Initial post here people:

I've been following this "event" since the thread first originated. My thoughts of "safety" go for everyone here.

I've been into the bodybuilding scene since the early 1980's. Was training about eleven years or so before considering taking any supplements. I could be wrong here, but this person Spezc is probably of age enough to be my son!

The forum was nice enough to give this person a chance. Based on the accounts of "many" individuals not "just one", were seeing problems with inadequate dosing, shipping issues, communication problems, etc.

Something you honestly need to ask yourself: (This is a very serious question people)
Based on what you have seen thus far, do you trust this man enough in providing you medicine to put into your body? There are other sources out there that have a long standing, good history/reputation.

The analogy of this would be, if one needed surgery, it would be recommended for that person to find a surgeon that comes with good reference.

just my .2 cents here........
Initial post here people:

I've been following this "event" since the thread first originated. My thoughts of "safety" go for everyone here.

I've been into the bodybuilding scene since the early 1980's. Was training about eleven years or so before considering taking any supplements. I could be wrong here, but this person Spezc is probably of age enough to be my son!

The forum was nice enough to give this person a chance. Based on the accounts of "many" individuals not "just one", were seeing problems with inadequate dosing, shipping issues, communication problems, etc.

Something you honestly need to ask yourself: (This is a very serious question people)
Based on what you have seen thus far, do you trust this man enough in providing you medicine to put into your body? There are other sources out there that have a long standing, good history/reputation.

The analogy of this would be, if one needed surgery, it would be recommended for that person to find a surgeon that comes with good reference.

just my .2 cents here........
You have been a member for over 1year and this is the very first post you make?
I still haven't seen spetz really tackle the ugly subject of his rep or thunder slut tiffany. If some one walked thru the front door at my work place and was pretending to be affiliated or attempting to collect cash or info I sure as hell would be concerned. So far he's just like hmmmm oh gosh I really would like to thank her for getting the word out! ? WTF is that! This whole deal is very strange. ..

So ill ask again:

Do you have any other handles or reps we should know about? Any one that would represent you or your gear in your absence? Explain yourself

This is very important because trust is gone my man.
yeah i agree its strange but like i said i do not have affiliation with anyone, the only person i know is unixpro over at reddit which i had asked to relay my message. THATS IT, not sure what else you want me to say.
So he's finally screwed over some other people.Welcome to the club,dude is just bad business in my opinion.
I dont know who you are but i welcome proof that i screwed you over, because i know i have not kept anyone's funds and not sent items. go ahead, prove me wrong.

i find it very strange that id a "junior member" leaves me a good feedback, he is in the a shill but otherwise its overlooked.
Regardless of what is said here, soon people will most likely be doing business with him again on this site and most likely reddit.

Just to add too the conversation, were the pharmaceutical meds legit? Before you say It doesn't matter there are some people who have stashed and others just received/receiving orders. It would be nice for them to have an idea of what they are actually taking.
Regardless of what is said here, soon people will most likely be doing business with him again on this site and most likely reddit.

Just to add too the conversation, were the pharmaceutical meds legit? Before you say It doesn't matter there are some people who have stashed and others just received/receiving orders. It would be nice for them to have an idea of what they are actually taking.
They're legit.
Damn this thread really has turned into a shit show....I am betting he lasts 2 more weeks, 3 tops, and he goes dark where we never hear from him again. I guess it's the nature of the game, but as soon as I started hearing stories about family this and that I backed the fuck off. It is truly eerie how sources seem to follow like a code wherein if they get in trouble they refer to the source playbook. Thankfully now I'm pinning Watson, but I wish whoever still has an open order the best of luck..
I for one am glad i did not pull the trigger on this shitstorm. Another bullet dodged. Prior to joining this site i was on a 0 for 3 run.At least now i'm back to neutral. I'm not getting screwed, but now i need to figure out how to push it into the positive side without making it a total gambling event. The sources make it tough when they actually push out 15% good product and you happen to be one of the few guys that received it. It is like it's a timed event. It does seem like they all are reading the same playbook and it almost goes like clockwork.

I can't stress enough how vocal people need to be if they have shipping issues or more importantly have a failed labmax or bad bloodwork. If people ran bloods then the longest any scrub source should run is maybe 7 weeks. With Jim running his testing the source could be outed even quicker, maybe 2 weeks. If we could close the window faster and make it more of a pain in the ass for scammers then we would be moving the right direction. It's like making something theft resistant. The point isn't to make it theft-proof, it is just to make it too much of a pain in the ass to mess with.

If sources are having to adopt new personas every 2 weeks that helps. Another thing that would help is that if people took it slow right off the bat for a month or three before jumping on the new source train. Let a few people try them out and get some bloods back before spinning the roulette wheel. Let people see if they have any legit gear at least before sending these guys truckloads of cash. Sure, they could just put the good shit up front, but with continued spot testing, blood work and good communication on the forums we can keep people honest or at least limit the damage when they go bad.
devildog many would agree that having people hold back on orders would be beneficial for the community, but I'm not sure how that is going to happen. Guys will always be jumping early with the knowledge that they are more likely to get better gear at the outset. We see members doing it in the open, I can't imagine how many do it in private or how many lurkers are sending off money before any word on quality has been raised
I can confirm all pharma that I purchased were all legit! Armidex nolva. The Clomid is legit not sure that one is American pharmaceutical though.