USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

... a lying, underdosed, fake tracking number sending sack of shit...

And that about sums Spetz up. I have seen even respected sources send out underdosed gear (not that that makes it alright), but I have NEVER seen a source with an ounce of integrity that sends out fake tracking numbers repeatedly to keep people quiet.

That is as fucked up as it gets. Then again, when you have already used up every excuse not to deliver that ever existed, I guess you have to resort to fake tracking numbers.
I thought in the very beginning of the thread we as a community agreed he was only to sell pharm grade? Now hes charging 40 dollars for test e @halfdose what a joke look if you newbs want to get fucked just send me your money and I will go threw another source that sells the same shitty halfdosed product at half the price. We need to regulate his ass to vet and pharm grade period.
Well, I have no dog in this fight, but I will say this:

Last week after I discovered my Prop from Hoyt Labs was bunk via Labmax testing, Spetz reached out to me and offered to replace the Prop for free. I have never bought anything from Spetz, nor had I really every spoken to him before. We PMed back and forth and he said he would send me out vials to replace the bunk I had, free shipping and free gear. I was rather dubious, but sure, if you want to send me something go ahead. I didn't think I'd ever get anything, but, 3 days later, I had a package at my front door with 4 vials of Prop and a Vial of Test E thrown in for good measure.

I know the way he has treated a lot of you guys is shitty and it is not excusable, I'm just telling you what my interaction with him has been.
I thought in the very beginning of the thread we as a community agreed he was only to sell pharm grade? Now hes charging 40 dollars for test e @halfdose what a joke look if you newbs want to get fucked just send me your money and I will go threw another source that sells the same shitty halfdosed product at half the price. We need to regulate his ass to vet and pharm grade period.
I don't even understand how somebody can rip you off on test. All they have to do is get labs done on their own product; if it's half dosed just include 20 ml instead of 10 ml and properly label vials. The mark up is so high on that product their is never a reason to fuck someone over what cost you an additional $1-$2.
Well I've already expressed my annoyance with the way business was handled, but I will say that I labmaxed his Test P (home brew) and it was a pass. No pics because I honestly expected not to run it at all after all the BS that went on. I know that means shit when it comes to the actual concentration of the gear, but it was at least a sense that maybe the prop is decent. I followed PI's log and saw that he had a decent experience with the prop and tren. I've been running the prop for a week now and I will start the Tren tomorrow. I had to get some more tren from another source because my pack from Spetz was not exactly what I ordered. So I'm going to give Spetz tren a try first I think, and see how it goes then switch to the other sources tren. So far the prop has seemed to be doing what I expect from prop. But without bloods I can't be 100% sure. I'm going to try my best to get bloods done before I make the switch to the other source so I can post them up for you guys. Now that being said, if you don't mind wondering where your pack is, or if Spetz fell off the face of the earth, or like me, getting some of what you ordered and some substitutions that aren't what you planned to run, then by all means go for it! But that alone makes me not want to order again when there are other sources that have been around for a long time and you don't have to worry about quality or service.
Well I've already expressed my annoyance with the way business was handled, but I will say that I labmaxed his Test P (home brew) and it was a pass. No pics because I honestly expected not to run it at all after all the BS that went on. I know that means shit when it comes to the actual concentration of the gear, but it was at least a sense that maybe the prop is decent. I followed PI's log and saw that he had a decent experience with the prop and tren. I've been running the prop for a week now and I will start the Tren tomorrow. I had to get some more tren from another source because my pack from Spetz was not exactly what I ordered. So I'm going to give Spetz tren a try first I think, and see how it goes then switch to the other sources tren. So far the prop has seemed to be doing what I expect from prop. But without bloods I can't be 100% sure. I'm going to try my best to get bloods done before I make the switch to the other source so I can post them up for you guys. Now that being said, if you don't mind wondering where your pack is, or if Spetz fell off the face of the earth, or like me, getting some of what you ordered and some substitutions that aren't what you planned to run, then by all means go for it! But that alone makes me not want to order again when there are other sources that have been around for a long time and you don't have to worry about quality or service.
Thanks for reading my log. I had good results. Everything was to be expected. I am currently still running cycle of Spetz test cyp 400 a week. I believe Spetz product is good but that is just my experience. But to be honest to find the truth we can't follow bloods or logs. There is only one truth that is black and white. And that is mass specs.
Thanks for reading my log. I had good results. Everything was to be expected. I am currently still running cycle of Spetz test cyp 400 a week. I believe Spetz product is good but that is just my experience. But to be honest to find the truth we can't follow bloods or logs. There is only one truth that is black and white. And that is mass specs.

PI, I'm not trying to be an ass... I respect you and admire all that you contribute to this board... I do have a question for you. Did you order anonymously from Spetz?

I mean look... I feel like he's really taking care of WKMs here... He's smart and picks his spots... Very calculated and when he's in trouble, he throws out some free gear to some in efforts to sway people to give him a quiet thumbs up....

Edit: damn... right on cue.... If I only sent this 5 minutes earlier
PI, I'm not trying to be an ass... I respect you and admire all that you contribute to this board... I do have a question for you. Did you order anonymously from Spetz?

I mean look... I feel like he's really taking care of WKMs here... He's smart and picks his spots... Very calculated and when he's in trouble, he throws out some free gear to some in efforts to sway people to give him a quiet thumbs up....

Edit: damn... right on cue.... If I only sent this 5 minutes earlier

I agree, seems people who's word carries weight got better treatment then those of a "lessor" standing. Wonder how long till we get a hundred one post wonders trying to tell us how "awesome" spetz is. When there is this whole thread of bad dealings starring back at them.
Yep, spetz is officially banned on reddit. I wonder how many guys he's bribed here on meso in the past week. Do you guys think this should be a bannable offense?
If you have good gear, communication, and ship your packages out in time then you shouldn't have to bribe the members to leave good reviews!!!
Good product really sells itself. You shouldn't have to bribe members with free gear. That speaks volumes to his character$$$$$
Let's see if he has anything to say
Wow, not good. I have only stated my opinion about him which for the most part is good but that is proof of foul play, when i hustled i was straight up with me client tail wether i broke even or took a loss they always came back.
His recent gear that he shipped me SEEMS to be good, not saying that it is. Could be placebo for all i fucking know. I have a log going.
BUUUUT i must say that he looks to be toast. Hes banned from reddit and i think hes donezo