USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

I don't know which items you didn't receive but this was and still is easily fixable by sending me an email, many can vouch that i make things right whether its at my mistake or not, when was the last time you followed up with me about it?

It also could have been handled by you acting professionally and sending out what people ordered. If you can't handle the volume, then shut it down for a while until you get things right instead of all the bullshit that went on. Half-dosed gear, weird excuses as to why people are not getting what they ordered, and shipping delays of up to a month don't sit well with me and i'm sure at least some others. Why people would continue to order i have no idea because i sure as hell would not.
I don't know which items you didn't receive but this was and still is easily fixable by sending me an email, many can vouch that i make things right whether its at my mistake or not, when was the last time you followed up with me about it?
Right before you disappeared for your son/daughters? surgery but don't worry about it. I'm just gonna save you some time and allow you to get the rest of those missing packs out. A couple vials missing wasn't that big of a deal, but the way it was handled sucked. That's the only reason I mentioned it. Not to get "free product" as you put it. I've already made myself whole so no point in wasting time on this. I'd probly just trash em anyways. After all these shenanigans I'm not very optimistic about your product anyways.
  • Damn people-Spetz is obviously willing to make shit rite."Professional" I am in construction sales(vendors and materials) and accidents,mistakes and unfortunate events are just part of business.What makes people professionals is how they ll respond to those things. I am currently in the process of placing my 4th or 5th order with Spetz and I am not worried one bit.I think alot of this negative Talk about Spetz is MESO POLITICS and too much Testosterone. I will be reporting back to Meso with T/A.Spetz keep doing what you do!
Right before you disappeared for your son/daughters? surgery but don't worry about it. I'm just gonna save you some time and allow you to get the rest of those missing packs out. A couple vials missing wasn't that big of a deal, but the way it was handled sucked. That's the only reason I mentioned it. Not to get "free product" as you put it. I've already made myself whole so no point in wasting time on this. I'd probly just trash em anyways. After all these shenanigans I'm not very optimistic about your product anyways.
the offer stands whenever you want it. However, would you mind clarifying what items were missing? and were the missing or was it a mistake and you received another item in its place? again a simple email would have gotten this issue solved. Might as well get what you paid for.
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  • Damn people-Spetz is obviously willing to make shit rite."Professional" I am in construction sales(vendors and materials) and accidents,mistakes and unfortunate events are just part of business.What makes people professionals is how they ll respond to those things. I am currently in the process of placing my 4th or 5th order with Spetz and I am not worried one bit.I think alot of this negative Talk about Spetz is MESO POLITICS and too much Testosterone. I will be reporting back to Meso with T/A.Spetz keep doing what you do!
I agree if everyone has received there pack. We our beating a dead horse.
Has every one revived what was promised or are there some missing?
Before everyone starts jumping to conclusions of under dosed gear, perhaps the question of whether the test was cut off @ 1600 should be asked. @Deadlift33 was there one of these > next to the 1600?
Sorry for the slow response have been busy. YES, there was the >next to the 1600. I'm not sure what kind of test scores people are looking for but I think 1600 plus is very strong my body was pushing estrogen conversion even with estrogen blockers. DR. upped my meds for blockers and added HCG to the program. Based on my experience the gear does not feel under dosed or weak. Just my body talking to me on that note.
He didn't get it through a private testing service from the way he wrote it. He said his doc was going to have to scale back his dose after the results.
This is correct lab work came from Synergy Laboratories working out of a local reputable Hospital in my region. If the normal high range for test is 830 then 1600 is blowing it off the chart, my DR was shocked at the numbers.

On the day of the test no pins, in the 7 days prior to the pin I had taken
375mg Tren-A
300mg Test-P
375mg Test-E
1mg Anastrozole (Oral)
Havent been logged in for a few weeks and see this... Just when I thought I was going to order things took a nose dive apparently... was looking at superior as well and that looks like it went to shit too.

Back to the search...
Sorry for the slow response have been busy. YES, there was the >next to the 1600. I'm not sure what kind of test scores people are looking for but I think 1600 plus is very strong my body was pushing estrogen conversion even with estrogen blockers. DR. upped my meds for blockers and added HCG to the program. Based on my experience the gear does not feel under dosed or weak. Just my body talking to me on that note.
Deadlift, if you were on Spetz gear and ran bloods and your levels came back with a ">1600" then you have no idea what your levels actually are and no idea if the gear is dosed correctly or not. This is not an exact number, this just means that your test levels are greater than 1600 and happen to fall outside the testing parameters. Subsequently thIs gives us little insight as to what the gear is dosed at.

This is correct lab work came from Synergy Laboratories working out of a local reputable Hospital in my region. If the normal high range for test is 830 then 1600 is blowing it off the chart, my DR was shocked at the numbers.

On the day of the test no pins, in the 7 days prior to the pin I had taken
375mg Tren-A
300mg Test-P
375mg Test-E
1mg Anastrozole (Oral)
Your lack of knowledge is disturbing, I would learn a lot more before running any additional compounds.
Sorry for the slow response have been busy. YES, there was the >next to the 1600. I'm not sure what kind of test scores people are looking for but I think 1600 plus is very strong my body was pushing estrogen conversion even with estrogen blockers. DR. upped my meds for blockers and added HCG to the program. Based on my experience the gear does not feel under dosed or weak. Just my body talking to me on that note.

Thanks for the update. I figured it was capped. People are looking for test scores somewhere between 8-10x dosing. Without getting a test that is not capped at 1600, there's no way of knowing if it's properly dosed.

This is correct lab work came from Synergy Laboratories working out of a local reputable Hospital in my region. If the normal high range for test is 830 then 1600 is blowing it off the chart, my DR was shocked at the numbers.

On the day of the test no pins, in the 7 days prior to the pin I had taken
375mg Tren-A
300mg Test-P
375mg Test-E
1mg Anastrozole (Oral)

Your doctor is shocked at the numbers because you are well outside of the normal range. He doesn't know the gear you're on outside of your TRT dose I'm assuming?(if you're on trt)

You should be a lot higher than 1600 on 675mg of testosterone per week. How high would depend on how far along you are in your cycle, when you pinned the TE/P esters prior to blood draw, dosing of AI, and other factors.
@ Marcus he tried. I dont know whats going on with you. But you need to calm down a bit. Your talking to another member not a source! Learn how to communicate properly. Not bring members down bro. Dead lift thanks for contributing to the board. You might want to take a look at the test you ordered to make sure you maximize your score.
  • Damn people-Spetz is obviously willing to make shit rite."Professional" I am in construction sales(vendors and materials) and accidents,mistakes and unfortunate events are just part of business.What makes people professionals is how they ll respond to those things. I am currently in the process of placing my 4th or 5th order with Spetz and I am not worried one bit.I think alot of this negative Talk about Spetz is MESO POLITICS and too much Testosterone. I will be reporting back to Meso with T/A.Spetz keep doing what you do!
Thanks for your opinion. I was just stating what happened and other people can decide from there whether they would like to use him or not. I am in sales too and even if my child was sick, my customers still expect good customer service and to get what they pay for. If I have to work from the hospital then that's what I gotta do. I'm fully aware he is trying to recover from what happened. On the other hand if you say you're going to do something then I don't give a shit if YOU DIE you better leave that shit in your will to get done! This is not an office setting, this is the honor system. That's all we have to protect us.

the offer stands whenever you want it. However, would you mind clarifying what items were missing? and were the missing or was it a mistake and you received another item in its place? again a simple email would have gotten this issue solved. Might as well get what you paid for.

Spetz thank you for the offer, but no thanks. The email was sent as soon as the pack landed, and replied to by you. I quoted your reply in my post. I even offered a solution to help benefit you as much as I could after you made the mistake, and said you would make it right at that time. I never got a response or a fulfillment of your word. Unfortunately, I don't feel comfortable putting anything in my body from someone I've already expressed my extreme displeasure with. Now I'll leave you gents to your business.
@ Marcus he tried. I dont know whats going on with you. But you need to calm down a bit. Your talking to another member not a source! Learn how to communicate properly. Not bring members down bro. Dead lift thanks for contributing to the board. You might want to take a look at the test you ordered to make sure you maximize your score.
I didn't mean that in a rude way.
@Deadlift33 my apologies to you if it came off that way man
@ Marcus he tried. I dont know whats going on with you. But you need to calm down a bit. Your talking to another member not a source! Learn how to communicate properly. Not bring members down bro. Dead lift thanks for contributing to the board. You might want to take a look at the test you ordered to make sure you maximize your score.
Marcus is feeling like a beast! And learn to communicate properly. ;-)
No worries Marcus, I did not get to select the test and can only share what the test showed me. I waqs not running Test-E at the front end of the cycle and added it more towards the mid cycle of my 12 week program. Prior weeks were similar with the Test-E being added for weeks 7-10.

My program ran Tren-A on a 2 week ramp up with consistent doses week 3-11, this was supplemented with Test-C, Test-P, Test-E and estrogen blockers. Post treatment started week 10 was Hcg and increase in Estrogen blockers from weekly 1mg dose to 2.5mg. Week 12 will mirror week 1 in Tren dose then only keeping my medical levels of Test-C running until my next cycle.