USAspetz Domestic Source for FDA Pharma meds, Orals, Injectables, Raws and GH

I got a buy one get one-free from Chipotle the other day. I didn't even ask, all I had to do was fill out a survey. And they just gave me a free burrito! I ate that shit and it was good!
I can only assume they did it so I would tell my friends about how good it was and I/we could come back for more.
Is my review of them suspect?
Is chipotle shadey?
No, my review of the free burrito is valid even though it was free and I didn't ask for it and chipotle is fucking delicious.

So gtfo with that shit

Just for fun.
If you read in my earlier thread I ordered 3 times under diffrent emails names and post boxes. All paid for from me.
I have never received free gear. Spetz did send me b-12 I did not ask for it and he did not tell me he was going to.
If there something your trying to ask then ask. I speak truths and always have.
Thanks PI

PI, I'm in no way trying to question your integrity what so ever brother...
I don't think your shady or "on the take" or any of that bs so let's just squash that shit right now....

I do know this... Obviously some members weight of word carries further than others. You are definitely one of these members. That's the only reason I asked if Spetz knew it was you placing your orders or not... It is very possible that he shuttles WKMs, who's word carries weight, to the front of the line for a lil VIP treatment... Picture perfect communication, tracking on point, T/A within 3-5 days, product on loan, bonus product and I don't think I'm out of line to think if he had a choice between a couple different batches, the better of the two... I don't want to let anything I'm saying get muddled by the last, but it's possible in light of all the BS that's been pulled, as we all know he wouldn't be the first...

I'm just offering a perspective that I think others have, regardless of that, I know I have... I just wanted to ask you because like you said, I know you would be honest. IMHO his blueprint for business is to take care of the men "up on the totem" who have a weighted voice, in efforts to try to get positive feedback or a simple, "he was good to me, just sayin my experience" (Generalized statement)

I know when you said

Sounds like its time for me to stock up. Word of advice next time when you get busy best thing to do is just say im not taking orders until. All packs are shipped. Then take orders again you have to learn what you can handle. Then focus on shipping. Also what is the shipping t/a now same or different?

that was a huge victory for him. That is a momentum swing. Shit, when I saw you say "stock up" my brain for a few seconds even forgot about all the lies, manipulation, Tiff, disappearances, under-dosed gear proved by blood work, fake tracking numbers, crazy stories etc etc etc....
I forgot about all that and thought about ordering... I know that post at least put a 15% spike in his sales...
But hold on... Please please understand that I DO NOT think that was your intention... I know you are simply speaking form your honest experience and that's what Spetz wants... Hence me thinking how calculated he is...

Spetz just gave someone free test-p. Pretty good timing to give out some free gear. Would he have done that if the members of MESO hadn't pulled his covers on a bunch of different issues time after time after time... Doubt it... People have been getting ripped off left and right but Spetz pick a pretty good time to toss up a few vials of Test-P.... And now we all know how much of a philanthropist he is, as that story was told, and we all drift farther away from his prior handicaps...

I believe 100% that you are speaking your truth... I just don't know if I can mentally put your experiences in the same category as Junior/Regular/Active Member Tom, Dick, or Harry....
How is alphacapa not spetz? I mean it's clear as day he is. If not he definitely works for him. If spetz had one mess up that would be one thing. But shit just seems to follow this guy. Some people are not cut out for the drug biz. Go back to college spetz and get a real job. Your no good at this.
Dude, don't be fucking redicilous. Lol. Seriously.
No no, I know brotha, I was talking to alpha kapa.

Regardless of anything that happened, there is little reason to ban him. The board could've handled it themselves and just not purchased if they felt there was a viable threat. Just another form of censorship. I do not know what happened, but the truth always comes out and if the mods would've let it run its course, the members could've handled themselves and dealt with Spetz directly if there was something to deal with. I fully appreciate and respect the way this board runs and how Millard has allowed this to come to fruition.
This is exactly how MESO operates and IT WORKS. You nailed it Marcus.
How is alphacapa not spetz? I mean it's clear as day he is. If not he definitely works for him. If spetz had one mess up that would be one thing. But shit just seems to follow this guy. Some people are not cut out for the drug biz. Go back to college spetz and get a real job. Your no good at this.
Compare the grammer and punctuation. Not the same guy at all.
I can't speak for gotta stay stacking, I don't even know who that is. And what "proof" are you talking about?
I'm an inquisitive guy, so when things stick out and don't seem right, I ask a million questions and come to my own conclusions. I don't like to follow what other people say before I find out for myself.
My position is this, I think spetz has fucked up on a few things, yes. And has not fucked up on other things that he has been called out on (although it may be small)
But I'll ask questions, come to my own conclusions and when I think there's fuckery about, I'll defend my position. That is all. Not a shill, I've bought from Astro too and a few other peeps.
TEK pointed this out a LONG time ago
Oh you mean the guy that YOU shill for or whatever. Dude you're on that guys nuts like pubic hair. Wait, are you TEK? Shit man, you must be TEK because what youve been saying isn't consistant with my beliefs at all so you Must be a shill or the same person.

Im incapable of seeing another side to things and the second you started to question things, well that's when I came to my epiphany, you're TEK.

See how fucking stupid that is. People have different opinions and different experiences. Fuck!
Its on observation about you that's now becoming more obvious to other members.
No it's not. If they can't tell that I'm a different person entirely then I don't even know what to say.
I've already said my position here. I'm an inquisitive guy and when I see something weird, I investigate. People don't like it, cool. But I'm not a follower and try not to be swayed by other people.
Again, I've had a different experience than other people which is why I have this position.
Oh you mean the guy that YOU shill for or whatever. Dude you're on that guys nuts like pubic hair. Wait, are you TEK? Shit man, you must be TEK because what youve been saying isn't consistant with my beliefs at all so you Must be a shill or the same person.

Im incapable of seeing another side to things and the second you started to question things, well that's when I came to my epiphany, you're TEK.

See how fucking stupid that is. People have different opinions and different experiences. Fuck!
Every time someone brings up a point against Spetz, you are there to defend him as if he doesn't have a voice of his own or his voice is being silenced. When really, he has opted for this choice as a result of his actions.

Trucker said, "TEK pointed this out" and you act as if it's the same situation reversed when I think you absolutely know that it is not.

I wonder why you have this affinity for Spetz. Because he delivered a few packages on time to you? Becaus he's been nice to you? Are you friends with him? Your motives are questionable from an outside perspective because I'm not sure if it's totally transparent. It's hard for a lot here to see why you do constantly jump to his aid, and are the first one to do so, after seeing everything that goes on in this thread
Every time someone brings up a point against Spetz, you are there to defend him as if he doesn't have a voice of his own or his voice is being silenced. When really, he has opted for this choice as a result of his actions.

Trucker said, "TEK pointed this out" and you act as if it's the same situation reversed when I think you absolutely know that it is not.

I wonder why you have this affinity for Spetz. Because he delivered a few packages on time to you? Becaus he's been nice to you? Are you friends with him? Your motives are questionable from an outside perspective because I'm not sure if it's totally transparent. It's hard for a lot here to see why you do constantly jump to his aid, and are the first one to do so, after seeing everything that goes on in this thread
I'll tell you my experience.
I was on reddit like 6 months ago or so looking for a source. Didn't know where to even begin. Very new to all this. I used him, asked him 1,000,000 questions and decided to order.
I was happy I didn't get ripped off, used only his AI's and gave the rest to my friends, who all put in on an order. That was awhile ago. Since then I've used his gear, which I'm on now and awaiting bloods.
Anyways, since the beginning he's had a ton of controversy. And always handled himself pretty well. It seems like he would make a mistake or two, and correct it accordingly.
I would defend him only based on my experience with him. Just as some people here would defend some other sources. I've also tried another source on here that everyone loves, and was not as impressed.
So, the hammer comes down, I ask questions about it and defend based on my experience.
Not much else to say. You guys lean one way, and I lean another way. His pharma is top notch and until recently I was impressed with him.

I'm not a shill, I'm most def not him. I just lean toward advocating at the moment due to my experiences. Which have been good.
I'll tell you my experience.
I was on reddit like 6 months ago or so looking for a source. Didn't know where to even begin. Very new to all this. I used him, asked him 1,000,000 questions and decided to order.
I was happy I didn't get ripped off, used only his AI's and gave the rest to my friends, who all put in on an order. That was awhile ago. Since then I've used his gear, which I'm on now and awaiting bloods.
Anyways, since the beginning he's had a ton of controversy. And always handled himself pretty well. It seems like he would make a mistake or two, and correct it accordingly.
I would defend him only based on my experience with him. Just as some people here would defend some other sources. I've also tried another source on here that everyone loves, and was not as impressed.
So, the hammer comes down, I ask questions about it and defend based on my experience.
Not much else to say. You guys lean one way, and I lean another way. His pharma is top notch and until recently I was impressed with him.

I'm not a shill, I'm most def not him. I just lean toward advocating at the moment due to my experiences. Which have been good.

Alpha, you've had some good experiences with Spetz. So you post that once or even twice, maybe even three times in a thread and people take it into consideration along with everything else they have heard.

The problem is at this stage, as strongly as you have defended Spetz all along the way you are likely doing him more harm than good as people think you are on his payroll. My guess is your not and just trying to help but right now you should take a step back.

Look at the issue on the other board this way, if Spetz got a bad rap and is banned that will slow down his traffic flow. It is apparent to many of us that a lot of Spetz's issues arose out of him not being able to handle the volume of business that he was receiving. This should help that issue and insure that you continue to be happy with Spetz's service so let it lie.
Alpha, you've had some good experiences with Spetz. So you post that once or even twice, maybe even three times in a thread and people take it into consideration along with everything else they have heard.

The problem is at this stage, as strongly as you have defended Spetz all along the way you are likely doing him more harm than good as people think you are on his payroll. My guess is your not and just trying to help but at this stage you should take a step back.

Look at the issue on the other board this way, if Spetz got a bad rap and is banned that will slow down his traffic flow. It is apparent to many of us that a lot of Spetz's issues arose out of him not being able to handle the volume of business that he was receiving. This should help that issue and insure that you continue to be happy with Spetz's service so let it lie.
Yeah, you make a good point. I'm pretty addicted to these subs so I jump on a chance to chime in on things where I think I can be of value. But I'll take your advise and take step back for sure. I will have his bloodwork results any day now and will post results if you guys wanna see them. Other than that, you know my position and thanks for the feedback.
At this point this is how it needs to go
1. We need MS in place and get that rolling.
2.Spetz no extra gear or free gear.*Just give them members what they ordered.
3. Spend more time on meso. If you are going to be gone. Busy.
We should know first and not a member from another board.
4. When your orders are full just simply say I am no longer taking orders until other packs have been delivered. .
5. Members please add our conditions. .......
At this point this is how it needs to go
1. We need MS in place and get that rolling.
2.Spetz no extra gear or free gear.*Just give them members what they ordered.
3. Spend more time on meso. If you are going to be gone. Busy.
We should know first and not a member from another board.
4. When your orders are full just simply say I am no longer taking orders until other packs have been delivered. .
5. Members please add our conditions. .......

My suggestions would be stick to the original conditions...don't push the UGL line, the orals, or the raws here. Reseller business model